HSBB Review – My Pandangan Peribadi Drpd Public Feedback

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HSBB ni dh launch for quite sometime, tapi limited for certain areas for now; Bangsar, Shah Alam, Subang & TTDI. The package starts from RM149/mo untuk 5Mbps dengan semua other cost (installation, equipment etc) TM yg absorb. Somore, kalau tak silap, you can enjoy HSBB for free until July 2009. Kalau you nak install HSBB sekarang, maybe mid-May baru dpt kot.

Having said that, banyak juga rungutan pengguna pasal HSBB ni especially download limit. Kalau dh lebih limit, speed kena throttle up to 90% less! This will certainly affect P2P sharing. Kritikan was sgt hebat to a point that TM kena tarik balik limit tu temporarily. So for now, takdela limit; not sure till when though.

I don’t consume bandwidth that much, except tgk Youtube for 2-5 hours almost everyday tuk my kids je. So this bandwidth issue doesn’t bother me pn (mcm la dh pakai HSBB, huhu). Other than that, these are some other public complaint,

HSBB Hanya untuk Org Kaya

This notion comes in sbb HSBB hanya terdapat di kawasan-kawasan tertentu shj. And kebanyakan kawasan ni dilihat sebagai tertumpu kpd golongan yg berpendapatan tinggi; esp Bangsar where rich people lives. I tak tahu how much income we are talking tapi the cost untuk roll out HSBB ni mmg super expensive; I think total cost around RM11billion.

Walaupun some of the cost tu kerajaan yg byr, we are still talking about billion dollar investment. Oleh itu, nak tak nak, TM have to make sure it works. For pilot, it is logical business decision untuk guna HSBB dikawasan yg mampu jd ‘guinea pig’ as pilot. From there, TM boley review its package or services berdasarkan respond or komen org cerewet yg dh pakai HSBB nih and further improved.

To me is simple, kalau org yg ‘mampu’ pun tak nk pakai HSBB, what makes kawasan lain yg kononnya kurang berkemampuan nak try pakai HSBB? I prefer to live di kawasan yg kurang mampu and get better service from ol those rich ppl punya feedback. After all, by 2011, all Klang Valley pn HSBB covered kn?

More Expensive than Singapore

Kita suka benchmark dengan Negara jiran yg lebih advance for whatever reason in whatever we do, without knowing the demographic difference? In Singapore, population per area sgt tinggi sbb mostly duduk dekat high-rise building. Sapa2 boley beli teres kat Singpore mmg super-duper rich & famous la; not to mention luxurious banglow kat pulau Sentosa.

Sbb semua duduk dekat2, it would be easier untuk syarikat Internet kat sana enjoy economies of scale and lower the cost. Compare that to Malaysia, mostly duduk atas tanah and very scattered. For the same population, cost per user untuk dptkan internet access in Malaysia much higher than Singapore. Nak lay down cable from house to another punya cost pun individu yg kena bayar.

Secondly, currency Malayisa is much lower than Singapore; RM2.3/SingDollar. Since banyak hardwares are imported and cost in USD, mmg in RM it cost more. Kita byr RM1.8/L after subsidi untuk minyak when American only pay USD0.6/L tanpa subsidi, anyone still complaining?

Mahal Berbanding Pendapatan Per Kapita

Again, kita banding dgn Singapore for this one. Org Singapore berpendatan lebih tinggi tapi byr high speed broadband yg lebih rendah berbanding Malaysian. At one point, I agree. Tp when you compare dgn hartanah/ auto industry, it is even worse. And yet ppl support property/ auto & condemn HSBB je.

In 1980s, fresh grad executive can get RM1.3/mo salary. Masa tu, rumah teres hujung kota (kita amek 2-storey teres kt TTDI la) cost about RM70k. Dgn BLR +2% that time; so about 10% interest la, byr bulan2 untuk housing loan about RM550/mo (30 yrs, 10% downpayment). Housing loan is about 40% of income or 20% of income je kalau laki bini kerja executive.

Sekarang ni, fresh grad executive can get about RM2k/mo gaji dgn harga rumah hujung Bandar (we take 2-storey terrace Denai Alam by Sime Darby la) is about RM500k. Walaupun BLR dh drop with BLR -2% plak tu, RM 2.1k/mo bulanan rumah lebih tinggi drpd gaji or 50% drpd income kalau husband and wife kerja (10% downpayment, 30 yrs, BLR 5.8%). And somore, harga property kecoh nak naik lagi?

Betul ke HSBB ni Bagus Sgt?

No, I don’t work for TM, or related to its contractor nor hold any of its shares. Ini Cuma pandangan peribadi yg kebetulan mcm defend HSBB. Not all la actually, ade jugak some rumours yg I tak comfortable with; wic is,

Streamyx Kong Sbb Nak Customer Convert HSBB

Tak tahu la kebetulan or not, tp sejak hari HSBB launch and get negative feedback from public; especially part yg ade limit on bandwidth volume tu, my streamyx suddenly jadi sgt slow. Sebelum ni kalau nk tgk Youtube just lag 1-3s je tapi skng ni at least 2-3min! In the end, Hafiy & Fahry tgk PHD jela.

Ok ke Kalau Convert HSBB?

Kalau you ask me this question, I don’t know. Org yg dh pakai ckp speed mmg superb. Watch youtube like watching TV tanpa ade loading time. If indeed TM buat Streamyx kong sbb nak push customer convert to HSBB, I think one way or another mmg jadi la strategy tuh.

For me, am still struggling carik value yg I can get dgn membayar at least RM40/mo lebih for Internet access (tu pun kalau rumah yg I dok skg ni ade serpih2 HSBB). Dgn RM40/mo, I boley
1. dptkn mobile broadband untuk pakai kalau outstation?
2. terminate Astro and rely on IPTV by HSBB? Channel still limited for now
3. dpt RM100/mo jual content (movie, drama, education) dlm P2P?

If there’s one thing yg can push me into HSBB mmg dia punya speed la. What you think? Berbaloi x?

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7 responses to “HSBB Review – My Pandangan Peribadi Drpd Public Feedback”

  1. Fid Avatar

    saya guna streamyx dan rasanya ok saja la
    cuma sekali sekala wat hal

    compare ngan jalur lebar better streamyx
    .-= Fid´s last blog ..1SK family day… =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      streamyx bukan jalur lebar ke?

  2. dbalkis Avatar

    my streamyx wifi pun ok..kalau share 2 lappy loading time masih ok..tapi recently i ada dengar ada package home wifi with celcom broadband skali..nampak menarik, cuma maaf cakap registration and installation process sangat lem**b…sampai nak kene ke TM kiosk baru le nak bergerak. Setakat call aje tak denye tindakan.. sangat stress!!
    .-= dbalkis´s last blog ..Crocs Warehouse Sale @ Ikano 30th April-3rd May 2010 =-.

  3. chekna Avatar

    i ni agak slow ni dlm perkembangan IT ni, so hssb ke, hsbc ke etc mmg xtau mende.. yg i tau so far my celcom broadband ni ok je..cume ada la sekali-sekali lembab skit.
    .-= chekna´s last blog ..another mumblings =-.

  4. UmmiKhayra Avatar

    Salam.. Kitorg dah start gune HSBB ni since early April.. so far, no complain.. memang laju. seronok je… compare to pengalaman ngan Maxis n Celcom broadband kat area kitorg yang 60% connection down, I think HSBB is great!! 🙂 hehehehe Kitorg x pnh merasa streamyx sbb rumah xde line telefon… nak psg cable telefon masuk rumah mau beribu2 abis…

    mase register HSBB dulu TM kate everything is free… so far btul la.. installation of fibre optic cable pon free, brg2 free.. Byrn bulanan pon free smpi June ni… Mmg berbaloi..

    hati tgh berdebar tunggu June ni. takut tetibe datang bil yg beribu2 mntk byr utk HSBB ni.. hehehe
    .-= UmmiKhayra´s last blog ..~ Rindu Saya Tak? ~ =-.

  5. Shareen Avatar

    I use P1 99 package. Pernah cuba Maxis dan Celcom jugak. Sangat berminat ngan HSBB ni (sebab memang banyak download TV-series woops!) tapi Cheras belum ada lagi. If kaki download like me, kitorang tak kesah nak bayar lebih asalkan leh download laju. Tapi Fair Usage Policy yang melampau yang buat fikir 2-3 kali tuh. Throttle 50% ker, adil ah jugak. 90%??? Sungguh melampau.
    .-= Shareen´s last blog ..PC Fair: In a day of 3/4 of The Zainor-s =-.

  6. DinaJD Avatar

    Hello… I was googling Streamyx problems & stumbled upon your blog. I live in TTDI & memang betul like you said, ever since HSBB launched here, my Streamyx kong teruk. I play World of Warcraft but since March 2010 dah tak boleh main sangat since lag & latency teruk sangat. TM nak force kita semua untuk subscribe to HSBB ke? So much more expensive than what I’m currently paying lah. Ini conjob betul T_T

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