My Baby, Your Baby

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mula2 kita bukak buku…

…pastu kita belek buku…

…dan masukkan dalam mulut supaya kita cepat pandai.

i don’t know why but i’m a bit sensitive when people, especially other mothers talk about my child, like this:

“lambatnye anak kau, takpe nanti dia ***** la tuh. anak aku dah ***** ms x bln lg”
“tak ***** lagi ye? takpe jgn risau.. anak aku…”
“takleh ***** lagi? sabar… nanti sampai la masanya. anak aku..”
download pretty woman dvdrip “belum **** lagi? dah berapa bulan? saba ek. anak aku…”
and samting like .. “anak aku ni umur baru 6 bulan dah 7kg, berat betul, sihat & tembam sgt dia xmacam baby2 lain(hello, so many babies yg weighted 7kg at 3-4month, not even 6 month pon..)
[fill in **** with anything a baby should do]

should i tell everyone that I DON’T REALLY CARE about my child’s PHYSICAL development as COMPARED to other babies? as i never said “risaulah.. Hafiy belum ****, dia dah x bulan dah, tak macam anak orang tu”. as far as i can remember, i just said “Hafiy x bulan tp belum *** lagi”. i dont know but i don’t really like the word “sabar ye..” (even if they just berbasa-basi, not saying it seriously), it seems like i can’t accept the uniqueness of my own baby.

even, if you read in ANY child’s development’s books or webbies, there are clauses (some has no) mentioning that ‘this is only a general guide, everybaby has his own time to reach each milestone’. what in the books or webbies, are the guides for us (parents) to expect what is happening to our babies in order to get to know them better, and as benchmarks to encourage them to acquire suitable skills for their ages. so that we won’t train a 5-month-old baby to walk. infant development is an art, and no science.

i don’t care if any mom brags about her baby’s advance development, but it just becomes a bit ‘sour’ when she starts to compare and compete with others & mine. so what? if your child can talk at age of 7 month, will he be the next prime minister, and mine, not? if your child can roll at age of 1.5 month, will he be a CEO of something, and mine, not? will something like ‘walk at age of 9 month’ be in his resume? ok, just boast about it, but please don’t see other babies who are a bit ‘later’ like ‘has no future’.

yes, parents should help and encourage their babies to reach certain milestones, but still up to the baby’s own pace of developmental. we should proud with our childrens’ milestone no matter how long it takes them to reach there, and that this is not a competition. i just let my child (beside encouragement) cos i knew that he will walk, talk, and whatever at the right time of his. so what, if he can crawl at age of 6 month, he still can’t help me doing house chore etc, but give me extra time to monitor his movement, to ensure everything is safe. i am very happy with what he is now, he doesn’t creep nor crawl, so i don’t have to kejar2 him 😀 but the most important thing, he’s healthy and happy, and i take care of everything about him.

some beneficial webbies:
milestone @babycentre

without evidence dvdrip

development @medline plus

check for development delay & signs of slow development:

personally, i like this kind of conversation:

A: anak u dh bole ape?
B: dah belajar jalan.
A: wah yeke? anak i baru merangkak.
B: mesti suka kutip barang kan. anak i dh pandai pegang2 bunga i.
A: tula dia suka masuk mulut semua benda.
B: dia nkwat eksperimen kot. anak i bole panggil Mama.
A: pandainya! anak i dah pandai makan sendiri.
A&B : hehehe.
[it’s just like a FYI je kan? both are updating about their own babies je]

and i don’t enjoy this one:

C: anak u dah bole ape?
D: duk bergolek2.
C: br bergolek? bukan dia tua dr anak i ke? anak i dah merangkak.
D: yeke.
C: u sabarlah ye. mungkin anak u cepat kat tempat lain. tak lama lagi merangkak la dia tu… [adakah ibu D berkata dia tidak sabar?]
D: takpe… tp dia dah boleh panggil Mama.
C: ha? dah boleh panggil Mama? cepatnye! anak i duk aaaa-aaa je lagi. nape ek? alamak, kenapa anak i takleh panggil Mama lg? risaunya… ada poblem ke anak i ni? [adakah awak fikir budak2 ini adalah robot yg sudah diset dengan program yg sama?]

*cerita2 di atas cuma rekaan, tiada kaitan dgn yg hidup & yg telah tiada, atau yg hidup segan mati tak mahu.

to me, as long as my little baby child(ren) is happy, healthy, and response time is good, i don’t have any reason to worry about his weight or why doesn’t he crawl at 7 month young 😀 and never ever think or say that our babies are ‘loser’, ‘slow’, ‘later’, etc. those words are for us, their mommies. if you think your baby is having problem in developmental, go to see the doctor, don’t compare him with others, & never say that in front of him. never say “anak i ni slow la” while he’s listening (even if we think he doesn’t understand but baby absorbs). would we like to see our kids be ‘slow’ for the rest of their life?

i guess as a mommy i should:

  • pray for them
  • encourage not push
  • don’t compare (even though between siblings)
  • never compete
  • provide the best platform for my babies to develop their senses
  • give them time
  • let them grow naturally
  • encourage their EQ & IQ
  • nurture them
  • help them to find their utmost potential first, then my expectation
  • … and the list goes to infinity]

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& remember that Albert Einstein didn’t talk until he was 4.

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30 responses to “My Baby, Your Baby”

  1. neeza Avatar

    hehe..jd ibu nih telinga kene tahan mcm2 kan?aler..pekakkan aje..yg baik bole dijadikan tauladan..yg pntg kite dan family happy n sentiasa bg full support kat baby kite..(nasihat kat diri sendiri nih..hehe)

  2. Mommy Hafiy Avatar
    Mommy Hafiy

    sudah tukar layout yer..nice2..hehe
    byk comey la hafiy dok camtuh..hehe..bab mkn buku tuh rasanya every budak akan buat!cara advance utk hadam ilmu..hahaha
    bab compare mengcompare nih i pon tak berapa suka tp most of the time i tak perasan pon derang dok mengcomparekan anak derang dgn anak i sbb i never bother..hahaha..lantak la anak ko janji anak aku sihat!

  3. Mommy Hafiy Avatar
    Mommy Hafiy dear hafiy this week last auntie dpt visit sini..nnt lps beranak n settle down semua auntie dtg jenguk hafiy lg ek..auntie khatam nnt semua entry okeh..auntie kena serah diri kat spital 12 may nih, 13 may nak kena ‘belah’ huhuhu

  4. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    to tell u d truth, i x baca langsung guidenance on child development…

    tu sbb bila org ckp “eee, cepat ye ryan, baru * bln, dah boleh buat bla bla bla”.. i just ckp, “oh, ye ke.. alhamdulillah”..

    adakah i seorg ibu yg pemalas???
    errr… ye kot… ha ha…

    janji ryan kesyganku sehattttttttttt…

  5. KV Avatar

    eyh, ingat salah masuk blog org lain td.
    Tak pelah, janji kita tau pasal anak kita. Risau2 tu perasaan normal bg org yg bergelar ibu. Ekeke.
    Kiut ny afy dok baca buku. Cubit ipi sket!

  6. rizza Avatar

    heehe dah baru rupa blog lina…
    baru le jelas mata akak tgk..mana tempat komen tu..heehhhe

    ala pedulikkan kan apa org kata…

    kita leh cerita pasal anak masing2… tapi jgn la mengondem anak org depan tu n show off anak sendiri kan…tak bagus least sama2 cerita n sama2 bagi semangat n enjoy kegembiraan tu…

    ok…take care…

  7. Mrs ZYI Avatar
    Mrs ZYI

    mamihafiy: 😉 biasa la tu, mana2 ade je org yg mcm tu, either dia x realize or dia mmg purposely la kan, but sometimes it’s habits kot. ntah la mmg kdg2 panas gak telinga ni, bila org dok compare2 gitu..

    yg penting kita happy, anak happy.. mulut org tak boleh tutup, mulut tempayan ye boleh tutup hehe

  8. AnasDila Avatar

    mama hafiy…sabar jer lah…kalau ada org sibuk compare2 ni…bak kata org penang,melugai dengaq! biasa la budak2 perkembangan lain2..kalau saya jumpe baby,saya selalu kata macam ni…alalala comel nye…anak sapa la ni! kurang2 saya hepi,mak budak pun hepi dengarnya…ye tak?hehehe

    p/s::ada juge dgn anak pun boleh berlagak ek…apa-apa aje!

  9. MommyAdam Avatar

    yay new lay out! i totally agree with you..especially the part where we should never compare our baby while he is listening. i have a brother yg sama umur, we grew up together, went to the same classes etc, and we have been compared A LOT. sgt tak bagus utk mental!!

  10. mamaHaikal Avatar

    sgt setuju ngan along.. tak suka compare2 ni.. tlg la jgn compare sbb bdk2 akan blaja ikut speed masing2.. i myself selalu di’compare’ ngan my cuz yg sebaya dr kecik.. drp lumba lari (of course sy kalah)smpilah my aunt siap suh buat IQ test yg ended up anak dia la yg got higher mark.. lps tu rasa diri sgt bodoh 🙁 from that moment, sy berjanji dgn diri sendiri nk buktikan sy bleh berjaya wpun org ckp slow.. skrg ni my cuz masih terkial2 lg blaja compare to me yg dh dpt keje ‘hebat’.. rasakan nk compare sgt!! jhtnya aku 😛

  11. ummi sa'eed Avatar
    ummi sa’eed

    I totally agree…that’s why so called milestones are sometimes ‘dangerous’. Even for us sebab if our baby tak reach a certain milestone, nanti worried tak tentu pasal.

    What I do read is something along the lines of ‘when should parents be worried?’. Ada things like ‘Is not mobile by 10 months’, ‘Does not walk by 24 months’.

    Ye lah kan…nauzubillah but kena jugak watch out in case anak kita ada unseen muscle problems ke apa ke.

  12. anamiraa Avatar

    my MIL lak suka tegur2!! it’s really getting on my nerve sometimes. yang peliknya.. dia nampak yang tak elok aje. mata kecik sebelah laa.. gigi tak tumbuh sama laa… telinga besar sebelah laa… ya rabbiiii! rasa nak menjerit aje!

    err.. ni sama kes ke nih? hehehehe!

  13. mommylyssa Avatar

    “sabar ye….”

    hahahahaha…yessss!i REALLY hate that too!

  14. Mienamei Avatar

    i pon mmg x ske cmtu..biarlah org nk ckp ape..dulikkan..yg penting kite tau anak kite sehat dan encourage dia utk berjaya bukan push dia..
    x semestinye time baby hebat sampai ke tua ape2pon kite kene bersyukur 🙂

  15. Zuhaini Avatar

    heheh.. Da tukar layout.. nampak kemas.. dan cun..! cuma rindu la plak kat gambo hafiy tido atas rumput tu.. heheheh 🙂

    Oh.. pasal milestone ni saya kadang2 ikut, kadang2 tak.. tgk la..macam time skrg ni Alia patutnya da leh pegang barang.. aritu i duk sarungkan mittens dia, tu yg lambat sket (tersedar bila duk tgk milestone.. baru perasan..).. so baru la i bukak sarung tangan dia.. kekadang tu, (bagi i la) ada certain things kena tgk gak, baby kita ni ikut peredaran semasa ke tak.. hehehh..

    anyway, macam kata org dulu2.. asalkan baby kita sehat, da cukup.. 🙂

  16. suealeen Avatar

    it’s human nature. curiosity kills the cat. kita tak boleh nak mintak orang jadi macam kita & kita tak boleh paksa kita jadi macam orang.

    bab compare ni saya sendiri experience dengan sepupu yang sebaya sampai sekarang ni. cuma hati saya ni dah kering/lali. hati kena tabah. saya baby kering dia baby chubby. even masuk sc stream sama2. in fact, dia pulak tu belajar sampai PHD. so what..

    apa yang saya buat.. buat tak tahu je la.. & lagi best kalo boleh divert pertanyaan tu dengan perkara lain.

    att kita menghadapi soalan cepumas ni pun kena betul gak. prasangka baik aje… at least dapat pahala sabar.. kan kan kan. kalo dok layan telinga/hati je.. penat la sket nak dok kat dunia ni

  17. izawani Avatar

    Wakakaka… akak dah tak sempat nak perati dah aih… Kalau anak sorang, memang setiap saat perati satu satu dan bila dia nak ‘beralih bulan’… tapi bila anak bertambah, kita cuma tau… nanti dia pandai la… tak perasan pun umur dia berapa baru pandai merangkak, jalan dan seterusnya. Kimi dulu lambat jalan skit, ada orang cakap sebab dia tak ada kepala lutut…. hahahaha
    Tengok la… sekarang ni belari pun laju dah. Dulu orang komen dia pendek, now… tinggi melayut dah pulak… Amalia tu memacam la orang komen… setahun setengah dah… errr… akak tak kesah… sampai masa dia akan buleh jugak… Cuma satu jer akak risau kat Amalia tu, itu pun tak apa la… orang lain tak perasan apa yang pelek pada dia… ekekeke….

  18. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    ya betul tuh. yg penting family kita misti sapot!

    mommy hafiy,
    wah hafiy lg sorang dh nak dapat adek! semoga selamat semuanya.
    hafiy-hafiy ni tak payah compare sebab semuanya hebat2 belaka 😀

    mama ryan,
    hahahahahaha betul tuh!

    i read the things just utk pastikan mmg sesuai kalo nk ‘ajar’ dia buat samting, like sit w/o support, stand on his feet, etc. kang terajar berjalan umur 6 bulan, xpatot…xpatot..

    kak KV,
    hahaha. adekah layout ini lg comam?
    aww~ hafiy kata pp kene cubit 😀

    k rizza,
    benar itu. kalo ye pon, kasik advise ke, jgn ckp anak orang lemb*b kan. 🙁

    nampaknya layout baru lebih menarik 😀

    mrs zyi,
    maybe la habit kan.. maybe jgk xsedar dalam duk puji anak sdr tu terbuat org terasa. hehe.

    ye betul ape2pon yg penting kita hppy!

    hahaha. tu la dia! biar baby yg kita tgk tu kurus kering ke, ckp je la ‘eh comelnya dia’. ini yg cabi2 je kene cop ‘comel’ sampai mak2 yg baby xgebu tensen kut anak ckp makan 🙁

    hahak, tp i ada ckp kat Hafiy kalo dia malas2 “ape ni malas ngesot ni, Adam dah lama tau ngesot!” mesti dia kecik ati. hahaha. 😛

    erk, u ada twin ke?

    ahah, mujurlah daku xde cuzin yg sebaya. huhuhu.

    ummi sa’eed,
    yah mmg benar sekali! thats Y i never refer to those so called milestone to see ‘either my bb is normal or not’. i use them to see what i did to him is correct. huhu.

    ya itulah. yg penting kene watch out if anak kita ada poblem yg ‘MOHON ALLAH JAUHKAN..’. refer to paed is one of the best solution kan if there’s anything worries us?

    k ana,
    huhu. bukan semua org anggota badan xsama saiz ke kak?

    hahahahaha. yeah.. rasa berbulu je telinga. 😛

    ya betul!!! yg penting cemana kita didik & encourage dia kan. yg penting dia berjaya dunia & akhirat 🙂

    hehehe. igt nk selit balik gamba tuh. hahak.

    hehe tu la kita bole tgk milestone utk train dia kan, bkn nk compare dia huhu.

    kak sue,
    mmg dunia ni xlari dr compare mengcompare… huhuh.

    hehe tu la.. nk sabar tu.. tabah sunguh hati mereka2 yg sabar 😀

    k iza,
    hehe. sy xperati pon. maybe sebab bapak dia pon umur 2thn br so xrisau pon dia lambat part berjalan je ape. huhu.
    org pandai komen je kan.

  19. sinfullydeliciousmummy Avatar

    i’m like that! so malas nak compare and now, malas nak compare against developments.

    i have a relative who likes to compare me to her daughter since forever. before kawin, she compare my size with her daughter. then her daughter got pregnant before me, she was on my case about it. lepastu her daughter dah 7 month, I baru 4 months i think, she said my perut belum keras (i was only 4 months okay!).

    now we both dah ada anak, recently, she compared that her cucu sudah pandai crawling, my anak belum. her cucu is now 9 months! baby AH only 5 months.

    pick someone your own size!

    geram sangat that i have to remember to istighfar and not ‘meletup’.

    sigh. macam2 cubaan lah.

    i just let baby AH develop at his own pace. he knows his body best kan? hehehe.

  20. angah Avatar

    Perkara biasa la tu compare anak2 nih…cuma kena be a bit sensitive and knowledgeable that bukan semua baby sama milestonesnya..even adik beradik pun tak sama..

    But I really agree that kalau anak dia boleh ckap dulu sekalipun bukan mencerminkan masa depan kan.

    As a mother of 2 pun kengkadang I cannot help from comparing my anak teruna and anak dara development. Abang jalan cepat, adik lambat, abang cakap cepat adik lambat and so on… tapi asalkan masih dalam boundaries as told by experts why bother kan..

    Sabar je la…I kalau orang start compare anak ngan anak I…I turned deaf for all I care ahahaha

  21. wan Avatar

    hafiy tak kisah pun nak rush2 belajar crawl whatsoever..

    kan kan

    lagi relax ape..

    nanti dah pandai crawl mummy suruh merangkak aje & takmo dukung hafiy lagi..

    (saje je tu)

    Anyway, Fahim pun belum tau apa2 even dah masuk 4 mo. Tapi Doc kata OK je, asalkan dia sihat. So I don’t bother what ppl say.

  22. Fahidayati Ramli Avatar
    Fahidayati Ramli

    wei sudah tukar kulit… impress-impress. akak dari dulu dok try… tak penah menjadik… tu lah kalau buta IT…

    by the way… bab devlepoment anak2… biasalah org2 nih kdg2 terlalu xcited dgn perkembangan anak sendiri… sampai x sedar tercakap benda2 yg boleh buat org lain kecik hati.

    but as for me.. akak tak ambik pot pun… as long as Aysh sihat dan perkembangannya ok… sebab akak bawak dia jumpa paed… paed kata ok. so apa nak kisah org kata apa… baby development ni bukan sama setiap org… ada org lain umur anak b4 1 yr old dah jalan tapi baby lain nak masuk 1 1/2 baru bertatih.

    nothing to worrylah siti! your hafiy is just a good boy! that’s all!

  23. Mama Shazzy Avatar
    Mama Shazzy

    Mami Hafiy…

    biaq pi mereka nak kata ape..esp benda2 yg x best didengar tuh…yg penting we as mothers ckp yg elok2 je utk anak kita..always remember kata2 ibu tu doa..

    i didnt realize this until my mum-in-law ckp..when i said my Hafiz dah berat, x larat nak dukung, dia ckp..” jgn ckp camtu..baguslah dia berat, at least dia sihat..nanti tetiba dia x nak mkn jadik kurus kering pulak..even kalau nak ckp pun, ckp..”semangatnye Hafiz ni..”..” camtulah nasihat dia lebey kurang..

    mum-in-law always reminds me to mind my words kalau ckp pasal Hafiz as everything yg kluar dr mulut kite ni lebih berbisa dari mulut2 org lain..hehehe..

    so sentiasalah memuji anak2 kite …

    hafiy so cute la reading the book..buku apelah tu yg dia hadam tu…hehehe

  24. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    mummy AH,
    ah itulah. why shud we compare those baby, that we know will grow up as different persons… takkan semua nak jadi PM kot!

    ayak ur aunty, xlaratnya! hehe hopefully she will sedar one day that no use to compare2 huhu.

    ya betul tu kak. it just sometimes make some mommies yg anak ‘lambat’ sikit felt ‘ah betulkah anakku lemb*b?’ oh it’s not good…! good then we close our ears saja! 😀

    hahahahahahaha betul sgt la tu! dgn Mami semua benda xreti nak buat!

    he.. betul ker Fahim xtau apa2 lg hehe. kang macam Hafiy, depan2 je xtau.. belakang2..semua dh buat huhu 😛

    kak ida,
    hihihi. sy pon buta IT jugak. ni pakai layout yg sedia ada, bole la jalan huhuhu.

    mungkinla jugak kan, terexcited cereta pasal anak sdr, then xsedar men’tidak’kan anak org.

    sy igt my cuzin kan, umur 8bln dah jalan.. tp skg ni…she does not excel in her studies hehe.

    mama shazzy,
    ahaks, org tua2 suka kan mcm tu, xbole ckp “berat” kene ckp “semangat”.

    my all time reminder is my hubby. kalo telajak kata sikit kene la “u tak igt ke u ni dh mak org? ape u ckp tu makbul tau” hua hua hau~

  25. mado_ct Avatar

    itula.. kct pon tak suka sangat discussion pasal boasting anak memasing… aduih..kalau yang rasa anak dia cepat sangat tu macam riak lak. Biarla anak kita ada phase tersendiri kan. Dah 7 bulan dah hafiy yer..yerla. Aichan dah 7 bulan lebih kan.. kesian aichan tau, asyik kena buli ngan abang dia.

  26. mamadanish Avatar

    salam ct,
    i slalu jenguk blog u ni..
    tapi bila nak komen je..internet buat pasal..kekek..

    I pun mmg pantang sungguh orang yang mcm tu..

    Rasa panas telinga..sometime kan,jumpa2 muka kita..khabar ape tak tanya..terus tanya “danish dah pandai apa”

    I pulak jenis malas nak citer semuanya..i ckp gitu2 je la..then baru diorang rasa puas sikit cos anak diorang lebih best..kekekeke..

  27. mami Hafiy Avatar
    mami Hafiy

    kak ct,
    ahahahahaha. tu la pasal. biar saja mereka membesar ikut masing2.
    nape ni aidil suka buli adik ni. nk babap ni 😛

    salam mama danish…
    i kan kalo cmatu ckp “dia nk kawen dh” hhuhu

  28. MummyHanis Avatar

    sorry ketinggalan ketapi, but i nak drop comment gak. 😛

    Anyway, mmg mcm tu lah. i pun naik nyampah. mmg la kite tend to be competitive kan among mothers, kita nak tau setakat mana perkembangan babies ni. tp jgn la over2. smpi ckp camtu. cukup dlm hati dah la. Tak yah la “anak aku dah nii…tu blabla” meluatkan.

    Anyway it happen to me too. tp yg peliknye, bukan si emak yg over. nenek dia yg over (My aunty). nyampah btul.


    Aunty: kenapa hariz garu2 kepala, heran la.. Ali(bkn nama sebenar) tak de pun wat gitu…

    Aunty: Hariz dah bole ape dah skarang ni? Ali masa umur hariz dah bole golek dah.

    *Hariz kepanasan sbb tade aircond so dia nanges2.

    Aunty: Oooo.. tak biasa panas yeh, Ali insyaAllah la senang nak bwk gi mana2 dlm dunia ni. (poyo tak??)

    Aunty:Kenapa hariz tak boleh tido? ALi senang je, taruk atas katil trus tido. tak bgn2 mlm pun

    lalalala… nyampah nye aku dgn makcik nih! 😛

    Sorry jadi ruang tpt i lepas geram! 😛

  29. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    huhuh. sadis bunyiknye. aduu.. tu nk ckp “anakku lg best dr anakmu”. nanti kalo ape2 yg anak kita lg advance dr anak dia mesti kelu xterkata hehehe. let say, anak kita dpt no 1, anak dia no 18, xkan nk ckp “apsal anak u no. 1, anak i no. 18?”


  30. kuireena Avatar

    hi siti,

    first time baca ur blog. Anyway, post yg ni I pun nak comment jgk. Mmg these kind of ppl can really get on our nerves kan! tapi sebenarnye, sometimes dorang ni tak realize pun they are comparing and menunjuk2 anak dorang tu. I selalu amik sikap bersabar je la, sebab benda ni, believe it or not, sampai bila2 pun will never end. Skrg ni pasal development, nanti bila dah sekolah kang cakap pasal result PMR, SPM plak, pastu compare pasal masuk Uni mana plak. Even anak kita awal/lambat kawin pun orang akan tetap compare2 jgk. (kang bila dah ada cucu kang lain lagi ceritanya, compare2 kan cucu plak..tak sudah sudah!)

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