
How to Teach Your Sibling to Fish Instead of Giving Them Fish

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I was talking to some friends about issues regarding friends, friendship, families and money.

Among the ‘topics’ we discussed was about ‘imagining your yet-to-work younger brother/sister broke something that was so important to you and it costs about Rm200. What would you do then?’

From the discussion, I would say that most of my female friends are really-really generous and family-type persons. Most of them were willing to forgive the younger bro/sis and forget about it because he/she was not working and had no money. And what most important was ‘what’s more important than my own siblings?’.

I was kinda against the idea.

I would as my bro/sis to pay the RM200 for the thing he/she put in damage.

Some people might think that I am so mean, dua ratus pun nak berkira. After all it’s adik sendiri.

Unfortunately, it’s not about the money. I know my bro/sis has no money, but when giving the condition that he/she has to pay me back, I am actually teaching him/her how to fish.

  1. Never assume people will easily forgive and forget you.
  2. Be responsible on anything you have done.
  3. Respect other people’s belonging.

I don’t really mind if he/she can’t pay me back, but please be it just because they’re really don’t have money, after several attempts to collect some. At least I know that they’re really responsible and they show their respect toward me. Reasons, it’s happen, even in my nearest family:

  1. Faizal Tahir ‘borrow’ money from his Abg Long Farid Kamil (bukan nama sebenar) then forget about it. When Farid Kamil asked, say “Later, later…”.
  2. Fahrin Ahmad borrowed RM180k from Farid Kamil and told him to pay back in 2 years time. Farid Kamil gave for their brotherhood. But in that 2 years, he never showed any ‘sign’ of chasing money to pay Farid Kamil. Then in the 3rd, 4th and yada2 year, he never talked about the money again. When Farid Kamil asked, he said “Ala Abang Long ni, saya pinjam dengan Abang Long, bukan denganAlong. Kita adik beradik janganla berkira sangat”.
  3. Farid Kamil gave some amount of money to his brother Fahrin Ahmad (not the one in the prev story) & Faizal Tahir to start a business. The best part was, the business doesn’t even started but the money gone. But, Fahrin Ahmad & Faizal Tahir never bother because it wasn’t their money.
  4. Farid Kamil owned a business selling bundle T-Shirt. To save cost, he hires Fahrin Ahmad to help him, however Fahrin Ahmad always comes late, return early. Doesn’t take care of customer, etc. When Farid Kamil gives advice, he gets mad and sulky. Then doesn’t want to work anymore.

As the eldest in the family, it is my role to ensure all my siblings able to fish by themselves, rather than come to me and ask for fish. Today maybe we don’t see it much, maybe because I don’t have that lots of money, and my siblings are still studying. But, think about future… if in my fate stated that I’ll become a millionaire (Bibik pun millionaire dah OK!). That time for sure everything won’t be as ideal as we imagine I tell you. Money is a thing that has power to change anyone. Not only to whom has the money but also the people around. If you’re suddenly become a new Donald Trump, don’t you think somebody out of nowhere comes and mengaku sedara? And for your siblings who are very amatur fishermen, takkan taknak tumpang sekaki?

Again, it’s not about the money. But the manner and attitude of ‘being independent’. Pendita Zaa’ba in his book ‘Perangai Bergantung Kepada Diri Sendiri’ stated that our people are lacking in this value. For instance, we are too dependent on subsidy, quota, hak keistimewaan, etc. rather than multiplying our effort to improve our life. Imagine if one day all those thing are no more relevant and demolished. What will happen to us then?

Hopefully all my bothers and sisters know how to catch fish by themselves.


My only sister.

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17 responses to “How to Teach Your Sibling to Fish Instead of Giving Them Fish”

  1. jua Avatar

    i setuju. my hubby baru je buat decision yg i rasa betul. dia bukan xnak tolong adik-adik dia bayar duit kereta n roadtax insurans utk bulan lepas. dia nampak benda ni akan terbawa-bawa sampai berbulan-bulan selagi adik-adiknya tak berusaha nak cari kerja baru. kalau dia tolong bulan lepas, camno plak adik-adiknya nak bayar duit kereta untuk bulan akan datang. dia tak kisah sangat duit yg adik dia pinjam, tapi dia nak adik-adik dia rasa bertanggungjawab dan jgn mudah cari solution dengan nak pinjam meminjam ni.
    .-= jua´s last blog ..Persoalan perlukan jawapan =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Betul tu. Kalo diajar complacent mmgla payah dah nak baiki. Dalam kepala dah tanam that abg/akak adaaaaaa

  2. mommyct Avatar

    salam. I remember when my sis always tell me that i’m such a spoilt bcos always running out of money (masa study). Its hurt but she’s telling the truth…only I realize it after I graduated. Its not easy to get money but so easy to finish it off…
    .-= mommyct´s last blog ..After Much Consideration =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      As long as tak cari duit sendiri tu duk ingat duit ni mcm hujan jatuh Dari langit jekan

  3. Nur Avatar

    lyna..it is sooooo true!!
    kengkdg kan, adik beradik senirik pun x leh caya tau. sume nk lpskan diri sendiri jer.hr tu abg ipar penah nk guna nama my hubby nk settle loan umah dia, kitorang a bit reluctant sbb tau perangai dia camner..bila kitorang refuse,dia ckp mcm2 kt blkg..well, better safe than sorry.

    (eh relevankah citer ni..owh nk citer gak!!!)
    .-= Nur´s last blog ..ENMG =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      yela kak.. agaknya sebab dia rasa adik beradik sendiri so tak payah nak berkira2

      agaknya tak kisah kalau susahkan adik beradik sendiri

      tp kalau sekali bergaduh, mmg sadis kalo libatkan harta benda dalam adik beradik kan

  4. sya Avatar

    setuju dengan lyna…
    adik2 saya selalu kata saya selalu berkira dengan diorang.
    tapi, biarlah diorang kata saya berkira sekarang daripada diorang tak pandai nak hargai duit di masa akan datang… harapnya dengan cara saya sekarang ni, mampu bagi diorang pengajaran yang duit tu bukan datang bergolek, semuanya kena usaha…
    .-= sya´s last blog ..lelaki botak tu hensem??? =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      kalau dari awal duk ingat ‘takpa, akak/abg ada…’ sampai bila2 pun ntah2 tak berubah2

      nanti jadi apa2, kita pulak yang susah kan

  5. Precious Avatar

    Is it true that people say kebanyakan orang Melayu la yg perangai cam ni … Lama2 makan diri dan silap2, akan jadi perang adik beradik!
    .-= Precious´s last blog ..Try Your Luck for a Free iPhone 3GS =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      boleh putus saudara kalau benda melibatkan duit ni kan

  6. yatie chomeyl Avatar
    yatie chomeyl

    betul doh tindakan gitu lyna deh, sampai bilo nok kiro mudoh2 wpon denge adik beradik. nanti bilo masing2 dah ado family sendiri, tok pasal2 jadi baloh dgn spouse sebab kes pinje duit ko adik beradik gitu. baik beringat drpd awal.
    .-= yatie chomeyl´s last blog ..Yatie Chomeyl’s giveaway – Kisses of Love =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      jolo doh tu
      kalu pinje sungguh takpo jugok
      ni pinje2 paka wat dop ingat.. meme haru molek la tuh ko guano?

  7. tunfrida Avatar

    Salaam, Lyna.

    sungguh la, fi’il buat tak endah harta orang, ambil kesempatan, ambil mudah setiap perkara… even dalam adik-beradik pun, sgtlah tak bagusnya.

    very well, i really need to teach ‘something’ to my sista, baru je call minta hadiah harijadinya jumaat ni… baru je tahun lepas saya wariskan digital kamera saya, tahun ni minta lagik?? HandPhne pula tu…

    sedaaaaaaaaaaaaaapp je ye! main order jek? hahaha
    .-= tunfrida´s last blog ..Kek Lapis Sarawak | Sarawak Layer Cake =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      best la lagu tu boleh order2 je kan
      hari ni mintak henpon
      eesok2 mintak kereta sapa nak jawab tuuu


  8. juju Avatar

    menarik topik ni.. adik saya blajar lagi, n selalu mintak duit nak top up la, nak gi lawatan la, nak main badminton la.. kesian gak kat dia sbb dia nak jugak enjoy life as a student, tapi i tatau macamana nak ajar dia value of money.. kita dok keje pagi2 buta kuar rumah balik dah malam tapi dia sedap je mintak.. tanak bagi tak sampai hati, bila bagi naik lemak.. adusss…
    .-= juju´s last blog ..Exclusive: ZARA Girls!! =-.

  9. mama emma® Avatar

    adik² akak dulu selalu gak pow akak… la nie turn akak lak nak pow adik²..

    .-= mama emma®´s last blog ..-PEEL YG DOT DOT DOT- =-.

  10. zahra Avatar

    saya dulu pernah jadi provider adik beradik masa belajar… tapi biasanya, sebelum saya bagi duit, mmg saya akan lecture dulu lah… pot pet pot pet pot pet untuk ingatkan diri diorg… bile masing2 dah keja ni, saya akan selalu bring up pasal utang… tapi adik beradik saya tak kecik ati… diorg akan bayar bila diorg ada duit lebih… saya pun takde la kisah sgt cuma lebih suka letak diorg di tempatnya dan sentiasa beringat…

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