How to Pump Milk?

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answering ‘mama tak reti’s question.

i hope i knew MTT’s background. how long has she been nursing? how old is the baby? does she direct feeding all this while? what type of pump is she using? etc.

i’m not a BF pro, just maybe with my little knowledge (the one i practice), i can share, & other moms also can give their comments.

i use Avent Isis UNO. it’s an electrical, uno (single) pump, which i bought a year ago at Parkson, KLCC. i chose this pump because of its mini-sized, and multi-usage. can be manual, electric & battery. most important, it is mobile and can campak2 ke mana saja.

using electical pump is sooo pleasurable. UNO’s suction is weaker than manual Avent, however it is very convenience for i don’t have to use my hand to make the pump works. and i can pump while reading, chatting, sms-ing, etc. it’s noisy, yes, but i don’t know how noisy it is compared to other pumps cos i never hear other pumps’ noises.

my pumping routine started at 9.00am, and i try to make 4 sessions per day during working hours.

previously i pumped in the surau, in my telekung, however now i found new places which are more private than pumping in surau 😀

the must to pump using electrical pump is the power supply. haha. and a comfortable space. prior to pumping, i massage the boobs gently to make the fluid loosen.

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different mothers have different techniques in pumping milk. some are begin with strong suction to get the let-down before the steady suction along the session. some begin with lowest setting suction to make them just feel comfortable prior to let down. and massaging top & the side is helpful so the milk will come out easily. maybe we can reposition the boobs in the funnel.

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let down between mothers are very unique. some moms might have strong let down and some might be slow let down. and this also depend on the techniques and the type of pumps.

i am not a mom with ‘large flow’ milk. but for the office sake, i set 5 minutes minimum to pump each boob. usually i get the amount of 3,4 or 5 oz within than 10minutes. and sometimes 2 oz or even less. but it does not mean that my milk starts to dry up, it might be because of my fluid intake, food intake or my mood.

if MTT is still not working and direct feed, the pumping amount might not be that much, since the baby is direct feed, and the demand for direct feeding is still high. MTT should not stop pumping for the reason of not much milk comes out, the rule of thumb is supply is base on demand, so keep on pumping so that the boob may ‘send the message’ to the brain that it has to produce more milk at certain times.

pumping session should be a relaxing one. try to get rid of anything that can make us less concentrate. the best is to put our babies’ faces in our mindframes. and don’t push yourself too hard to urge the milk to flow out. ease yourself with selawat, or any zikrullah.

milk pumping should be the best experience and stress-relief tool during the 8-5 (here 7.30-4.30) working hours.

other mommies might want to add, & hope it helps!

[i’m having malas-pump syndrome right now. oh plz dose me some motivation!]

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10 responses to “How to Pump Milk?”

  1. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan


    BABAB KANG!!!!

    (tu ryan yg marah tu… i x tau.. hu hu)

  2. ct Avatar

    hi lina, lama tak tinggalkan komen. dulu2 i used to jengah kat sini jugak.
    nway, just to add up, when we start work, memang kadar susu will apparently decrease, but not because tak de susu but its because kite have less direct feeding. this is back to what u mentioned earlier, supply and demand concept.
    of coz, u cannot stop pumping, just continue.
    bila baby makin besar pun we will see the drop in amount. also bcoz less demand, sbb baby dah start solid.
    btw, i’m using medela mini E since my son and i think this is the best purchase i ever made..:). la nih turun to my daughter plak but the plag go ka-put. sib baik yg nih electric & battery operated.
    talk abt the malas syndrome.. i do have it now and then.hehhe.. susah kan nak mengubatnye….:p

  3. fidah Avatar

    hi, first time here… i kagum dgn semangat u nak breastfeed ur child.. i have a fren yg mmg tak nak breastfeed coz takut breast dia sag… anyway gud luck in pumping

  4. jua Avatar

    oh syg, jgn malas2 nak pump. bebudak BF cam afiy n faris nih cerdik benor tau, susu ibu gak sedap sehingga menjilat bibir. kalo u igt muka afiy, tp malas gak nak pump..apa kat u igt muka i.hahah.. jgn malasle babe, kang sakit jiwa cm i, sbb tonsilitis punya hal..faris jd mangsa. btw..tonsilitis dah kurang n susu i dah back to normal. alhamdulillah.

    sapa pn xmo breast sag, tp demi anak benda2 tuh pejam mata jele. sbb nikmat pengorbanan ibu tuh susah nak diungkapkan. =)

  5. izawani Avatar

    Bagusnya info… tak sabar nak beranak lagi nih…. hahahaha….

  6. MommyAdam Avatar

    i pun malas la kadang tu nak pam..kan best kalau boleh bawak baby gi ofice..kasi diorg je pam sendiri…hehe..

  7. Babe Avatar

    lina aku nak tanya sumthg la.

    boleh ke baby baru lahir ni kita bottlefeed tapi still pakai susu ibu sebab akak aku ni nak balik 17hb. Akak aku kata nurse kat sini suruh tunggu 4 weeks dulu. Mana sempat wei plus takkan nak open feeding dalam flight? tak logik 13 jam plak tu!

    ilmu untuk daku juge:D aku malas nak surg tanya ko gak senang hehehe

  8. Fid Avatar

    kalau malas lagi akak ROTAN!!!!


  9. mummy dina Avatar
    mummy dina

    hi mami hafiy. nak tanya pendapat sikit psl pumping ni:
    1. baby saya umur 5 minggu sekarang & saya memang exclusive BF dia. 3 minggu lagi saya nak start keje & skrg saya dah mula kumpul stok EBM. Masalah saya ialah baby saya menyusu setiap sejam stgh/2jam sekali & klu saya pam susu utk stok EBM, breast saya tak sempat nak penuh balik utk next feeding & baby pun merengek sbb tak puas minum. mcmana saya nak plan pumping time saya utk stok EBM & pd masa yg sama susu saya cukup utk direct feeding?
    2. setiap kali pam saya cuma berjaya pam 1.5oz shj sedangkan skrg baby saya minum 3oz each feeding time.ini sedikit sebyk merisaukan saya samada saya boleh stock up sebanyak itu atau tidak.
    3. adakah penggunaan electric breastpump boleh meningkatkan jumlah susu yg dipam pada each pumping time berbanding manual pump? buat masa skrg saya guna breastpump avent isis manual.
    4. adakah milkmaid tea berkesan utk menabahkan susu?

  10. lia Avatar

    makin semangat rasa nyer nk bf my son bler bc blog u nih….
    byk info n semangat membara…

    selamat ber’pump’ yer…

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