Hafiy, Aeroplane & KL

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if its not because of the yearly sponsored air ticket by the company, we won’t have any air travel from KB to KL. [kudos to the company, at least we didn’t have to worry about the flood & landslide].

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we flew a day after Aidiladha, at 8.30pm. i really didn’t have any idea of flying with a baby. however, i plan to bring you along if i have to do business trip (to anyplace i could find somebody to look after you) since domestic charge for under 2YO baby is only 10% of the full price. so cheapy….

we went out 2 hours before the flight, cos i want to choose our seat next to the window so that it become easier to me to breastfeed you. however, it was a teruk traffic jam. more than 1 hour on the road for a usually-not-more-than-30minutes journey. oh my… however we still managed to get the seat, even tho it was at the 24th row.

it wasn’t something comfortable to me, the seat is too narrow and limited spaced. however, with the keprihatinan of the air crew thanks a lot!, it became more pleasantable. my biggest fear was, how if you COL (cry out loud) along the 55minutes journey… oh i would die… the soother is take you for a walk… how could i do that in a boeing 737? alhamdulillah, you so well-behaved! you just merengek mintak susu & then you was preoccupied by the plane’s light outside. good boy!

we didn’t have any problem, or maybe because the journey is a short one? oh, i’m thinking about 2-and-half-hour flight to Miri! oh dear boy please be a good boy OK?

nevertheless, i still prepared some little things for the flight:-
1. sweater (thank to Mak Siti. jauh import from Cambodia =))
2. feed you during taking-off and landing to balance pressure inside your ears (however, you didn’t accept this. you know how to balance it yourself eh)
3. pant type diapers (bcos of limited space for nappy change)
4. a very supportive husband 😉 (my hands were fully occupied, Abiy helped me having my favourite orange juice)

walking in the airport was very tiring. plus, i wore heels. oh my, without stroller nor baby carrier, i hold you all the way while Abiy pushing the trolley. my back ache! i should buy a new pair… not a heely ones… phew~ fortunately, Tok Ma, Tok Pa & Pak Su Muhd went to China in the morning, so they left a car for us. so we could have Abiy’s favourite satay Kajang at Dengkil R&R. yummy!

our first nite at Saujana Damansara was a terrible one. you cried all nite long! Mommy & Abiy were soooo tired, and i tot sometimes i just let you cry while i was sleeping cos i had no more energy to cradle you. poor boy… i told Tok Ayah bout that and he said ‘baby beralih tempat’. i guess, yes. for 2 and half month you slept on our bed at Anjung Nenek, now everything had changed. i tot you need some time to adjust yourself to this new environment. i hope you won’t take long cos we’ll be here for not more than 10 days.

the first thing Mommy did was finding the timbang berat. i’m 46kg! wow2! 1kg more to go to my targeted weight! (my weight before got pregnant was 47kg anyway & targeted weight is 45kg) and our weight alltogether is 53kg. so you’re 7kg now! beratnyer..

and this morning, we had our very first family photo session with Uncle WakJue

(together with Adam Mikhael & family at Putrajaya) … Mommy gonna tell you the story later with some piccas of today’s activity 🙂 so notty la you… tak suka tau buat perangai macam tu.

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14 responses to “Hafiy, Aeroplane & KL”

  1. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    moma hafiy, murah ke photoshoot u tu?? kami pun kebetulan ada shoot jugak ptg ahad smlm…

    he he… x sabar nak tgk ur shoot tu..

  2. Dandelion Avatar

    mami hafiy u know wat i really2 risau cmner nk bwk blk my baby nnt next year (insyaAllah) sbb hav to endure 7 hourse journey on flight. esp takut kalau my hubby xleh ikut sama. i takut dia nangis n buat perangai tu je huhu. do u have tips to share? i ni mmg gelabah sungguh la. pk byk sgt smpi bab itupn dh start risau2 pk cmner nk buat. punyala berpikiran jauh keh keh keh ;P

  3. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    nasib baik abg nuar ada skali ye. kalau akk sorg2, sy rasa akk pun sure gabra nak handle hafiy sorg2 :p

  4. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    mama ryan,
    wow yeke. kat mana? kitorang punya.. ntahla murah ke tak. he takes rm119 for 30piccas printed wif cd. hehe.

    insya-Allah, hopefully ur baby tak fussy2 ameen. neway i have some tips (which i didnt practise sbb xperlu :P)
    1. find flight yg fit ur baby. kalo ada nite flight bagus if baby usually tido mlm.
    2. kalo bole pakai sling since bb akan melekap je ngan kita.
    3. pastikan extra diapers, & all benda yg baby perlukan bila2, ada siap2 kat hand luggage. especially kalo flight delay xpayah susah2 nk cari.
    4. bwk benda yg dia familiar, blanket ke, topi ke apa ke utk tenangkan dia.
    5. make sure air crew aware u bawak baby. hehe. maybe ada benda yg perlukan pertolongan derang, xpayah susah2 nk explain.
    6. prepare pacifier or anyting utk baby hisap masa take off (if dia dah kenyang xmo nenen dah).
    7. u get enuff rest. kang baby wat hal dlm plane u plak yg tension. kalo dah ckp rest, bole relax je layan dia hehe.
    … i think tu je yg ada slm kepala. hmm.. hopefully ur baby bkn type yg fussy la. tp my Hafiy enjoi je the flight. hehe. alhamdulillah.

    piki byk xpe, asal jgn terbeban plak kang sakit pala. rileks2 enjoi the pregnancy & babyhood 😀

    ahahaha, itu sgt betul! kalo sorang2 maunya awal2 dah kasik ubat tido 😛 tp mujurlah xmeragam. hehe. dia ‘ek’ sikit, trus tuka tangan kasik kat Abiy haha.

  5. Ibu Emir Avatar
    Ibu Emir

    baby dekat tempat baru, memang menangis sikit. so kalau mira everytime pergi tempat baru, tak pun balik rumah sendiri, first thing yang mira akan buat is basuh muka die. sambil2 tu bace lah ayat yang senang. insyaAllah it helps.

  6. Dandelion Avatar

    I kena doa hari2 la so that my baby jenis yg tak fussy… InsyaAllah hihi. Tq ya Mami Hafiy for all the tips. Kena simpan terus ni. Will surely do that nnt 😀

  7. ~wan hidayat~ Avatar
    ~wan hidayat~

    salam…..akak dh sampai Miri kan…bila nak buat kenduri doa selamat…nak jumpe hafiy yang chomey itu….nak peluk n cium hafiy…hhehehehe

  8. ct Avatar

    lina, waaa.. dah start keja ye… prepared for the seperation syndrom… my baby was affected. on the 1st day tuh, die tak tido lena whole day…my maid ckp, die tido2 ayam je.. sedih je.. when i came back, die buat muka cembeng…hehhehe..

  9. kasutVincci Avatar

    bila akak crita pasal lina n afy dekat hubby, dia senyum jer. Sama peel cam dina. Tp akak pun kecut perut bila ingatkan afy nak menempuh perjalanan ke kl tu. Kalo tak, mana tau pak lah tolong dukung afy sama. Hik hik…cipta sejarah tu.;P
    err..nak balik miri nnti harap afy pun good boy. Sian mommy.

  10. MommyAdam Avatar

    along, did you see the preview on Wakju’s fotopages? he took amazing photos! tak sabar nak tgk the whole set =)

    mcmanelah kite boleh pakai theme kaler sama ek..lawak tul..

  11. cikdinz Avatar

    takde gambar dlm flight ke….

  12. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    ibu emir,
    ya lah kot mira. tuhari we went to benut (my hubby’s grandparents house), hafiy nangis2 xberenti. but then the next day pegi another granny’s house, dia xnankgis, dah gelak2 lg. dah serasi ngan angin johor kot 🙂

    thanks for the tips, kitorang try gak kat hafiy. kadang2 melalak xrenti gak hoho.

    eheh, i pun xtau work ke tak pasal xpenah try muahahhaa.

    readyla mentally kalo baby fussy. think at the +ve side, budak suka menangis ni bijak 🙂

    salam.. tak sampai miri lagi. hehehe. fligte 31hb 😛

    hihihihihi.. lom lagi… bulan dua baru keja 😛

    kak KV,
    hahaha. tu la, sama je perangai hafiy-dina. arap2 dia behave jurus2 la blk miri pasnih. lama tu… 2.5jam!

    hihihi, dah tgk. tu la, bila la c wakjue ni nk siap process…

    tu la.. sebbaik xpakai kan hafiy baju same color dgn adam. nasib je baju same color tu br beli sabtunya, ari ahad baru kt jemuran. kalo x, sumer 1 set 😛

    xsmpt snap gamba wooo

  13. 13may Avatar

    Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year..

  14. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    happy new yr to u too 😉

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