This was me suatu masa dahulu.
This is the current me.
Lihatlah betapa berkelipnya daku suatu masa dahulu.
I am not a type of person who like to wear make-up. The last time I put make up on my face was during my wedding. Wah rasa sangat cantik sekali. But I prefer natural beauty, cewah.
I was a gelap berkelip kid, cos when I was a little girl, I used to play under the sun with my kampung frens. But I never played sport at school. Sebab saya sibuk belajar LOL.
I’m not saying that I’m prettier now, but my skin had a rejuvenation la kiranya, from bronze to a little fairer. Takde la putih pun, cos I was asal usul memang gelap. I don’t have any secret but I practice these:
- Bedak beras.
- Baca selawat & tiup pada bedak muka.
Bedak beras was petua turun temurun from my secondary lower form. Masa tu most of my classmates mengamalkan this petua.
Senang je nak buat.
- Basuh beras, like when you do it tuk masak nasi.
- Jemur. If tak jemur pun tak apa.
- Goreng w/o minyak. Sampai jadi kuning kecoklatan.
- Sejukkan & blend guna blender kering.
I used it as scrub & sometimes tempek je kat muka before tido. For better result, ‘dilute’ it in air perahan limau nipis.
If your skin prone to has pimple, you’ll find lots of pimples appear after you start using this. But eventually it’ll gone and leave your skin softer.
After having 2 sons I think it’s a vital to do some makeovers. Even if I never think that Abiy would go for other woman but it’s just to make Abiy happy. Kita pun suka tengok anak kita comel-comel, husband pun mesti suka tengok isteri dia cantik-cantik.
I think this ebook is a good thing to share…
Is it only me who need makeover?
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