Hafiy Goes to Supermarket

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One of the thing I used to worry about was, having a child who likes to throw tantrum in public, especially at the shopping complex.

It was happened once, when we went to MPH, when Hafiy was about 11 month old. He was attracted to the sets of poster color. He even grabbed some of the container. I told him that I’m not gonna pay for those, please put them back. He screamed his lung out and makes the people around us turned into smiling face looking at me ‘dealing’ with a new toddler who was just learn to walk.

I thought that we have to bring him to such places often, so that he could learn how to get rid of his jakun-ness.

Even, at home I taught him to “Please respect others’ belongings. If it’s not yours and it has no importance to you, please don’t even touch it”.

Nevertheless, I can’t say anything about the result, cos we’re still on our long journey, and I cross my fingers to see a POSITIVE RESULT.

As yet, I observed that he undergoes some phases,

Phase I : Grabs things he likes, refuses to let them go, and scream if insisted.

Phase II : Touches and grabs all the things, makes sure they fall onto the floor, but won’t do it anymore after some ‘reminder’.

Phase III : Grabs things and puts them in our shopping basket/trolley.  He even looks for any empty basket/trolley to put the goods in.

Phase IV : Touches and points to any object he knows and says something about it (in his language which is hardly understood).

Phase V : Yet to experienced.

He’s in his Phase IV. Every phase is challenging in its way. In phase IV, I have to closely watch him and run after him everytime he sees something new. Some say we should trust our kids and let them think independently, but to me kids are kids. They are not mature enough to have a reasonable thinking like adult, and they are not little adults! So I have to watch any of them closely, remind about the same thing over and over again, until I am confident enough to let them being fully independence.

Alhamdulillah, so far everything is under control.

I use my maternal instinct to parent my children. One thing I always hold is ‘Never Say Anything Bad About Your Children’. I believe that every child was ‘patented’ to meet the parents’ need and condition. I have a very clingy boy named Hafiy, and I’m happy with it. Even if I used to talk to my friend about “Hafiy is so clingy that I have to run to save my world, or else I won’t have time to eat”, but I never said “I’m so depress because …, I’m stress because…, My baby is not a good …, yadayada (Replace …. with the sentence in “”)”. I AM COMPLETELY HAPPY!

(Please don’t get depressed by your own children cos they didn’t come here by their own. Got what I mean?).

I’m always positive about my children’s development. Even if sometimes I can’t help myself to be rush to see changes in them, but eventually I knew that it takes them some times to learn and practice new things.

Always tell the kids that I love them and proud of them.

Eventually I realised that setting objective is really important. (I lost my life objective for years and now I’m so glad finally I have it! ;)) It quite useful in parenting, at least for me, when we set some significant objectives, it not only makes us strive to achieve them, but also thinking about the dreams makes us always alert and pray or at least speak about it to ourselves from time to time.

I used to have a dream to see Hafiy ‘transfers’ his ‘on paper’ knowledge into the real world. And he did it by pointing out some objects he finds in his book, when we go out shopping, such as “buah”, “apple”, “banana”, etc. (Even if other kids at his age achieve this spontaneously but to me it is one great achievement).

I can’t wait to bring Hafiy to supermarket again, and witness him venturing the next phase. Ngeee~~~

Fahry makes faces. He is such a cute baby, isn’t he?

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15 responses to “Hafiy Goes to Supermarket”

  1. Salwa Avatar

    comel anak2 kamu 🙂
    alhamdulillah fahry dah sihat.

    TQ sal

    eheh, anak2 kamu pun apa kurangnya 😉

  2. kakyong Avatar


    geram tgk Fahry buat muka camtu.. rasa cam nak gigit pipi dia, as always i do to aliya & anis..

    org kata shopping ni learning place & terapi utk anak2 juga.. fikri sekarang ni tak mcm dulu, semua yg dia berkenan dia amik masuk troli.. selalu kena ckp, apa yg ibu & ayah nak beli… CUMA bila kat bhgn TOYS tu yg selalu nya kami elak.. huhu.. sbb nanti kalo dia dah pegang, susahnyer nak pujuk dia supaya letak balik.. selalunya end-up MELALAK, bila ayahnyer turn GREEN..

    now fikri & anis enjoy shopping very much.. feveret place is bhgn ikan/ayam.. anis pulak baru nak kenal brg & belaajr menyebut..

    salam kak yong,

    ooo berani nak geget anak orang ye hihihihi.

    tu la since kami jarang keluar ke tempat2 lain, bawak dia pegi shopping groceries je la. banyak benda bole ditengok kat situ kan.

    pastu, ape2 je yg ditengok dalam iklan TV, almost semua ada kat supermarket hehehe.

  3. zety Avatar

    hihihihi kemain fahry buat muka gitu.

    Fahry praktis nak jadi hensem 😛

  4. suri Avatar

    wah fahry…
    terkujat aunt tgk kamu…
    ari tu mami citer awak tak sihat smp masuk wad..
    aunt da sedih2 takut jd apa2 kat awak..
    congrats mami sebab jg fahry smp jd bobot cenggitu..

    Fahry : jangan sedih2 aunty. saya kan kuat! saja je nak tido kat spital tuhari 😉

  5. suri Avatar

    lupa aunt nak puji..
    dagu kamu mahal la fahry..

    Fahry: Mestila mahal… tgkla sape 😉
    (eh mana peg komen auntie yg sebelum ni tadi? argh!!!)

  6. mrs noba Avatar
    mrs noba

    fahry sudah babam!!!chomel…

    tapi tak puas hati lagi. rasa tak cukup bam bam.

  7. Diyana Avatar

    OWH WOW!!! Look at Fahry!!! He has grown so big!! Dah pandai buat2 muka?! Cutenyeeee… 🙂
    Yeah supermarkets can be quite a challange… I keep my lil boy in the trolley and save all the trouble.. 🙂

    now bukan je pandai buat muka. buat suara pun dah pandai.
    ps: untungnya kalo budak Hafiy bole main letak2 dalam troli. he likes to be free & lari2 sana sini.

  8. mama emma Avatar

    lyna, pls pls pls teach me..

    mcm mana u leh jadi sorg yg positf mcm nie??? akak xleh la…….

    ish akak ni
    semua orang pun positif la
    KRU je negatif 😛

  9. nonie Avatar

    haah bagusnya… sooo positive i think the thing which is lacking in me right now…. everytime afifah buat perangai… at some point i can’t help but feel so stressed out… tokleh tipu la.. huhu…

    biasala stress2 tu tapi dah asik stress je, malas nak layan 😛
    biar aje la kan. kire macam enjoy the moment la hehehe.

  10. salzahari Avatar

    yer la Lyna…bkn kata stress sbb ada anak gitu,cuma i rasa kita stress sbb taktau nak handle. i’m sure every mommies happy with their child no matter what tantrum the child throw to them :p

    betul betul betul
    kalo stress & tak happy sure lama dah kene buang budak tu 😛

  11. Millie Avatar

    A young mommy with 4 kids once mentioned in her blog “i’m too blessed to be stressed”. I pun ada 4 anak, WAHM jugak so I selalu ingatkan quote dia ni bila2 I rasa stressed. Every thing in this world has its’ moments, not all are bed of roses. Dealing with children is different than dealing with adults. Tu yg kdg2 rasa letih, “stressed”, frustrated dll..tapi deal dgn adults pun rasa mcm tu jugak..asam garam kehidupan. So memang kita ni sebagai mak2 harussss be positive mcm yg u sebut kat sini 🙂

  12. Sya Avatar

    hai kak lyna.. er, kakak kan? 😀

    my Dhea pon very clingy.. dah mcm baby boy.. sya selalu rasa stress & marah2 Dhea esp. bila tinggal ber3 dgn anak2.. cmane to overcome?

    how i wish i cud be like you… haih!

  13. Sya Avatar

    lupa nak tambah.. geramnyer tgk Fahry dah tembemmm.. siap dgn mimik muka lagik tuh.. auntie geget pipi nak fahry? ;P

  14. fid Avatar

    supermarket supermarket..anak saya nak pi tesco
    macam mana ni?

  15. Vina Avatar

    That’s really thiinkng at a high level

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