MalingSia or Malingsial: Why Indonesian Hates Malaysian So Much?

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Indonesia-Malaysia relationship has been on fire recently with the discovery channel series being the triggering issue. Actually, the tension happened prior to the video; abused maid, Ambalat, Manohara, Rasa Sayang Song etc. So why these Indonesian hate Malaysian so much?

Made in Indonesia

It begins when Srivijaya kingdom collapse to Majapahit. Sang Nila Utama seek refugee in Bintan which then run to Temasik after killing Temagi (Temasik’s ruler) since they’ve been head-hunted by Majapahit’s people. After the Majapahit’s people know Parameswara (cucu Sang Nila Utama) existence in Temasik, they plan to kill him but eventually Parameswara and his people managed to run to Melaka. Our (so called “Malay”) civilisation evolved since then. And sometimes, that’s what makes Indonesian think that Malaysian shouldn’t be any better than them.

But what I don’t understand is why they have difficulty realizing history doesn’t make anyone better, but our progress does. Despite the fact that Indonesia proclaimed independence in 1945, Malaysia was in 1957 and Singapore in 1963, the reverse is true when talks about the “national progression”. Stop thinking “Malaysia is nothing without Indonesia” or maybe “Singapore is nothing without Malaysia” (or vice versa). If so, Malay people in those countries will end up wasting time justifying each other existence while other races in the same country have developed further.

Gap in Education

Indonesia has almost 10 times Malaysian population but with the same number (if not less) of tertiary educational facility (university etc.). Therefore, majority of rural settlers who value survival more than education don’t have degrees or diplomas. Moreover, their lower level of educational structure (primary/ secondary school & kindergarten) doesn’t reach all kids. Side effect of not having critical mass of ‘educated community’ would end up emotionally-driven conclusion than rationally-wise thinking.

It’s easier to sympathise on Manohara Pinot’s mom weep than realizing she might be the one who cause the trouble. Zulaikha also crying to his husband and accuse Yusuf of raping her. Only if they have video technology that time, I’m sure it will be in YouTube by now which then easy for us to compare. Remember, looks can be deceiving without second thought.

Having said that, I have great respect to whomever (Malaysian/ Indonesian) graduated from Indonesian universities. The fact that the students able to secure seat in any particular university from 200+ million population is enough to explain their brainpower. In fact, some of Europe’s engineering companies seize the opportunity to hire their third & fourth year students who has another one or two years to complete. I can’t recall any of our local university; including UM, has that privilege though. And as far as I know, not many Malaysian students are able to graduate without having to ‘extend’ for another year or two there.

Strong Entrepreneurial Spirit

One of the bad things of having highly populous nation is the limited job opportunity, which makes sense for the rest of them venturing into business world. On the other side, the good thing of having more than 200 million people made domestic demand is sufficient to support overseas expansion plan. You’ll be amazed by the number of airline companies Indonesian once had, agriculture land are they’d converted and their local companies (not GLC) growth rate. This explains why mega-companies nowadays are continuously emerging from highly populated countries.

However, abnormally high entrepreneurial spirit can lead to freedom to think, to talk and to act without second thought. Combine with uneducated thinking can only bring disaster. No HR going to ban you from throwing egg to embassy buildings, no immediate boss to stop you from burning others’ flag or even stopping you from ‘sweeping’ other people with sharpen bamboo stick. Absolutely no one! You can literally do anything if you believe in it or have faith in it because you have nothing to lose, especially if your business nature focuses on domestic demand only.

Together with their stealth marketing with emotional facts using covert psychological approach, it’s easy to spread the words and influence their networks (family, friends, business contacts etc.). The cyber world can only spread the words from days to seconds through various social medium. The message is casual enough for them to believe and act “to solve the problem themselves”.

So, the next question is,

If you are Malaysian, should you hate your Indonesian friends?
Or, should you divorce your couple for this issue?

First, as long as both are muslim/ muslimah, we shouldn’t hate each other. Love them as much as you love yourself. In case you don’t love yourself, treat them like your love ones (or your favourite pet). In fact, this is among the first rule of being a muslim/ muslimah. Do you know that “nationalism” is actually one of the ways to tear muslim apart?

Secondly, if you are none of muslim or muslimah, don’t hate them as yet. Though the situation seems to be over-reacted, so far it involved small quarters only; so don’t penalized them as a whole (unless their government officially declare war, which very unlikely) because it’s not fair to them.

Cases like Ambalat, it’s normal for neighbouring countries to have overlapping claims and border disputes. Malaysia-Singapore still fighting for Pulau Pisang after losing Pulau Batu Puteh to Singapore, Malaysia-Brunei has only agreed to solve the overlapping claims on its sea during PakLah’s time & Thailand-Vietnam-Malaysia also agreed to develop the offshore oil & gas resources together after long hours of hard discussion. And what makes Ambalat so difficult to solve? It’s just as a matter of time for the win-win situation.

On the cultural issue, I personally find it difficult to segregate which one belongs to Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei when all are coming from the same rumpun. Who do you think should own batik, wayang kulit, kain pelekat and so on? If it really matters, establish a heritage committee among these countries and discuss it intelligently. Talking backdoor doesn’t solve anything & can only make matters worse.

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49 responses to “MalingSia or Malingsial: Why Indonesian Hates Malaysian So Much?”

  1. neeza79 Avatar

    they even have a facebook group malingsia comdemning Malaysia.. ramai jugak dia punya anggota keahliannya.. erm..

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      hal2 nasionalism ni biasanya sensitif kan. no wonder ramai yang support, walaupun taktau hujung pangkal :mrgreen:

    2. kanji celup Avatar
      kanji celup

      saye berdarah kacukan melayu cine mix cine celup hahaha dan skit batubare di indo dan saye belajar di jepun untuk pegetahuan anda semua di sini ade senaskah buku yang sagat bersejarah iaitu perang dunia kedua ade tertulis bahase jawi walaupun saya x mahir jawi tp berkat ibu bape sy mehantar sy kesekolah agame x sia2 saye membace dan membelik sumpah indonesia terhadap melasia(kite). dan sagat mendalam untuk merwujudkan indonesia raya, tapi itu cerita sejarah dan saye x ambil pusing tentangnye biarkanlah mereka berfikiran begitu di u tube juge hampir same rate2 nye memburukan melaysia tp igatlah allah sentiasa di samping org yg benar dan nabi penah berpesan berbaik lah enkau dgn musuh mu walaupun kamu akan mereka mencerca atau apew pun sekali dan kami disini akan mempertahankan maruah bangse dan agame sehinga titisan darah yg terahir oleh itu sabarlah wahai sedare ku amin..

  2. littlemama Avatar

    me lembab banyak bab history

    tapi surely tak suka bab sweeping malaysia ni.. pasal lagu rasa sayang pun nak ganyang.. pehal tak claim sekali mee bandung, sirap bandung dll tu…ahaks.

    me only respeks indonesian yang respek kita balik.. that’s it..peace!
    .-= littlemama´s last blog ..Tunku Azizah Fertility Foundation (TAFF) =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      hehe. kot nak claim jugak mi bandung sirap bandung yang langsung tak ada kat Bandung tu, tatau la hehe. kita tukar nama je lah. Mi Kuala Lumpur, sirap Kuala Lumpur :mrgreen:

    2. tunfrida Avatar

      …the best is to respect each other.

      mee bandung? depa takkan claim pasal depa kata there’s no such menu. lainla kalau nasi gudeg, atau bakso [yg kita masak tak sesedap mana] then mungkin depa akan kata…owh…malingsia lagi!

  3. fid Avatar

    inikah alasannya???
    i pk jap ya nnt i sambung komen
    .-= fid´s last blog ..sapa nak jadi besan sila isi form..kuang kuang =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      lamanya pikir tuhhh.

  4. Verde Avatar

    love this article…n agree with u…but for me difference in religion pon we shouldnt hate each other…
    tp kan if u tgk la, indonesian kat malaysia nie pon mmg baran2 n low mentality skets…no offence…even malaysian pon ramai, but almost all indonesian in malaysian nie very silo n educated-less…so they tend to follow their perasaan without thinking it deeply…so its up to us now to manage it properly n face it taking it thru high road

    p/s : if u perasan, riot yg slalu kat malaysia nie (politic issue kinda riot) byk indonesian…ape case?!?! for me saje nak join in the hot seat n ‘memeriahkan’ lagie suasana ;(
    .-= Verde´s last blog ..baju raya nak baru…handbag raya baru jugak…BROOCH pon HARUS lah kannn =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      that’s the point! even with non-Muslim we have to befriend, inikah pula sesama Muslim. said, Muslim brotherhood :mrgreen:

      true that educated/mature people have more reasons to be rational rather than emotional. or, educated usually have many things to think rather than layan emo~

      p/s: join riot? my Indonesian friend said that riot is perkara biasa especially among students kat sana. maybe by joining it’ll make them feel like home kot. gagaga~

  5. zuhaini Avatar

    mak ai.. detailnya…

    hmm… 😎
    .-= zuhaini´s last blog ..Welcome to MY LIFE! =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      apa yg detailnya Zu? hehe

  6. Asiah Abd Jalil Avatar

    Tun Dr Mahathir pernah kata, rakyat Malaysia kalau berhijrah ke luar negara pun, takde yang pergi untuk jadi kuli.

    Pernah dengar rakyat Malaysia jadi orang gaji, pencuci toilet, buruh binaan, tukang sapu sampah, etc… di negara asing?

    Ya ada, tapi yang tu students kerja part time. Dapat duit untuk joli jelajah benua masa cuti semester, bukan untuk hantar balik ke kampung, buat beli barangan elektrik atau besarkan rumah.

    Takde la pulak rakyat Malaysia demand gaji ribu-ribu bila kerja cashier di negara orang, walaupun diorang ada degree dalam IT.

    Kat sini, takat tahu baca, puak-puak tu dah demand gaji RM800. Apa kes?

    Sweeping Malaysia? Agak-agak berapa juta rakyat dia kebulur karang?!!!
    .-= Asiah Abd Jalil´s last blog ..Baca kes =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      maybe ada pihak yang sedang buat provokasi & menangguk di air keruh. Maybe la kan?

  7. Norry Avatar

    Mungkin sebab jealous dengan kejayan Malaysia depa buat camtuh..apapun kita rakyat Malaysia jagan cepat melatah

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      ya kita jangan cepat melatah. mungkin juga ada pihak luar yg sengaja timbulkan isu ni sebab dah tau ada bibit2 macam tu di kalangan kita & jiran ni.

  8. nadnye Avatar

    hmmm.. well said la Mommy Lyna..
    Member ofis ada yang baru balik dari Jakarta, tanya dia macamana kat sana.. dia kata ok jea… cuma ada 40 orang yang over emotional..
    Rasanya sebab newspaper terlalu bagi populariti kat kes2 macam nie kadang-kadang kenyataan tak macam tu.. Kalau benda kecik2 pun diaorang nie sanggup gaduh sama mcm my ex-maid … orang yang sama yang terlalu emo pun akan macam tu juga.. tak pun ada yang kena bayar untuk buat demonstrasi
    Kita? buat apa kita ikut rentak orang macam tu … kalau nak lagu tu amik jea takde makna nak bergaduh pasal benda-benda yang remeh temeh…
    Sungguh ku tak faham…
    .-= nadnye´s last blog ..Menang lagi .. tambah berita gumbira untuk hari nie =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      biasalah media suka sensasikan benda rite.

      like last time about kekecohan di selatan Thai, when i talked to Thai students at my uni they said not as u see in the news. takdela sampai macam tu.

  9. Nur Avatar

    mungkin diaorg takde HR director, tp dpn bos besar (ALLAH) kt akhirat besok nk jawab camno?kira jd penghasut la tu, ye dak?

    totally immature adults..
    .-= Nur´s last blog ..Pra-Raya.. =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      itu mmg dah tak boleh lari kak. tapi berapa orang yang betul2 dapat fikir tentang benda tu (Bos Besar) kan.

  10. sya Avatar

    hmm, asal usul tok moyang dulu2 kala dari indonesia jugak..

    sweeping malaysia? tengok lah nanti kalau ada bencana minta tolong dengan siapa juga..
    .-= sya´s last blog ..balik raya di mana? =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      asal usul family belah hubby saya pun… dari mana ye? hehe.

      lately kalau perasan kat TV.. (TV3 kot) selalu ada liputan tentang pendududk Acheh.

      1. sya Avatar

        dari kerinchi… hehehe…
        moyang2 dulu buka kawasan kat sini..
        ramai juga lah bila di buat perjumpaan keturunan tu.. 😛

        husband lyna?
        .-= sya´s last blog ..pengalaman memasak =-.

  11. ipiet Avatar

    biasa mom, koran (newspaper) terlalu bebas di sini terkadang pemberitaan tanpa konfirmasi. Tak peduli negara manapun di dunia, ada orang emosional dan pasti lebih banyak orang yang rasional. I never join group fulfill of hateness , wasting my time 😆
    .-= ipiet´s last blog ..Blogger Template : Cupcake Cookie =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      hi ipiet,

      wahlah.. i like your templates tp tak compatible plak ngan my blog. in fact, i’ve been there many times before :mrgreen:

      benar sekali, ada orang emoasionl, ada yang rasional tapi biasnaya publisiti utk part emosional lebih banyak 🙂

      good that you’re here then we know Indonesian’s view about this issue.


  12. ipiet Avatar

    dropping by here from ibu kauthar 😀
    .-= ipiet´s last blog ..Blogger Template : Cupcake Cookie =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      thank you for dropping by & your input! :mrgreen:

      datangla lagi 🙂

  13. asniza Avatar

    bersatu atas dasar bangsa (Malaysia/Indonesia), dengan bersatu atas dasar akidah.. banyak beza tu… Fanatik bangsa, fanatik agama…

    Minggu lepas adik baru balik dari Indonesia, alhamdulillah seminggu duduk dengan orang kampung di sana (ceruk), tiada masalah…. malah mereka melayan dengan sangat baik.. Ya siri manohara ada ditayangkan katanya…

    Rakyat Indonesia lebih terkedepan dalam bab menyuarakan ketidakpuasan hati mereka..begitu juga dengan media.. Jadi pemerintahlah kena banyak mainkan peranan.. Mungkin perlu gunakan ISA di sana 😆 :mrgreen:
    .-= asniza´s last blog ..Kolostrum: Cecair Bernilai Emas =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      mungkin kena ada revolusi baru antara pimpinan2 negara serantau ni.. 😀

    2. tunfrida Avatar

      No, we shouldn’t hate our indonesians friends.

      ada la ni, pihak-pihak yang cuba mengambil kesempatan terhadap kekurangan dan kelebihan antara dua pihak. dan barangkali reporters disana diperkudakan.

      but I feel proud to at least i can still read a good comments from other readers here, Lyna. sangat berbeza berbanding saat membaca komentar blogger/reader indonesia yang sangat beremosi, mengatasi rasional.

  14. eicah Avatar

    sblm ni saya ada hire weekly maid indonesian dtg cuci rumah..but now..with all these happening..rasa mcm tanak panggil dia dah..

    let indonesians here pass the message to indonesians back there what it will be like if they try to “sweep” us..

    kalau ye pun nak gaduh..cari la isu yg canggih sket..duh!
    .-= eicah´s last blog ..Gadis ini =-.

  15. poji Avatar

    Orang Jepun juga ramai dan hidup di pulau-pulau yang dipenuhi gunung berapi seperti mereka tapi orang-orang Jepun tetap boleh maju dan beradab tinggi. Penduduk ramai hanya alasan mudah untuk orang-orang malas dan sombong.

    Sebenarnya kebencian mereka kepada Malaysia juga berpunca dari salah satu faktor utama mereka mundur iaitu…..hasad dengki! Mereka berasa negara mereka lebih besar dan ramai penduduknya maka mereka tidak pernah mahu belajar dari kita walau pun untuk sesuatu yang boleh mendatangkan faedah. Mereka iri hati melihat kemajuan Malaysia dan itulah yang mendatangkan kemarahan mereka kepada kita.

  16. jackx Avatar

    KUALA LUMPUR 26 Sept. – Di sebalik pelbagai isu dan kisah penderaan amah yang dibesar-besarkan oleh media Indonesia dan asing, nampaknya tidak sedikit pun membantutkan niat ribuan wanita republik itu untuk mencari rezeki di negara ini.

    Buktinya, pada masa ini terdapat lebih 4,000 wanita Indonesia telah mendaftar dengan agensi-agensi pekerjaan negara mereka untuk mendapatkan peluang bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah di sini.

    Alasan mereka mudah iaitu lebih selesa bekerja di sini kerana adat, budaya, bahasa, agama serta gaya hidup yang tidak jauh berbeza dengan di Indonesia.

    Presiden Persatuan Agensi Pembantu Rumah Asing Malaysia (PAPA), Zulkepley Dahalan berkata, ia sekali gus membuktikan provokasi media republik itu yang mencemarkan imej negara ini tidak menghalang rakyatnya mencari rezeki di sini.

    Beliau menegaskan, kesemua bakal pembantu rumah itu kini berada di pusat-pusat latihan di beberapa daerah di republik itu dan sudah bersedia untuk dibawa bekerja di Malaysia.

    Kata beliau, yang menjadi penghalang sekarang adalah tindakan pembekuan sementara pembekalan amah Indonesia ke negara ini oleh pihak berkuasa republik itu.

    “Kebanyakan mereka dari daerah pedalaman sangat memerlukan pekerjaan untuk menanggung keluarga,’’ katanya kepada Mingguan Malaysia di sini.

    Ketika ini terdapat 300,000 pembantu rumah berdaftar di negara ini yang rata-ratanya datang dari daerah pedalaman Indonesia yang memiliki pendidikan tahap sederhana dan rendah.

    Mereka yang berusia 18 hingga 40 tahun itu adalah antara kira-kira 1.2 juta pekerja Indonesia yang berdaftar di negara ini secara sah selain 800,000 warga republik itu yang bekerja secara haram.

    Zulkepley menjelaskan, walaupun bakal amah tersebut mempunyai pilihan untuk bekerja di negara-negara Timur Tengah, Taiwan atau Hong Kong tetapi masih ramai yang berminat ke negara ini.

    Maklumat itu diperolehinya hasil tinjauan selama seminggu di republik tersebut bagi mendapatkan gambaran sebenar pelbagai isu berkaitan pembantu rumah yang berbangkit antara Indonesia dan Malaysia.

    “Walaupun tindakan pembekuan amah Indonesia itu bersifat sementara tetapi jika dibiarkan berlarutan boleh merugikan kedua-dua belah pihak.

    “Wanita-wanita tersebut perlukan pekerjaan untuk menampung kehidupan manakala majikan negara ini pula memerlukan pekerja untuk membantu urusan rumah tangga mereka,’’ katanya.

    Sehubungan itu, menurut Zulkepley, PAPA sangat berharap pembekuan sementara penghantaran pembantu rumah dapat diselesaikan segera demi kebaikan kedua-dua pihak.

    Ujar beliau, keputusan itu juga menjejaskan pendapatan sebilangan besar agensi yang terlibat membawa masuk pembantu rumah ke Malaysia termasuk yang beroperasi di republik itu.

  17. NyetanyahooSerious Avatar

    save your energy sistah. mossad operations based in singapore. did it before in the 1960s. cheapest way to get two countries in self destruct mode. its a danger if indonesia-malaysia prosper, progress, and live in harmony. too much potential to be a world power to be reckoned with. with the fall of indonesia-malaysia, ow budget self destruct mode, many things will fall apart. ASEAN will be weakened. Muslim leadership in ASEAN management will be diminished, transferred to singapore or thailand, and they will shape it to the world power’s flavor and requirements. With the fall of indonesia-malaysia, their impact on OIC and obstacles to israel total expansion in palestin will be removed. Indonesia and Malaysia, if allowed to combined together,can become a lethal weapon. Its like attaching a spear head to a spear stick, or, applying war head, to a nuclear bomb. the cheapest way to self destruct…? whispers and media. cost effective and efficient. always work wonders. Iraq-Iran, Iraq-kuwait, pakistan-afghanistan, turki othmaniah-ArabNasionalist, etc….



  19. Sukarno Hitler Avatar
    Sukarno Hitler

    Indonesia tanah airku
    Tanah tumpah muntahku
    Disanalah aku merangkak hina
    Jadi kubur
    Indonesia negara miskinn ku
    Bangsa Busuk dan Tanah Miskinku
    Marilah kita semua tidur
    Indonesia negara miskinku

    Mati lah tanahku
    Modar lah negriku
    Bangsaku Rakyatku semuanya
    Miskin lah jiwanya
    Tidurlah badannya
    Untuk Indonesia Raya

    Indonesia Miskin
    Merdeka Merdeka
    Datang kerja Malaysia
    Tapi TKI Jadi perampok
    Rompak Malaysia bawa wang ke Indon

    Indonesia Pendatang Haram
    Miskin lah Miskin lah
    Datang Haram ke Malaysia
    Tiada pasport

    Bila kena tangkap dan hantar balik
    Kata nya malaysia jahat

    Indonesia Perampok
    Menghantar perampok maling
    pekerja TKI Indonesia

    Indonesia Maling
    Merampok lagu Malaysia
    Mengatakan itu lagu mereka

    Indonesia Tanah yang hina
    Tanah kita yang miskin
    Di sanalah aku miskin Untuk slama-lamanya
    Indonesia Tanah puaka
    Puaka Hantu Kita semuanya
    Marilah kita mendoa Indonesia brengset

    Gersang lah Tanahnya mundurlah jiwanya
    Bangsanya Rakyatnya semuanya
    Tidurlah hatinya Mimpilah budinya
    Untuk Indonesia Miskin

    Indonesia Tanah yang kotor Tanah kita yang Malang
    Disanalah aku tidur selamanya bermimpi
    Indonesia! Tanah Malang Tanah yang aku benci
    Marilah kita berjanji Indonesia miskin

    Mati lah Rakyatnya Modar lah putranya
    Negara Miskin Tentera Coma pakai Basikal
    Miskinlah Negrinya Mundur lah Pandunya
    Untuk Indonesia KAYAP

  20. susilo bambang jusuf kalah perang Avatar
    susilo bambang jusuf kalah perang

    take alook at my video. Specially made for indon blogger

  21. Indonesian_guy Avatar


    Yah namanya juga 230 juta penduduk kak, pasti ada yg emosional, ada yg rasional, ada yg benci dan ada yg sayang…:)

    Orang Indonesia pasti marahlah kalau ada orang Malaysia yg mengatakan Indonesia mundur… Tentu saja kita tidak bisa bandingkan apple to apple antara negara dgn penduduk 230 jt dengan 30 jt… Tentu dengan penduduk 230 jt perlu masa lebih lama utk bisa maju, tapi bukan berarti mundur… Yg merantau ke Malaysia adalah sebagian orang miskin Indonesia, orang miskin di Indonesia itu sekitar 10%, atau 23 juta, banyak sekali ya? Tapi orang kaya Indonesia lebih dari 30 jt, lebih banyak dari penduduk Malaysia… jadi Indonesia pun tak miskin sangat…:)

    So jom kita saling lebih banyak komunikasi untuk menghilangkan misunderstanding …rakyat Indonesia perlu tahu bahwa tidak semua orang Malaysia suka siksa maid, banyak orang Malaysia yg baik sangat…jom kita saling respek, kedua negara belumlah menjadi negara maju, di ASEAN baru Spore yg telah jadi negara maju, so jom sama2 membangun… kalau saling respek, akan timbul saling menyayangi…:)

    Yg saling caci maki di forum2 itu anak2, tak perlulah kita masing2 terbawa emosi… namanya anak2 muda, baik juga mereka punya energi dan rasa patriotisme tinggi, hanya perlu disalurkan ke arah yg positif…


  22. Indonesian_guy Avatar

    Lupa saya hendak sampaikan, Indonesia punya lebih dari 500 universities, public and private… berapa yg Malaysia punya? Tidak sampai 500 kan? Misunderstanding seperti inilah yg membuat kita ribut kak… Kakak pun tak tahu bukan bahwa Indonesia punya sangat banyak university? Jadi kakak underestimate, nah orang Indonesia tentu tidak mau dipandang rendah, apalagi kalau informasi yg orang Malaysia punya tentang Indonesia salah…:)


  23. Indonesian_guy Avatar

    here you’ll see that Indonesia has almost 100 public universities…unfortunately, only few private universities are listed there… Bandung alone for example has more than 50 universities, mostly private ones… of course not all of those univ have a good quality, however there’re plenty… so saying that there’s a gap in education level between Indonesia and Malaysia is simply inaccurate..

  24. Indonesian_guy Avatar

    and here you’ll find Indonesia’s statistics on school enrollment, adult literacy rate, etc…

  25. adam Avatar

    500 universities?
    wonder why many of them are roaming in malaysia.
    except ITB, Gajahmada, and several universities, the rest are most likely (or even like polytechnics, high-schools) things.
    Anyway, quantity vs. quality? what matters most?
    no need to argue. keep on dreaming.
    while people are working hard to strive the best.

  26. mrsnik@meah Avatar

    mmg panas isu ni, i thought that i’ve follow this blog everyday but it seems like i miss something..agree with most of the comments, but the mossad one is the best

    yess…mossad mmg pakar dlm melaga2kan negara..but for indonesia’n guy, no offence, indon suka sgt mengikut hati n bukkannya akal..entah kenapa, w’pun kita dr rumpun yg sama, tp hati n jiwa kita mmg berbeza…lg pun yg kena dera kt sini tu, 3 or 4 cases jer compared to the amount that is working here..even kalu kire percentage pun, is dikira kes terpencil, plus..xda pun majikan melayu yg dera pembantu indon, tp pembantu indon yg suka dera majikan melayu..sguh tidak mengenang budi..

    jd, bagi kita semua, ketepikan semua isu yg bodoh tuh, bersatulah, demi rumpun, negara dan agama kita..indon juga, ingat siapa yg selalu tolong anda bila ditimpa musibah…
    .-= mrsnik@meah´s last blog ..takkan nak masak jerjom layan Single Ladies =-.

  27. malaysiaindonesiapeace Avatar

    bagi saya, org kebanyakan org indonesia beranggapan yg semua orang malaysia adalah angkuh dan jahat..tetapi mereka seharusnya tidak terlalu emosional dan berfikir waras sebelum bertindak..saya mempunyai sebuah set penerima satelit yg dapat menerima siaran indonesia, dan sy selalu tgk siaran mereka selain astro, dan apa yg saya perasan, media-media di sana amat cenderung memberikan imej yg amat teruk kepada malaysia, ditambah dengan sikap rakyat indonesia yg sememangnya amat cenderung bertindak tidak rasional, melakukan demo dan meyelesaikan sesuatu dengan kekerasan..lihat saja jika anda menonton siaran berita indonesia, satiap hari akan ada berita mengenai ‘bentrok antar warga’ (pergaduhan antara masyarakat), ‘tawuran’ (pergaduhan) dan ‘demo’..jika di malaysia hal sebegini mungkin tidak selalu disiarkan, tetapi di indonesia ini adalah perkara biasa..cnthnya, semasa kes penangkapan nelayan indonesia dulu, belum apa2 lagi mereka sudah mengatakan nelayan2 tersebut ditangkap di wilayah indonesia dan APMM melanggar bot mereka sehingga karam dan diseksa..walhal beberapa hari kemudian Kedutaan Besar Indonesia di Johor membuat video conference (live di TVoNe) setelah mereka dibebaskan, dan nelayan indonesia tersebut sendiri mengakui mereka sememangnya berada di wilayah malaysia dan mereka kerosakan alat GPS dan tersasar ke wilayah malaysia..dan mereka dilayan dengan baik semasa ditahan..dan apa yg TVoNe lakukan untuk memperbetulkan ‘silap’ maklumat yg telah mereka berikan sebelum itu??tiada apa-apa..ini adalah salah satu daripada beribu2 provokasi media indonesia terhadap malaysia..inilah api yg masih terus marak dan membakar kebencian org indonesia terhadap malaysia, jika ditanya kenapa, sudah tentu kerana duit, berita mengenai malaysia, terutama mengenai ‘kejahatan’ malaysia amat diikuti oleh org indonesia, dan seperti biasa mereka lebih mementingkan keuntungan daripada rasa tanggungjawab mengenai hubungan serumpun..bagi orang malaysia pula, memang diakui, kita sememangya sedikit angkuh, dan tidak menghormati rakyat indonesia, kerana kita beranggapan bahawa semua orang indonesia adalah pencuri, perompak, pembunuh dan penjenayah, dan kita larut di dlm kemajuan dan memandang rendah mereka..tetapi apa yg kita lupa ada sekitar 2-3juta rakyat indonesia di malaysia, iaitu setara dengan sekitar 1% populasi malaysia, satu jumlah yg amat besar, dan jika ada 10000 kes seperti itu, itu hanya mewakili 0.005% rakyat indonesia yg berada di malaysia..kesimpulannya, org malaysia dan indonesia tidak lagi mementingkan semangat persaudaraan, mereka lupa bahawa kita adalah saudara kerana jika rakyat kedua2 negara lebih rasional dan mementingkan semangat persaudaraan, semua ini tidak akan terjadi..shame on you malaysians and indonesians..sama je, 2X5..

  28. Vee Avatar

    I’d like to point out that abuse of Indonesian labourers doesn’t just happen in Malaysia, it happens in Arabian countries like (hey what do you know) MECCA..

  29. Joey Avatar

    Indos are so full of patriotism, that sometimes, unnecessarily and negatively caused riffs with Malaysia.

    Indos must face the fact that it is their failure (since it is their government’s failure, and their government is indeed chosen by they themselves) to curb inaccurate, and more worrying, false media reporting!!!

    In order to resolve any problem, Indos must first admit that they are wrong, in letting their influential, corrupt media to continue tarnishing Malaysia’s image.

    Indos who come to Malaysia, know how good Malaysian media are, in that we were never provoking or picking bones, especially given how disrespectful many Indo immigrants are towards Malaysian law.

    In the 80’s Indo immigrants started entering Malaysia by millions. Until recently, up to 90% came in illegally, some without even any piece of travel document, albeit passport, let alone a “real” working permit.

    Illegal Indos who got caught, had been, and are given humane treatments in detention centres, which to date had caused Malaysia billions of RM, especially in the cost sending these illegals back via air.

    Many of them, in the short space of just a month or two, entered Malaysia again, as illegals, with fresh fake passports, bearing new names, whoever they wish to be!!!

    Now, please tell us Malaysians, who is again at fault here, if it’s not the Indo authority? How lax is the law enforcement, and how outlaw is the average poor Indo who shamelessly, and repeatedly enter Malaysia this way?

    When Malaysian authority decided to follow in Singapore’s footsteps of caning illegals and repeat immigration offenders, the Indo government protested strongly citing humanitarian grounds, but Singapore went ahead anyway. Malaysia, on the other hand, heed, and such an act of tolerance, is repaid by more illegal Indos entering, and leaving Malaysia, as though they are in their own land.

    The number of illegal Indos in Malaysia now could be 3 million, with 3 million already neutralised, in Malaysia’s continuous efforts to curb this problem. The statistics for illegal Indos who commit crimes like snatch thievings, armed robberies, house and business premises’ break ins, rapes and murders, FAR OUTNUMBER crimes by locals!!!!!

    And in order not to spark off riffs, Malaysian media normally would not report on the nationality of knive (parang, kerambit, etc) weilding thieves shot by policemen, because they know too well how Indonesia as a country would react to such news, no wonder how truthful it is.

    To us, a criminal is still a criminal, be it our own national, or otherwise. How can Indos be sensitive, when it is their fellow countrymen who are commiting crimes in their neighbouring country? If a Malaysian commits a crime in Indonesia like Dr Azhari did, it’d be magnified 1000 fold. But do Indos know that his parents are from Indonesia. Dr Azhari could have been born in Malaysia, that’s it. He spent almost his whole life in Indonesia, and is very much Indonesian at heart, and in all aspects of his speech, thinking and personality!!!

    If he was the cause of the term Malingsia, then please read on carefully, and tell us sincerely do Malaysians flock to Indonesia and become malings? Or Indos come here, some for the deliberate purpose to amass wealth through the profession of malings?

    With only about 2% Indos in comparison to the Malaysian citizen poplulation of 30 million, you will find it awesomely overwhelming that > 70% of the prison inmates are Indos. This doesn’t at all mean that Malaysian criminals are so much better at escaping with all the crimes committed, mind you!

    Most Indos who enter Malaysia are the hardcore poor, extremely lowly educated, but with extremely high hopes of turning their lives from rags to riches. Little had they given a thought, that most Malaysians are well educated, possess great mastery of English, and with great computer skills. So, these Indos, who are surely losing in job competition with their countrymen in big cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and Medan, suddenly realised that in Malaysia, the competition is in fact so much tougher than in their own country.

    In the end, Indos here take up jobs which Malaysians, just like Singaporeans, don’t want, given the higher skills which the locals possess. Multinational companies, especially Food & Beverage firms like McD, KFC, Starbucks & Coffee Bean, just will not hire Indos, for sheer fear of the poor quality of service, customer relations, and particularly, the cleanliness, which most immigrant Indos here are just not well known for.

    Most of these US establishments are synonymous with extremely high hygiene standards of practice and service quality, and they find it too much of a risk to take, especially in legal suits, should they be dragged to court, especially due to a cleanliness issue.

    So, Indos are thus hired as stall helpers, and food court outlets staff, where the standards are less rigid. Regardless, the pay is in about the same range in most establishments, as in the more well known multinational F&B outlets.

    Indos workforce in Malaysia are well known to steal from the cash registers and their employers, and generally do not enjoy the perception as being trustworthy by employers, especially the Chinese, in handling money. Maybe, it is due to the fact that, villagers in Indonesia have high expectations on Indos who work in Malaysia to bring back tonnes of cash, since it’s easy to make money here in contrast to their own job scarce land. It’s the mentality, again, the wrong way of thinking, social dogma, which utterly force the normal Indo worker to commit petty theft.

    In Indonesia, money is everything. The rich can treat their workers badly, and still get away with it, because over there, money means invincibility. And do Indonesians dare cross their angry Chinese Indonesian businessmen by stealing from them? I’d say a resolute NO, since they know how dire the consequences of their actions can be. They could be tortured in jail for years in their own country for committing small offences.

    But, in Malaysia…..Indos just do as they wish, since they know Malaysians are so sympathetic, ever so forgiving. Besides, there is always the backing of their emotional countrymen who just love to pick up fights with Malaysians, no matter how small, or how wrong their actions are in the 1st place.

    My point in summation is, the way of thinking of most poor Indonesians is just UNBELIEVABLE. They are just not able to distinguish right from wrong, when it comes to their own corrupt patriotism and love for their compatriots.

    Maybe, in Indonesia, they could just go into someone’s home without knocking, and asking first for a permission, take whatever they want from the house, and then have the audacity to call the house owner a Maling!!!!!

    Well, that’s just what they’ve been up to here, they come to Malaysia illegally, earn a living, be it honestly or dishonestly, only to “gratuituosly” return a favour by calling the locals Malingsia, the very same people who all these years patiently tolerate their amusing antics, but at the same time, question their Muslim beliefs and ethics.

    Who are indeed the Maling here? Malaysians go to Indonesia to work, and steal from the Indos? Well, I’ve heard of none in my 40 years of life so far. Besides, who would want to go there when our country is so much more blessed with harmony and prosperity, that it evokes extreme despicable jealousy, from Indonesia which is struggling to fight a losing battle to feed millions who still die from hunger and poverty.

    It is never my intention to belittle Indonesians, but until the well to do amongst Indonesians admit that theirs is a country with extreme basic survival needs, necessities and rights issues, the problems will remain, and might even worsen. The rich like to turn the other way when discussing this, but it does hurt them when Malaysians call Indos disrespectful of the Malaysian law and the Malaysian people, coz hey, after all, they are Indos too!

  30. frez_oren Avatar

    I am not going to back up any of the two sides. In my opinion, both Indonesia and Malaysia are guilty for causing the tension between the two country.

    One of the reasons why Indonesia hates Malaysia is that Indonesia sees their neighbour country as an arrogant country. No offense, I’m a Malaysian, but I admit that most Malaysians like to be proud of their country’s latest achievement. (Example: Stable economy). We tend to belittle our neighbour country, Indonesia. Little did we know that Indonesia is somehow a bit better than us, yet we think we are THE BEST in the world. Our “arrogance” had caused the Indonesians to rage against Malaysia. The murder of an Indonesian maid made it even worse. Shortly after that, the Indonesians made a large scale protest to display their anger against Malaysia. Well, for the Indonesians, it seemed that they have relevant reasons to hate Malaysia.

    However, the Malaysians should no be blamed 100%. Being angry at their neighbour country for being arrogant is normal, but planning to wage war against the neighbour country is something abnormal. If this issue is not solved quickly, our situation might be just like North Korea-South Korea. Indonesia just need to take it easy. Burning Malaysia’s flag and mocking the country’s leaders does not help solving your problems, dear Indonesians. In fact, your so-called “patriotic” action by declaring war against Malaysia is considered idiotic by several high-class nations. So please, we need to solve the issue before our situations changed for the worse.

  31. D. Daniel Sinambela Avatar

    Im Indonesian, im really sorry for Indonesia-Malaysia relationship these years, from my Indonesian perspective the what so called “brotherly love” among two countries seems fade away due to the lack of understanding at the both sides.

    Malaysians think Indonesia is poorer due to many numbers of Indos who work at Malaysia, but most of Malaysian dont know that Indonesia is the member of the most exclusive economy forum G-20, and the Indonesia is the upcoming member of the BRICS. Indonesian middle class is raising among other Asian countries. hence, today Indonesia is the Asian economy powerhouse.This economy boom is enjoyed by Indonesians today, and please dont forget that Indonesia is the natural leader of ASEAN because of the largest population and territory.

    and vice versa, most of Indonesians don’t know that there are so many good Malaysians who aiming good relationship with negara jiran Indonesia, there are so many friendly Malaysians with friendly attitude who willing to discuss about such sensitive matters with Indonesian. Indonesians need to ignore prejudice and associated attitudes to Malaysia, as matter of fact, there is no evident that Malaysian Malay engages with any domestic abuse toward an Indonesian worker. in international stage, Indonesia and Malaysia are the balancing power in ASEAN, although Indonesian is much bigger.

    It’s not something new that many internet forums become wild jungle where Malaysian and Indonesia netizens bickering each other with insane statements, degradatory comments, unfriendly and useless mocks toward each other, they just wasting their time for sure, in the real life, Indonesian and Malaysian people are get along together, as Christian, i am so proud my Indonesian moslem friends make religion as unity symboll to engage good relationship with Malaysian moslems. Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa .

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