Dealing With The Fussy and Picky Eater

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Hafiy is quite a fussy eater. He used to not eating anything other than my breastmilk for almost 3 months (at his 18th month). And it was very challenging yet tricky to bring him to the dining table. He rather enjoy running around the house, until “Doesn’t he feel hungry?” came across my mind.

Among the rules of staying with in laws is to make sure your children are not crying and able to sleep soundly. Else, it would trigger speculations such as, ‘You don’t feed him right so he always cries and wakes up at night. He’s hungry”. And it’s catastrophic if the baby is really not eating well. The blame is on the mother for not feeding him, not the baby who doesn’t really like to eat LOL.

So to make sure Hafiy eats, I tried to make the dining time fun.

Kid’s food, he doesn’t like at all. Decorate? Naaaah.

Then I was thinking about things he likes to play with.

I want A.. Mommy I want A!!!
I want A.. Mommy I want A!!!

Thanks to Heinz for producing this alphabet-pasta-shape. So everytime I want him to has his lunch or dinner I just have to cook the pasta, mix with little butter and cheese.

“Hafiy, do you want to eat A B C?”


This one is soft and rather suitable for babies 7 months and up. To me as long as Hafiy loves it, it’s OK lah. Everyday eat this pun OK. Sometimes add meat, chicken, fish, etc. as long as the alphabets are still visible.

“Tengok ni ada K lah. Mari kita makaaaan K ini!”

Being a picky eater is normal for children under 6 years old. According to Dr. Paul, Young children tend to eat according to their own natural instincts about what, when and how much they need to eat. Their appetite usually adjusts itself to the amount and type of food that provides the energy and nutrients that they need to live and grow. And although parents tend to worry about their children’s eating habits, their children’s instincts are often correct. The fact that the child isn’t eating according to the parents’ expectations doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s a problem.

However, there’s problem when the child refuses to eat at all, or like snacks too much without the real meal, or hate to try new food, or has no variety in his meals. As children need enough nutrients to grow and learn, they need to eat and eat variety of food so that their body get enough fertilizer.

Some tips to deal with the fussy eater:

  1. Don’t be emotional and aggressive. Handle with positive attitude.
  2. Make mealtime a funtime. Show them that we’re having fun eating, not struggling to finish the food.
  3. Provide all nutritious value in a child’s meal. Even if he doesn’t eat frequently, one meal must provide everything he needs.
  4. Ask their opinion. “Do you have any idea what should we eat for today’s dinner?”
  5. Serve his food in different ways.
  6. Make a game eating. Who eats more than a bowl will get a present. etc.

Alhamdulillah, now Hafiy has no more eating problem. Except he likes hot & spicy food too much. Hmmm…~

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28 responses to “Dealing With The Fussy and Picky Eater”

  1. littlemama Avatar

    izzah pun mula tak nak makan nasi lembik yang ada sayur + ikan… bagi bubur kosong + kurma makan pulak tu.. satu lagi sebab dia nak makan sendiri.. so me letak highchair dia kat dining table.. letak satu bowl + sudu + sikit nasi for her to makan sendiri… pada masa sama me pun suapkan dia la… habis pun dimakannya

    walaupun lepas tu dia memang comot dengan nasi melekat kat pipi, dahi, rambut, perut semua… dan meja/kerusi/lantai bersepah dengan nasi… me think it’s a good way to let her learn eating by herself (kotor tak pe asal dia belajar/happy/learn)..ha..ha 😛
    .-= littlemama´s last blog ..Johnson’s Baby of The Year 2009. =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      ye kalo tak diajar makan sendiri dengan bersepah2 tu, takkan le tetibe dia pandai makan dengan tanpa sepah kan.

      kita mula2 belajar makan pun penat mak nak cuci comot2 hehe. :mrgreen:

  2. QueeNin Murni Avatar
    QueeNin Murni

    baru perasan semalam the pasta kat giant..memang menarik.. tp anak sy mmg perut melayu sungguh..makaroni/spagethi tak suka..tapi keatiuw or bihun ok pulak..

    yg paling best.. dia suke yg pedas.. masak lemak cili api pon jalan(sikit2 je yer).. tu baru 1year plus tuh.. 😛
    sup2 or porridge dah tak layan.. so menu yg mama paling suke masak skang,masak kicap_blackpepper sikit.. :p


    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      dulu i pun risau jugek nak kasik adult food especially yg pedas2. but after tnya Jennifer Hor, dia kata no problem, yg penting kene tengok lepas makan tu ade tak dia lain macam, if Ok then Ok la :mrgreen:

  3. Nuradyani Avatar

    I like to cook variety of food for my daughters too. They love pasta, noodles and special rice like chicken rice and nasi kerabu. I always make sure there’ll be plenty of veges in the dish that I cook. 😛

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      still ramai budak2 tak suka makan sayur, aint it? i went to my sedara’s house, they all amazed by kids yang ‘boleh’ makan sayur, including mine. Hafiy even asks for sayur kalau makan nasi tu :mrgreen:

  4. arin Avatar

    betul tuh..kalau tuh mmg fav dia, buat kan anak arin yg, she loves to eat adik dia nye multigrain cereal from Heinz gak..tiap2 hari dia nak makan yang tuh..bagi je..asalkan mengenyangkan untuk dia..and yes..bila dah ader anak yang mmg agak cerewet bab makan, mak nye pon kene extra creative..:)
    .-= arin´s last blog ..Imaginary Friends =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      ermmm kalo tak kena gaya, i.e. maknye nak jugak2 anak makan benda yg dia buat, kene yg suka rebel, terus majuk taknak makan.. susah jugak kan.

      tu la maknye yg kene kretif. tapi kalau ada 5 orang anak, lima2 fussy.. mmg pening la maknye hehe,

  5. mama emma® Avatar

    nak cari la nnt, sambil tu leh ajar alphabet..
    .-= mama emma®´s last blog ..-APPEARKAN NAVBAR- =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      ada je kat tesco, giant, JJ…

  6. babycomel Avatar

    dah lama cari alphabet-pasta-shape tu tp tak jupe2 lg…

    aina makan ikut mood, ada masanye kurang nak makan suka main2 n sepah2kan makanan aje..risau mmgle risau tp layankan jela…time dia nak makan saya bg dia makan non stop smpi perot jadi buncit… :mrgreen:
    .-= babycomel´s last blog ..Makanan penambah susu =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      kami jumpe ni kat beberapa buah tesco, c4, giant & JJ hehe.

      budak ni pun suka main2 makanan, tp kadnag2 kita buat2 tak pandang,e h pandai plak dia abiskan hehe. saja nak mengada la tu

  7. Hanz Avatar

    Me dah try bagi ABC pasta tu with the Heinz sauce as well, tak jalan ngan baby Hambali…tapi baru 1st time try..

    Notice baby Hambali selera Melayu, suka bubur2 berlauk, bihun ngan nasi..kurang gemar oat, pasta & bread..sebaliknya abang dia, apa sajer berkaitan ngan cheese sangat menyelerakan sampai selalu mintak mac & cheese.

    Peningkan kepala kalau setiap anak lain selera. Try bento-lah pulak baru berjinak-jinak.. 😉
    .-= Hanz´s last blog ..Our so-called 1st Bento on the go! =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      wah nampaknya demam bento melanda!

      nak buat la dengan my ex roomate nanti hehehe.

      Hambali suka Malay food, senang & murah daripada western food. ekeke.

  8. sya Avatar

    hmm, thanks for the tips..
    darwisy belum lah nak memilih sangat.. cuma, dia hanya akan makan banyak kalau ada sup je.. kalau tak ada sup, ada lah sesuap.. 😛
    .-= sya´s last blog ..tabiat darwisy sebelum tidur =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      bagusnya darwisy cari benda2 yg bole incease kandungan iar dalam badna dia hehehe

  9. sitisifir10 Avatar

    Baru nk sajes Bento mcm Hanz 😛 tapi saya tak buat la kots…tak dan siap Usamah akan tanya, bila nak siap ni umi….. 😆
    .-= sitisifir10´s last blog ..Finalis ‘Pemberi Title’ Disenaraipendekkan Lagi =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      maila kita buat sama2
      tak semapt2 siap, masa tekap2 tu dah abis gamaknya hehe

  10. littlemama Avatar

    me suka bento.. nak try for izzah nanti (tengok me rajin ke tidak…hu ha)
    .-= littlemama´s last blog ..Special Merdeka Giveaway – Laptop Bag =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      kalau tak rajin, beli sushi kat JJ pastu kita susun2 dalam bento box 😛

  11. ummu_abdullah Avatar

    Anak saya pun sangat picky dalam nak makan-makan nih. Tapi kalau pujuk die n then ceritakan kebaikan makan sayur dsb die akan makan. Tapi sikit je la…
    Paling suka ratah ayam goreng… huhu

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      alhamdulillah bagusnya Abdullah, dengar cakap ummi ye. semoga membesar jadi anak yang sentiasa memilih kebaikan. ayam goreng… macam Upin & Ipin :mrgreen:

  12. NaDiaH SiDeK Avatar

    safiyyah setakat ni takde la nmpk fussy bout food. terima seadanya apa yg disuap di mulutnya tu. awal2 dulu bg bubur nasi kosong semata2 pun laju je mkn. hehe. hrp2nya dia mcm tu la jgk bila dh besar nnt. jgn jd mcm umminya sudah…byk food yg tak mkn & ssh nk mencuba mknn yg tak prnh dimakan :p
    .-= NaDiaH SiDeK´s last blog ..Cheese cake & pizza =-.

  13. shy Avatar

    owh sm mcm qistina la lyna…sgt picky eater..kadang2 tu smp pening tak tau nk bg dia mkn apa…bg bubur dia cepat jemu.
    since dia 7mos camtu shy dah start bg dia kids pasta ni. mmg tekak omputih kot..suke sgt dia! if on the go, shy bekalkan dgn sos dia skali, ataupun kalo malas 😀 if not, tambahlah apa2 dlm sos dia tu eg veggies and chicken/meat.

    and yes, bole dibeli di jj 🙂
    .-= shy´s last blog ..Happy Anniversary B! =-.

  14. salzahari Avatar

    alhamdulillah Aliah tak memilih tp dia akan mkn byklah yg dia suka ie.vege, udang, sotong, mi dll. so far, tak jemu lagi dgn apa i masak! hehhee…tp i lak yg dah cemuih dgn apa i masakk utk dia! hahhahaa

  15. EnMa Avatar

    wish the ABC pasta d jual kat Brunei..dh lama saya carik, tpi takde :( son is a picky eater too..

  16. aidie Avatar

    used to have that problem masa my son nak masuk setahun. then i let him to feed himself. mmg sangat berselerak…tapi at least he enjoys it & asalkan dia makan. tapi since that he refuses to suap..mau makan sendiri je..apa2 je la..asalkan anak mama makan

  17. mrsnik@meah Avatar

    td baru jer i tulis pasal makan2 anak ni…tibe2 terbace entry let share a bit about parenting…Falah makan sayur?
    .-= mrsnik@meah´s last blog melabur dpt bungasy melabur dpt durianaaa =-.

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