iPod Touch With Mommy Cash

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I never bought Abiy anything, without he knowing it, since our financial management system makes me almost impossible to get something for Abiy secretly. Even, on his birthday pun I couldnโ€™t give him any surprise.

2 days ago, Abiy told me that he teringin to have an iPod Touch. I thought he was just โ€˜cakap ajeโ€™. But when I went to his PC and saw several reviews about iPod Touch, I knew that he was serious .

So, this morning, after buying ikan and sayur from the town market, we drop by Bintang. Initially to watch bowling game for the company sport carnival. Then I wanted to bring Hafiy to Toyโ€™Rโ€™Us, and the Apple shop (Optiprimus) is just 2 doors away.

So I said to Abiy โ€œTaknak tengok iPod Touch?โ€
Abiy said โ€œTakpelah, berangan jeโ€

I told him to โ€˜tengok-tengok ajeโ€ฆโ€™.

But finallyโ€ฆ 

I bought Abiy an iPod Touch! And he never expects about it. Cos I am now not getting any money from my salary (So he doesnโ€™t see anything in my bank account.. Syhhhh~).

Itโ€™s a gift for supporting me along the way of doing business just right in front of my PC. Taraaaโ€ฆ!


Alhamdulillah, even if I am not leaving my house nor going to office, I still can generate something.  Itโ€™s not an easy money, need lots of hardwork, but it makes me so happy cos I donโ€™t have to go out of my house and leave the kids ๐Ÿ˜€ And this defy some of husbandsโ€™ perception that staying at home is merugikan.

I think now I can claim myself as WAHM instead of SAHM. ๐Ÿ˜€

I am very happy now, one thing is I got several cheques, then I could buy Abiy something I never imagined. Itโ€™s not something cheap for my class. I was thinking about buying him iPhone instead, but iPod is enough kot, afterall he was dreaming up an iPod. And I was right when I asked him (after getting the iPod) โ€œKalau bagi Abang iPhone, cemana?โ€, he said โ€œTaknaklah, handphone dah ada. Lagipun cepat habis bateri nantiโ€. But Iโ€™m still thinking of an iPhone for him, meaning, more and more hardwork!

From the Mommy Financeโ€™s survey result (donโ€™t worry I donโ€™t know whom did the survey), I see many of us having problem with tight budget. Have you ever heard about rat-race? Keep on running in the same circle, either you win or not, youโ€™re still a rat.

I just proved to myself that everybody could get out of the rat-race, provided with knowledge, persistent and effort. This is what Iโ€™m trying to do in Mommy Cashโ€ฆ

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17 responses to “iPod Touch With Mommy Cash”

  1. anasfadilah Avatar

    ohhh kak lyna..i want to be like uuuuuuu

    mesti akan bace pasal mommy finance..nak beli yang canggih juge,tapi untuk diri sendiri..boleyy?

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      dapatkan Mommy Cash, add-on dalam Mommy Finance.

      cewah, iklan.

  2. KNV Avatar

    bravo lina!

    we can learn a lot from you!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      tak bole sebab saya bukan cikgu ๐Ÿ˜€


      sila dapatkan juga Mommy Cash ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. farah Avatar

    seronokkan bila tgk org tersayang happy…:D

    waah receive several cheques??kena menuntut ilmu jugak ni hihi

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      insya-Allah semua ada dalam Mommy Cash – add on dalam Mommy Finance ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. mama emma Avatar

    ape beza ipod touch dgn iphone nie?? akak buta gadget la….

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      seperti yg Chip explain hehe. TQ chip.

      pendekata, iPhone adalah iPod+telefon. iPod hanye player itu semata2.

  5. chip Avatar

    hehe….though iphone is one device for all…i also have similar setup…ipod touch + 3g phone….much better (at least can 3g call)…despite the 2-devices…
    the current iphone3g is just not justify enough for its price…wait for new iphone rumors coming out coming this september…perhaps.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      TQ CHiP for sharing!

  6. chip Avatar

    mama emma…

    bkn nk promote…but u can read here


    especially part “comparison” which describe a bit the differences between the two.

  7. ida Avatar

    wah, semoga dimurahkan rezeki selalu dan berjangkit ke jiran tetangga sekali.

  8. salzahari Avatar

    seronoknya tgk usaha dah berhasil ! tahniah…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      semoga dimurahkan rezeki kita semua.

  9. Izwan Shahmin Avatar

    Way to go Along!

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


  10. […] I forget to mentioned all in USD? That’s why 32Gb iPod Touch 2G for Abiy not a big deal for me. Besides, Abiy taught me not to use salary for […]

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