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i just came across this when asked by my fren, Sal about BPA bottle. i made a little reading on the worldwideweb and found these :-

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Polycarbonates are a particular group of thermoplastic polymers, whose primary building block is bisphenol A (BPA), a hormone disrupter that releases into food and liquid[6] and acts like estrogen. Research in Environmental Health Perspectives finds that BPA (leached from the lining of tin cans, dental sealants and polycarbonate bottles) can increase body weight of lab animals’ offspring, as well as impact hormone levels. A more recent animal study suggests that even low-level exposure to BPA results in insulin resistance, which can lead to inflammation and heart disease. [source: wikipedia]

BPA is found in polycarbonate plastic food containers often marked on the bottom with the letters “PC” recycling label #7. Not all #7 labeled products are polycarbonate but this is a reasonable guideline for a category of plastics to avoid. Polycarbonate plastics are rigid and transparent and used for sippy cups, baby bottles, food storage, and water bottles. Some polycarbonate water bottles are marketed as ‘non-leaching’ for minimizing plastic taste or odor, however there is still a possibility that trace amounts of BPA will migrate from these containers, particularly if used to heat liquid. [source:]

Depending on whom you talk to, BPA is either perfectly safe or a dangerous health risk. The plastics industry says it is harmless, but a growing number of scientists are concluding, from some animal tests, that exposure to BPA in the womb raises the risk of certain cancers, hampers fertility and could contribute to childhood behavioral problems such as hyperactivity. [source: national geographic]

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and this chart!

gosh i’ve been using avent products all this while [& the merapu2 botol since Hafiy said NO to bottle]!

for avent product:

BPA-Free Products
Bottles: None
Pumping Supplies: (disposable system)
Pacifiers: None
Feeding Aids:Powder Formula Dispenser and Snack Cup
Cups: Magic Trainer Cup, Magic Super Sport Cup

Products Containing BPA
Bottles: Natural Feeding Bottle, Tempo Natural Feeding Nurser (liners are polyethylene, bottle polycarbonate)
Pumping Supplies: Isis iQ Twin Electronic Breast Pump, Isis iQ Single Electronic Breast Pump, Isis Manual Breast Pump
Pacifiers: Avent Translucent Pacifiers, Avent Freeflow Pacifiers, Avent Newborn Nighttime Pacifier, Avent Fashion Pacifiers, Latex Toddler Nighttime Pacifier, Avent Silicone Pacifiers
Feeding Aids: None
Cups: None

huyehhh…. and avent has this to explain: What is Bisphenol-A, and what are the issues surrounding BPA.

i really need other mommies opinion.. and practices [not enough time to make further research, busy with office job- good excuses]. huyehhh.

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18 responses to “Bottle?”

  1. mado_ct Avatar

    kat sini, kalau hospital mmg guna yg kaca n yg kaca lg byk dipasaran dari yg plastik. apa kata lina guna botol kaca jugak?

  2. Fid Avatar

    akifnye botol mmg BPA free..

    kan hafiy tak guna botol…ok le tu

    ttg avent tu…ok kan?

    or nak tukau guna avent via?hehehehee

  3. Dandelion Avatar

    Dlu pn ada terjmpa psl ni tp terlupa trs. Nasib baik u post psl ni br ingat blk. Tp I pn masa sdr tu dh terbeli complete Avent set siap dgn sport cup lg. Tp botol susu nyer de 2 je. Kalo I.. guna je jugak kot. Tp hati2 masa sterile ke jgn slalu expose kt pns melampau. At least guna jap br bli yg lain. Ini kalau I la.

  4. zuhaini Avatar

    mami hafiy.. hihihi..
    ok sambung.. kat shout out tu leh taip pendek jer.. 🙁
    1. Milkmaid tea (saya aritu bli kat Bebehaus One Utama (tapi doesn’t work fo me)
    2. petua org kampung : makan pucuk betik (erm.. lebih kurang cam tu la bunyi nya..) (saya x try lg pasal x da betik kat umah..)
    3. beli longan kering dari supermarket (kat area rempah ratus), rebus, airnya tambah gula sket (gula melaka lg elok), pas tu minum (bila da sejuk la..) (yg ini pun saya da try, tp x bejaya)
    4. yg selalu og bgtau : minum horlicks, makan oat, minum susu segar…
    Tu je la kot..
    saya geram ni x dapat breastfeed si Alia ni..
    aritu da try tukar puting botol kepada lubang kecik, da bg minum pakai cawan.. tapi bila sua jer nipple tu, dia x nak isap pun..
    agaknya dia pun da lupa mcm mana nak isap susu ibunya..
    k la,selamat mencuba..!

  5. suryati Avatar

    erk sitilina, walaupun baby i tak kuar lagi, i dah beli 2 type of bottles coz i plan to guna EBM (sebab keje kan) but both brand i bought fall under To Avoid section. hua..hua..hua…mcm mana nih?

  6. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    kak ct,
    oh ada ek? igtkan zaman dolu2 je ada botol kaca. hihi. <-mak ckp dlu dia minum pakai botol kaca huhu. kak fid,
    sesungguhnya encik ini sudah mau botol, siap pegang lagi!
    botol yg dia paling suka, botol yg sudu tu tp xpakai sudu, nk puting yg paling murah – rega xsampai 2 ringgit. huhu.

    hai tu la td sal ckp pakai je tablet strelizing tu. haha.

    thanks for the tips! 😉 nt kita try 🙂

    haha. belasah sajalah labu. huhu. xtau la that’s why i’m asking around cos xpenah tepiki. huwa2x.

  7. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    doc yg check i time i pregy dulu ckp, dia just pakai cup utk isi dadih tu je, sbb lepas pakai sekali leh trus buang….doc nie pun BF baby dia, dah 2thn dah… dia ckp dia x penah beli bottle utk ebm yg lain….

    i pun ada beli jugak, tp i beli g pjg sikit… hmm.. baru pakai dua jek….ye la… i kan mana sempat nak ebm shushu lelama…paling lama pun 2hari jek…

  8. Fid Avatar

    isu skrg ni ttg bottle with BPA kan…

    1. kalau guna botol BPA tu..jgn guna lama2..3-4 bulan tukar baru

    2. awal2 lagi belilah botol BPA free..
    bnyk kat pasaran….

    3. maybe in future botol2 BPA akan dihalang dari dipasarkan..maybe laaaaa

    ooohh en.hafiy dah nak botol ya
    itu la mami yg spend mahal2 tu apasal…ini hafiy bnyk baik punya ooo..morah2 aja layan….bagus2

    kihkihkih..hakikatnya abang akif hafiy mmg reject terus..

  9. mami Hafiy Avatar
    mami Hafiy

    mama ryan,
    i pon ada pakai bekas dadih gak. hehe. tp ada sikit je so i recycle. huhu. xsmpt g nkgi beli lain. huhu.

    k fid,
    tulah sebelum ni kan igtkan yg morah2 je ada BPA. cis la. dahla mahal abent tu.

    buatla botol mcm air mineral tu. disposable. huhu. bkn bahan sama je pakai. huhu.

    abg akif tak ajar adik hafiy betul2 ni. dia dah silap dpt mesej. hahaha.

  10. zuhaini Avatar

    Mama Hafiy :
    saya ada tertinggal satu info..
    saya selalu gi website ini :

    kat forum susu ibu tu depa banyaaak bincang pasal breastfeeding..

  11. mami Hafiy Avatar
    mami Hafiy


    owh awakpun ada kat situ ke? hehe. kita ms b4 kawen lg ada kat situ. hihih. jenguk2 je.

  12. Diyanazman Avatar

    hi… great info here.. thanks for sharing…
    but spending for bottles alone can be a lot ya? eheheh! hidup breastfeeding!!

  13. Mrs ZYI Avatar
    Mrs ZYI

    thanks for info-sharing.. hmm i guess semua botol yg i guna for my baby mmg semua pun ada ka kot BPA ni sbb semua local2 brand je..iskk..

  14. mommylyssa Avatar

    pening…pening…kalau leh direct feeding all the time kan senang! confirm okeh!!

  15. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    haha tu lah. 50% je pakai, might reduce the effect by 50% kot 😛

    mrs zyi,
    ahah. ntahla. yg mahal tu pon ada BPA eoooo~

    hehe. itulah dia….

  16. siti salwa Avatar
    siti salwa

    salam mami hafiy.

    fortunately i discovered about the BPA issue bfore deliver my 15-month-old sy guna MAMs sejak kauthar lahir sampai skrg.
    mamihafiy bole try since ur son tak guna bottle, i think it would be no problem.
    as additional info, BPA gets into liquid dlm 2 keadaan:

    1)suhu yg tinggi bila botol dipanas,
    2)kalu bottle tu ade cuts@scratch.

    for safety reason it is best to avoid any bottles and parts which contain BPA tp kalu dah guna, jgn pakai barang2 tu melebihi 3bulan.

    mcm pump parts, since u guna UNO, cuba elak dari scratch the parts.kalu lepas sterile tu tunggu sejuk baru pun guna avent juga mula2 bf dulu.anak dah 7 bulan baru tukar pump.
    ape pun jgn bimbang sgt ye.lagipun u tau ttg BPA ni awal juga..hafiy pun baru 5 bulan.jgn bimbang sgt,insyaALLAH semua selamat..
    harap sedikit sebyk membantu ape yg bole..

  17. shiha Avatar


    Ekceli, sedar atau tidak, for BF babies, they are ~50% protected from BPA bottles. Because half of the day, they are direct feeding. Plus, direct feeding during the weekends. Not too bad.

    I have one glass bottle (Brand Pigeon – Japan mari). Pro – definitely BPA free. Con – might break into small pieces. Tak start pakai lagi since my baby only takes 2oz each feed now.(botol tu utk 5oz)

    Yep, changing the bottles every 3 months is a good practice. Adviced by a speaker during a breastfeeding seminar the other day. Good luck!

  18. angah Avatar

    Angah guna botol polypropelene (betul ke eja?) medela ngan spectra untuk Adneen. Yang spectra tuh RM 60 jek 5 botol. Fits into medela breastpump.

    The second best thing after glass bottle since takde BPA. Nak panaskan susu pun tak la rasa cuak.

    For teats, guna NUK.

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