Mommy – A BFing Promoter

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i was away from office on Monday & Tuesday, attending a presentation skill course at Marriott Miri [i’m really into this course bcoz my presentation skill is almost 0 (read:zero)]. it was the first course i attended, after my comeback.

it was a 2 day course, where during the first day, we have to make a short presentation for 2 minutes, and the 2nd day, we have to make a-10-minutes presentation.

my first assignment, i was totally blank. i didn’t have anything in mind [perhaps any good thing] to share with my 13 ‘classmates’ and the trainer. even if she (the trainer) didn’t stress on the content, but only the structure, but definitely i don’t want to make any ’empty speech’. at least, it should be a something.

the idea came about 2 minutes before the session started (my turn was no. 8). i chose (it accidentally came to my mind) a topic of ‘Benefits of Being A Breastfeeding Working Mom’. and some points i spontaneously caught. it might sound silly but it just a taught to fill the session anyway…

The Benefits of Being A Breastfeeding Working Mom (presented by Mommy)
download another stakeout dvdrip 1. You can get back in shape, with no diet nor exercise.
2. You can have frequent break during the busy office hour (as what men have their smoking breaks)
3. You can double the style.. by carrying 2 bags! (of course the pump bag!)

guess what.. i caught attention from my ‘classmates’, especially the guys. i knew that not many guys are exposed to breastfeeding, especially for working moms. and when i showed my pump bag off, some of them said “oh i think it is just a bag, but it has milk inside ha..”.

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for the second presentation, i prepared PowerPoint Presentation Slides titled ‘How to Choose A Breastpump’. my turn was just after lunch. full of suspens cos people are at the hour of ‘sleepy and tiring’. i was afraid if nobody listened to my presentation, and it is enough to amke me feel down. but surprisingly, it caught attention, especially from the gentlemen. oh dear, i got a big applause and how sweet a dear Mr said “i really support this, i’m going to encourage my daughters to BF, and i’ll support if you make initiative to make a Mother’s Room at our office”.

so sweet. i wish i could do it again. come working moms, let’s BFing!

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20 responses to “Mommy – A BFing Promoter”

  1. intanjameel Avatar

    Salam MommyHafiy,
    Tajuk ni sangat ‘berani’ untuk presentation. Bagus, sebab ramau guys are in the dark about this.

  2. neeza Avatar

    wowie..congrats mami hafiy!!
    yeah let BFing!(eventhough i;m not a working mom..hehe..nyibuk saje..)

  3. ayueayang Avatar

    wah.. bagus aaa mummy~!!!
    how i wish i was in the course too sbb nak watch mummy punya presentation.. both seemed so interesting..

  4. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    POK POK POK (applause)

    way to go mami afiy!!!! brp markah u dpt utk presentation nie ek???

  5. MommyAdam Avatar

    wow that is amazing! way to go sista!

    this is soo inspiring..i wish i could as open as you are about breastfeeding.i find myself using “sign language” whenever i tell my female colleagues i’m going up to the surau to pump. plus i feel like other ppl look at me weird (pandang slack) as though i’m wasting time by pumping 🙁 hish..nape nak malu kan..i should be proud…

  6. Kaklong Syikin Avatar
    Kaklong Syikin


    tahniah mami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bagus bagus…

    eh, pasal hafiy lum ada nampak gaya nak merangkak tu, cam awak ckp kt blog akak, tak pe, lain baby lain perkembangannya. bahkan anak2 akak pun tak sama antara satu sama lain. tp akak kagum hafiy dah boleh duduk tka tumbang! cumanya, dulu ada org cakap kat akak, baby jgn bagi duduk sendiri awal sangat, takut nanti dah besar duduk bongkok, cuba mami tanya doktor, betul tak pendapat begini?

  7. ibuVouge Avatar

    wah tahniah… big clap.

    Masa iv keja di HQ dulu, iv selalu excuse keluar dari meeting.term iv..’mother routine’ Ada sorang bos yang nak tau sgt tanya iv ..then bila iv cerita ..terus dia say’ wah.. i nak anak sorang lagi la… nat suruh my dear wife bf mcm you.’

    i’m proud to be bf mommy for my LA and LC

  8. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    salam mama ammar!
    ahaks. i xsangke jd hot & like everybody is waiting for my next presentation tu ahaks. 😛

    tenkiu tenku hehe.
    u work jugak what… surirumah gitu 😀

    bulih2. ni tgh berangan nk mtk slot dgn GM utk present kat engagement pasal BFing. hahahahaha!

    mama ryan,
    hmmppphhhh..hmmppphhhh (lobang idup kombang koncup)

    tadek markah pon. trainer tu kasik komen & feedback je hehe.

    haha. i selamba je org tanye “apa dlm beg tu?” jwb “susu”. org tanye “u nkgi mana?” jawab “pam susu” huhu.
    kalo bole nak bgtau je sumorang “saya bawak beg pam susu. dalam ni ada pam & ada susu” huhu.
    kdg2 ada yg mtk nak tgk ape isi kat dalam. hehe. dgn bangganya ku membukanya 😀

    kaklong syikin,
    heheheheheh (kembang xabis2 lg ni).

    sy ada tanye kak long, dia kata bagus latih duduk utk strengthen muscle dia. xtaulah. tp mamat ni mmg suka duduk pon. asik mitak kite dudukkan dia je sal xreti nk bangkit duduk sdr. huhu.

    kak IV,
    ahah. tu lah. sy asik kuar2 je, awal2 dh bgtau bos ‘i BF my son’. kalo dia byk tanye, kita tunjukkan itu sumer pumping gear. huhu.

  9. Fid Avatar

    tahniah tahniah

  10. aida Avatar

    wah, gentlemen pun suke rupanya tahu pasal benda2 ni.. bagus bagus

  11. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    salam kak lina!

    u rock la kak lina! a working mommy who’s still kicking! wow. i never expected that would be ur topic. well done. u finally caught the attention. n see, u had proven that a long break is actually good for a mom to come back afresh n cool. and rock too! hoho

  12. MummyHanis Avatar

    I heart breastfeeding!!

    Yup bf helps me to reduce weight! makan byk cane pun, berat tak naik. coz all the food goes to the baby!

    yeah, i think public places shud provide nursing room kan. senang.

    Happy bf!

  13. anamiraa Avatar


    a very brave topic indeed!

    jgn risau la. mana ada orang boleh tido kalau dengar presentation about breast dan yang seumpama dengannya.. :)) betui dak?

    hahahhaaha! excellent job lina. two thumbs up!

  14. mommylyssa Avatar

    great job! whenever i need to do an impromptu presentation i’ll copy you ok!

  15. Helena Avatar

    Hey, good topic you chose there. I’ve always envied mummys who bf so easily. It was always a problem for me as i had one inverted “tool”.

    Hey keep it up. Try to bf for as long as possible.

  16. rizza Avatar

    bravo..bravo!!!! bagus la lina..teruskan begitu..

    actually memang patut diterang kan kaum2 lelaki…mereka yg ingin tahu akan membantu isteri2 mereka….dlm BF…

    go girl!!

  17. angah Avatar

    I chose that very topic for my final paper and presentation during my post grad diploma course.

    Some frawn, some were sceptic but lot of others got the idea.

    And I vividly remember an incident during our outing, we were in this restaurant and I was nursing Arief when a lady came and asked me to stop or continue nursing in a restroom (toilet la) I politely replied (though my blood was steaming up) “if you don’t mind having your lunch in a toilet I guess my son doesn’t either…”

    I was like… orang breastfeed ditegur camtu sekali, yang minah2 seksi tunjuk2 breast ni takde plak orang kisah kan..

  18. mrs noba Avatar
    mrs noba

    bravo mami…
    kalo i…tak terpikir nak buat tajuk tu…
    but lepas ni, mcm nak try pulak… 🙂

  19. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    k fid,

    hehe. xsangke kan. even yg xkawen pon duk sibuk2 tanye. huhu.

    salam sarah… i kick everything yg ada kat depan. hoho..

    that’s whay…suka! bole mamam byk2 w/o risau berat 😀

    k ana,
    haha tol gak tu. sapa xcelik mata dgr perkataan B**** tu hihi.

    haha. bole2. nk slides tu pon bole. huhu.

    i heard some mommies still can bf despite the inverted precious that.
    hopefully u also can K!

    k rizza,
    ya sungguh! mmg nmpk ramai yg cascade kat wife masing2 😀

    gosh apehal makcik tu? dia idup zaman ape tu? we nurse bkn tunjuk brest kt orang.
    & sungguh agree. kalo ckp bab nursing in public, sometimes like a sensitive big issue to some ppl, tp yg pakai seksi belah2 tunjuk itu ini xde org kisah 😀

    mrs noba,
    ahaks. i pon b4 present tu rasa “o my gosh aku ni xde idea lain ke” but now i feel soooo fantastic 😛

  20. cik fikir Avatar
    cik fikir

    bravo sitilina! tabik!! smoga hafiy terus dapat nikmat susu ibu sampai 2 thn.

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