My Breastfeeding Journey – 1 Year & A Quarter

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*I’m so sorry if my writing may hurt certain people.

In 2007, when I started to BF Hafiy, I was very obsess about BFing. If you read my entry dated 2007 & early 2008 tagged Breastfeeding, all are full of obsession and sometimes out-of-mind. I even think about deleting those (shy-shy beb), but after re-thinking, hey it’s the babystep to reach this stage ain’t it. Everything about not BFing made my adrenaline rushed. Haha. I would respond to any issue about BFing.

It’s really true that we learn from experience. The obsessive mind of mine made some friends (online and offline) felt dishearten and started to blow themselves away from me. Either not contacting me or not coming to this blog anymore 😀 From there I learned that we have different preferences in life. I might love BFing so much but I am not very excellent in my job. I job-hopped from one position to another. Others might have better life than me but unfortunate in BFing. So I’m slowing down, in other word try to keep my writing acceptable to everyone, yet motivating for those who wants to BF.

Well, I’m not against FM but I was …*OK i dont know the proper word to use* if anyone told me that she wanted to BF, but not thoroughly. They told me some reasons for the failure, which I couldn’t accept. Because I faced those to….

download one flew over the cuckoo s nest online

I wasn’t starting with a bloom, big breast that leaked in the first hour of my baby’s birth. I was only manage to breastfeed Hafiy for the first time, only 18 hours after his birth. And I’m still breastfeeding him until now.

I had no milk’ for 4 days. Only then my breast started to engorge. But I never gave Hafiy any FM. And he’s alive until today, and healthy.

I pumped milk for Fahry during the first day, but nothing came out. But I still pumped and pumped, stimulated it by suckling Hafiy, ate this and that… and I’m breastfeeding him until today. He’s healthy with good weight gain.

To me, it’s all about passion. Before I gave birth to Hafiy, people always said this to me "You only could BF if you have enough milk". I consult my gynae about this (she’s also breastfeeding). What she told me was very inspiring. It was about Allah won’t let our children die for insufficient milk. And we really don’t have milk for the first few days. Newborn would lose their weight during the very first week and it’s perfectly normal.

With the full passion of not-giving-my-baby-FM, I kept on suckling him. He cried.. yes he cried A LOT! And still crying until now. But I never thought about crying for food. He had lots of reasons to cry and food might be the last.

And for Fahry, even if my milk was like ‘hidup segan mati tak mahu’ but I’ struggled to do my best. With helps from some good friends, Ealyie

and IbuKauthar who sent some galactogens to boost my milk supply, Jua download trapped dvd who sent me a good book about breastfeeding and other friends (too many until I couldn’t list their name here) who gave me lots and lots of motivation, now I claim myself to be a successful breastfeeder for my premature  baby 😀 *clap clap*

Yes, I had problem with my milk supply during last pregnancy, until I had to supplement Hafiy with soy formula for 1 month and a half. So he only got my breastmilk at night. It was after consulting with several LCs. They ‘supported’ me to accept the truth that I have to give FM to Hafiy. It’s really normal for a pregger to have a dramatic drop in milk supply.

Until now I just get 1-2 oz every usual pumping session. And I still manage to breastfeed both Hafiy and Fahry. Hafiy now is 100% on my breastmilk.

If I can, why couldn’t you (if you’re really want to BF lah)?

Don’t feel downgraded if you have to give your baby FM, it won’t make you a bad mother. Raising our little ones is also about choices.

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26 responses to “My Breastfeeding Journey – 1 Year & A Quarter”

  1. mama emma Avatar

    mcm mana nak komen ek?

    hmm… akak bsyukur sgt2 sbb pjlnan bf akak ‘mudah’..
    mudah sbb susu akak dah start ada masa lepas bsalinkan ryan…
    mudah sbb ryan pandai latch…
    mudah sbb ryan x kene sindrom nipple confussion..

    tp.. dlm mudah tu.. ada gak susahnye…

    susah sbb susu akak bukan melimpah ruah.. kalau perah, dpt 3oz tu kira dah cukup baik dah..
    susah sbb akak perah pakai tgn (he he.. nie susah sbb akak kedekut nak beli pum.. wakaka… )

    ape ek motif komen nie?? he he… well, tserah nak bf ke x.. tp jgn la bgebang 1 dunia kononnya nak bf, tp x bsungguh…

  2. Fid Avatar

    clap clap clap

  3. intan Avatar

    mommy lina…agreed with you, BFing is about PASSION. I pun fanatik BFing. Cumanya masa anak sulung, sgt sedih sbb hanya dpt fully BFing sthn sja..pastu terpaksa top up dgn FM sbb kurang susu..but then dia still continue BFing hingga baby lahir..tu semua sbb kurang ilmu masa tu. Harap tak berulang lagi. Semoga Allah memberikan anak2 kita rezeki yang berpanjangan utk menikmati susu ibu. Good luck to u, me and other moms!!!!

  4. anamiraa Avatar


  5. salwa Avatar

    salam lyna.i’m so into this entry lah.actually my case pun bole katakan 90% same cam awk,kita very excited abt bfeeding time anak 1st..bile tup2 pregnant,sedih sgt sbb milk supply drop and jumpa sume LC from kak Kamariah SI sampai christine choong mamalink sampai ke motherlove US (on9 la).tapi sume pun suruh kite surrender bagi FM kat Kauthar sbb mmg critical sampai bleeding segala..dgn sedihnye terpaksa wean.sampai hari ni still sedih bile

  6. salwa Avatar

    salam lyna.i’m so into this entry lah.actually my case pun bole katakan 90% same cam awk,kita very excited abt bfeeding time anak 1st..bile tup2 pregnant,sedih sgt sbb milk supply drop and jumpa sume LC from kak Kamariah SI sampai christine choong mamalink sampai ke motherlove US (on9 la).tapi sume pun suruh kite surrender bagi FM kat Kauthar sbb mmg critical sampai bleeding segala..dgn sedihnye terpaksa wean.sampai hari ni still sedih bile Kauthar taknak direct feed.tiap kali pump pun dpt 1 oz je..sama mcm awk jg,Kauthar skrg fully bfeed even tak direct,kite pump pakai avent isis sbb semangat nak qadha’ susu badan utk Kauthar..pump jg la.
    anyway i adore ur spirit & transparency towards many things u’ve discussed in ur blog.awk jujur & berani.thats y i’m feeling so lucky of having u as friend.ehem…berbesan pun bole..aisyah dgn fahry amacam…jgn marah aaa…hehehe

  7. salzahari Avatar

    hoho…salwa! Aliah dah book Hafiy..ehhee.

    I only have passion for BF when i can BF Aliah during first few weeks of her birth.Not a predetermined like most of u! mmg doubtful jgk dgn mitos2 tapi just give myself and baby a try..mmg ditakdirkan kot Aliah ada rezeki susu bdn lama,so lps keja terbukak hati nak put an effort to prepare EBM.

    Same, mmg ada psg surut supply ni..Tapi due to paeds.advice,now i have to supply FM for Aliah (selangseli).Sgt sedih and susah nak terima the fact,stress segala sbb Aliah tak suka EBM nor FM! So skrg bagi je apa dia nak…In fact,now she’s not on FM/EBM during weekdays.Mlm je BF!

  8. mirah Avatar

    Lyna, dan ia sebenarnya pilihan samada nak atau tak nak je.
    Ohh clap clap to you sbb dpt fully bf fahry till now. That’s great. Sbb byk kawan2 yg mirah kenal masa di NICu dulu skrg ni dh fed premie babies mereka dgn fm. And i’m totally disagree with them but being me, i’ve nothing to comment. Alhamdulillah juga saya still dpt bf khadijah sehingga skrg, dan tak kisah klu my baby tak gain weight tremendously like theirs. Yg penting my baby sihat dan can kick me quite hard. So i know yg my baby’s bone sgt strong. 🙂

  9. JieyMien Avatar

    Hmmm.. As for me, masa mula2 dulu, bila blog hop kat mana2 blog yg citer pasal bf nih, terdetik gak, (not urs tau.. Lyna punye blog jumpa thru kak suealeen ms the arrival of cutey fahry..) “Ak ela.. macam bagus jer nak bangga2.. Korok sgt ke mama yang bg Fm ni?” Tp in the first instance je la.. Pastu pikir balik, lantak korang la nak tulis apa pun. Dh la silent reader, sesebuk plak nak comment. Tak suka, jgn baca! Hehehe..

    Honestly, Jiey respect mama yg bf nih.. Bukan senang. Kita kena determined. And sy sgt2 menyesal coz tak sungguh2 bf ian dulu.. Tak sungguh2 berkeras dgn paed dia nk bg bf.. Dgr sgt ckp paed dia.. (first time jumpa paed tak support bf.. hahahhaha.. :P)

    by the time blk umah, berperang dgn ian coz dia xnak hisap. Letak dlm feeding bottle pn dia reject. Siap sembur2 lagi.. Unlucky me!

  10. zuhaini Avatar

    erm.. alhamdulillah…

    hehe.. nak komen apa eh.. 🙂

    saya belajar dari kesilapan.. insya allah, adik alia nanti saya fully bf.. insya Allah..

  11. Pu3 Avatar

    thank you for this entry. i was crying last night seeing my freezer tinggal 1pack ebm je. i hv to pump kais-pagi-makan-pagi style now coz i cannot keep up to my baby’s demand..what i pump today is for spare to freeze for stock..sedih sgt takut emergencies & he will have nothing. ur entry today has opened my eyes. insyaallah yes i can do it.thanks supermommy!

  12. Hanim Avatar

    Salaam Lyna… I met u masa BW walk right? Was blog hopping and saw that u gave birth. All the best. Feel free to email me. My son unfortunately passed away at 26weeks gestation, then I had my girl. Tuhan uji mcm2 cara… but we’ll find a way to get through it. I tak sempat bc habis ur old blog, only saw amniotic band syndrome, dunno how serious it affected ur baby… but just had to drop a line.
    Take care!

  13. mamadanish Avatar

    setiap orang ada ke”fanatikkan” tersendiri..hahah..normal la tu..
    mcm i..dlm hal edu anak..over sungguh..skang sedar diri dah..

    cuma sometime i tak tulis kat blog je pasal ke fanatikkan i ini..hahaha

  14. arin Avatar’s all about passion..

  15. suhainini Avatar

    Inspiring entry lyna…i suka

  16. puteri1@mama_aqilah Avatar

    Hiks…its trrue..belajar dari kesilapan…cuma nak ngan tak nak je…cam akak dulu…act…susu tak banyak + tak beria-ia…last2 sumbat je FM kat Aqilah..hiks…yang penting…sihat..alhamdulillah…

  17. qay Avatar

    i phm prsaan a dietitian, i smngt gile nak Bf bby till 2yrs n sgt sdih when my fellow collegues ada yg tnya nnti nak bgi susu apa…bila kita dah kata nak Bf till 2yo..bkn nak bg support..huhu..n sgt gram bila dgr parents of my pt yg mls nak bg Bf n resort tu FM sb susu takde knonya…pdhal pam nya idak…huhu..i pahm apa u rs..heheh..u should read my post about ” the need to change the teaching module…

  18. kakLuna Avatar

    kalo kes akak pulak..akak mmg salahkan diri akak x de passion dan takde support pulak..dan x de maklumat..susah nk cari..maklum la masa tu pakai internet pun 1515…blog pun xde..kawan rapat pun x de…kalo ada pun..x bf…setakat mak dan org tua2 je yg nasihat sket2 psl BF ni…tu pun dorang x le encourage sgt2 sbb pk masa tu akak keje, sooner or later mesti kene campur FM…dan lama2 fully FM…situasi tmpt keje akak pun x de yg berpengetahuan nk menyokong ibu2 yg BF lagi pulak company kecik..mmg smua atas inisiatif sdiri..mcm2 lah kekangan masa tu…tp kalo ditakdirkan ada anak lagi, insyaAllah akak akan baiki sbb skrg ni sng nk dpt info dan kawan2 yg ada pglmn pun ramai…jd x de alasan lagi..

    pd akak…apa juga yg kita buat kene bersederhana..sbb Allah mmg x suka org yg melampaui batas ataupun berlebih2an wpun benda tu baik…

  19. qay Avatar

    i phm prsaan a dietitian, i smngt gile nak Bf bby till 2yrs n sgt sdih when my fellow collegues ada yg tnya nnti nak bgi susu apa…bila kita dah kata nak Bf till 2yo..bkn nak bg support..huhu..n sgt gram bila dgr parents of my pt yg mls nak bg Bf n resort tu FM sb susu takde knonya…pdhal pam nya idak…huhu..i pahm apa u rs..heheh..u should read my post about ” the need to change the teaching module… hehehe

  20. NeroEcha Avatar

    Congrate….teruskan usaha..aku pun salah sorang yg fanatik dengan dunia BF ni..n semangat itu masih blm pudar sampai skrg..n i’allah akan meneruskan for the next baby…kita usaha selagi yg boleh…kate2 org yg tak berilmu psl bf tu kita buang2 jauh ke laut…chaiyok..

  21. Mommy Lyna Avatar
    Mommy Lyna

    aha. i’ve no comment on comment.
    apa2 pun semua ibu nakkan yg terbaik utk anaknya bukan.

  22. nurul Avatar

    just wanna share my simple story.. i got twins 4 my 1st pregnancy (prem 32 weeks pregnancy).. sepanjang 20 days kt hospital, i need to pump avery 3 hrs to supply milk to my twins, sbb unluckly my twins x pandai langsung menghisap, sedih sgt time tu.. u r so lucky having fahry yg pandai menghisap w/pun prem baby… then my production reduce sbb at that time i really have no idea how to EBM my 2 babies plus terpaksa bg FM sbb x cukup supply.. lame kelamaan after 4 month susu jadik kering sendiri… then, bile i pregnant lagi, mmg bernekad nk fully BF my new baby, alhamdulillah, segala2 berjalan lancar n my milk supply pun bnyk, kt tmpt kerja, bile pump pun mmg bnyk, x mcm time twins dulu, pump selalu pun, makin lama makin skit…
    ntah la.. mayB rezki masing2 kot… so, bile da ade susu bnyk ni, i pun bg jugak la twins rasa my milk thru botol.. hehe..

    oh ya, ur fahry ni same wif my bro in law, my bro in law ni da 28 thn, da kawin n ade anak pun… d diff is, ur fahri ade jari kelingking je kan, my bro in law ni, dia ade ibu jari je… org kalo 1st time jumpe dia, x perasan sgt kekurangan dia sbb he is very handsome, hehe… ari tu, dia nk amik lesen kereta, org kelas memandu tu sibuk suruh dia lekat sign OKU, padahal dia blh drive normal sbb dia blh pegang stering n gear dgn perfect mcm org normal n amik lesen pun gune kereta utk org normal… actually, cara dia buat keje harian gune tgn dia tu mmg perfect sgt, tu yg org x perasan yg jari dia x de…

  23. fathinz Avatar

    hi lyna,
    ur so inspiring. i breastfeed my al rayyan for 7 month, and stil bfding.
    kadang2 bile org tanya, then dorg will say “alaa.. tk kerja, boleh lah susu penuh,”
    id answer. “NO, I WORK”. i am a working mother who hv her own bisnes. summore, i have classes at nite. and stil breastfeeding. i bangun at 2, at 4am,
    just to pump and make sure my milk supply cukup for my love one.
    i drive alone with my little one fr JB to KL, the 3 hour-should-be journey will turn out like 6 hour plus,
    because i have to stop and breastfeed.
    i had a friend who were excited at breastfeeding at first.
    lepas tuh “anak aku sampai 5 bulan je breastfeed. aku dah MALAS nk pump”
    see, the capital letter word. after all, u choose wat u wanna give u child.

  24. cik_yan Avatar

    its all about passion. enough said 🙂

    congrats to you sbb berjaya menempuh perjalanan sejauh ini..

  25. MrsAzmar Avatar

    Mama lina,

    I’m 7month++ pregnant and planning to fully BF my baby nanti..Tapi kdg2 risau gak takut2 susu xde..

    Tapi, ade sorg nurse nie penah bgtau yg everything depends on our mind. psikologi memainkan peranan. kalo asyik kata x bleh2..mesti le x bleh kan..

    Starting that day, I changed my mindset..positively think I will and can BF my baby..hehehe..amin..

  26. Asiah Abd Jalil Avatar
    Asiah Abd Jalil

    Analoginya mudah…

    Sebagai orang Islam, dah jadi kewajipan ibu bapa untuk utamakan pendidikan agama kat anak-anak, lebih dulu dari perkara-perkara lain. So sepatutnya anak-anak kita dihantar ke tadika Islam, dapat pendidikan dan pendedahan awal agama. Tapi parents zaman sekarang, berlumba-lumba nak bagi anak pandai cakap Bahasa Inggeris, terror Mathematics, menguasai skill luar biasa kanak-kanak. Maka dihantarnya anak-anak ke tadika non-Muslim. Walaupun makan minum pekerja Islam yang sediakan, tapi pendidikan agama kat tadika, zero atau sangat minima. Parents lebih bangga kalau anak cakap Bahasa Inggeris macam mat salleh daripada baca Al-Qur’an macam orang Arab.

    Saya tak setuju dengan parents yang hantar anak-anak mendapat pendidikan awal di institusi yang tidak Islamik. Sewaktu kecillah masa yang sangat kritikal untuk tanam roh Islam dan biasakan dengan amal ibadah. Tapi ramai juga kawan-kawan saya yang hantar anak-anak mereka ke tadika-tadika non Muslim ni. Saya tak komen apa-apa, kerana saya tahu insan itu diberi kebebasan oleh Allah untuk memilih. Apa hak kita untuk terlalu mempersoalkan tentang cara seseorang nak lead their life? Kalau nak argue, saya pun ada argument saya, kawan saya pun ada rasional mereka sendiri. Cukuplah kita menghormati antara satu sama lain. Jangan rasa diri kita lebih baik dari orang lain, dan jangan terlalu yakin bahawa kita memang telah berada di jalan yang betul.

    Macam tu juga dengan breastfeeding. Lebih-lebih lagi, breastfeeding itu bukannya wajib, dan tidak breastfeeding bukan bererti tidak Islamik. Dalam Al-Qur’an sendiri ada dijelaskan tentang “ketidakmahuan atau ketidakmampuan untuk menyusukan”. Ada orang memang Allah taqdirkan tidak mampu, ada orang Allah tidak anugerahkannya keazaman untuk menyusu. Dan si ibu ada pilihan, sama ada mengupah ibu lain menjadi ibu susu untuk anaknya, atau memberi susu haiwan kepada anaknya. Sebab tu dalam Islam ada hukum “kencing kanak-kanak lelaki yang minum susu ibunya sahaja”, ini menunjukkan ada kategori lain untuk kanak-kanak, misalnya kanak-kanak lelaki yang dah minum susu selain dari ibunya.

    Alhamdulillah, Allah kurniakan kita kemampuan dan kemahuan untuk menyusukan anak kita. It is about passion indeed. Tapi passion itu bukan ada pada semua ibu. Macam juga kefahaman untuk mendidik anak-anak dengan asuhan Islam, bukan semua ibu ada kefahaman dan kesedaran itu. Sedangkan tanggung jawab pendidikan agama adalah wajib, breastfeeding tak wajib. Jadi, tak usahlah kita terlalu mendabik dada kerana Allah anugerahkan kita hidayah, kemampuan dan keazaman, yang mana tidak dikurniakan kepada semua ibu. Yang penting, kita respect pandangan dan pendirian orang lain, biarpun kita yakin pandangan dan pendirian kita itulah yang benar dan terbaik.

    My two cents. Buat ibu-ibu yang fanatik breastfeeding dan memandang rendah pada ibu-ibu yang “gagal breastfeeding”.

    p/s: Saya breastfeed all my 4 babies. By right, I am not insulted by the opinions from breastfeeding mothers yang fanatik. Tetapi saya hormat pilihan setiap ibu untuk anak-anak mereka. Bukankah ibu yang bagi formula milk juga berkorban? Bukankah mereka juga sayang anak-anak mereka sebagaimana kita?

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