At 33 Weeks

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a week before officially entering 8 month. oh God.. only 7 weeks to EDD and 4 weeks to full term! but i still can’t answer if people ask about “how do you feel?”. to be frank, i like to have you in my tummy, cos i can carry you to everywhere & anywhere. huhu. once you’re born, i have to think of “to whom should i leave this boy?” & for sure i’m gonna miss you so much!

we started our once a-2-week prenatal visit now. what i like about prenatal visit is, beside i can check my maternal condition, i also can see you through the sonogram. and what i love the most is, seeing you heart beating. whether you’re moving or not, when looking at your heartbeat, and it’s four rooms, i feel calm. that’s mean you are very OK. and i can see your perfectly formed limbs. and FYI,i never undergo ultrasound just to check your gender!

so what is happening this week?

this very week, your head cross-section is 8.2cm. perfect. it’s in the red circle. and in its position already. please.. please.. please don’t turn OK my dear… good boy have to listen to Mommy OK? the image quality is very poor. using my 2.0megapixel cameraphone on a printed paper … what d ya expect?

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as usual, you like to put your hand on your forehead. red circle=your fingers; green circle=your head. dr aida said “baby you suka berfikir ni”. hmm, just like Abi, kan? you’re really Abi’s boy la. if only we can have the 3d scan….

this time, you showed your ball & peanut. very the big OK! & the doctor printed it out (she’s very excited), but mommy don’t want to put it here. maluuuuu~~~.

my weight chart. i gained 2kg in 2 weeks! i should gain 1kg per 2 weeks instead! gosh! my eating habit is as usual (before pregnant). my appetite doesn’t increase nor decrease but my weight keep on climbing to the summit! i have another 4kg to be gained but it’s 7 weeks remaining! arrghhhh!

my belly is really big. and heavy. i think it’s expanding day by day. however, the doctor still doesn’t wanna reveal your weight until the 34th week. saba je la…

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*this is absolutely not my belly!

i got stretch marks! demn… i applied oil-based (i.e. baby oil & olive oil) & cocoa butter stretch marks lotion since you were 2 months in my womb. but i still have this #&*&*@&#@#$ mark! how i expected my belly skin is elastic! grrr… i am in the lowest point of my bad mood today since i discovered the ‘rashes’ i had below my belly button is actually the stretch marks! arghhh!!!! i took pictures, saw it in the mirror and touched the broken epidermis while weeping on this bloody thing! my epidermis has torn! i’m gonna have an ugly belly! hwaaaa!!!

last nite mommy noticed that you started to kick on my ribs. then you like to place your feet on it. it’s a bit disturbing (time mommy nak tido la awak tendang2) but it’s OK. at least it’s better than when you slept the whole day, yesterday. so boring OK! how could you left mommy talking to myself while you were soundly landing on your slumberland.

now i get used to my braxton hicks. it’s a bit frequent but not that disturbing as before. and you make lots of movement, maybe bcos of this week is the best place along this journey, since the amniotic fluid it at its highest level. so you have more cushioned effect to bump on my tummy.

sometimes i feel my back ache, but it’s over when i change my posture. and i become a bit plump. is it because of my fat or edema, im not sure. but it’s not obvious la. my friends say all my weight goes to my belly. and aunt wani’s advise really works!– bengkok kaki masa geliat. say no to leg cramp!

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dear God, please get this stretch marks out of my belly…!

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24 responses to “At 33 Weeks”

  1. Sunan_Jati Avatar

    aku cukup takut tgk org mengandung sarat…. seriauuuu!


    semoga allah kurniakan anak yang soleh dan solehah…
    semoga keluarga dirahmati allah…
    insha allah… 😛

  2. mama fatini Avatar
    mama fatini

    akak besarnye tummy…. akak kalo tknk ade stretch marks kan start dr skang ni akak kene gosokkan baby oil kat perut sampailah bersalin kalo idak kan nnt pas kuar baby perut kite ade line2 tau cam kulit limau tu

  3. Dandelion Avatar

    Awak, takutnya tengok ur tummy! So, its a boy huh. Dah decide nak buh nama apa? Suka sgt tgk gambar baby’s hands tu. So cute! Can’t wait to see the real him 🙂

  4. ~wan hidayat~ Avatar
    ~wan hidayat~

    seminggu lebih tak lepak kat blog akak ni…baru balik dari Temana field akak, 6 hari dok kat atas platform…tidor 3 malam atas open grating deck…sengsara…

    ermmm…makin chomey perut akak tuh…semoga akak mendapat anak yang soleh dan solehah…insyaALLAH….

    tak leh gi SKO lagi sbb wajah sudah pun berupa seperti alarme charles….hahahah

  5. mommyA Avatar

    hehe. yg mengandung ni lagi seriau nengok body i dah tak sexy~~~ 😛

    amiiin ya Rabbal alamin..

    mama fatini:
    waaaa aida….!!! akak dah pakai segala mcm benda dr 6 bulan yg lalu. huhu. tp dia nk ada jugak! hwaaa!!!! sengasara!!!

    takut ke? huhu. smorang ckp mcm full term dh. huhu.

    hehe. nama tu dah lama ada.

    itu tangan kalo tgk yg 3d lagi suka. huhu. 🙂

    wan ED:
    oo patutla lama xde… hehe. tido atas grating??? huhu. xsejuk ker.

    ala mai je la. xpe, xde org nk perati pon 😛

    oo. ckp charles.. hahaha.

  6. Babe Avatar

    perut kamu kan, bukan besar tau tapi erkkk tajam ke depan heheheeh (pelik sungguh description)

    nway, i asked my mother tau pasal stretch mark ni sebab perut dia cantik giler ok, even anak dah 4 sikit pun takde stretch mark memang dia kata masa mula2 bersalin dah kene sapu baby oil lepas tu jangan garu kalau gatal, gosok dgn kain

  7. mommyA Avatar

    hehe. yeke? dia nk tunjuk dia BOY kot 😛

    haiyyo tu la.. sejak mula pregnant lg dah apply baby oil segala… xpenah pn garu tp ada jugak dia. hwaa!!!

  8. JazzScraps Avatar

    I missed having my baby inside my tummy in the first month after birth 🙁 Siok la…rasa ada baby kicking inside. You may feel the same way as well….anyway hope everything will go well on the big day nanti. Jaga diri baik2 ye MommyA!

  9. hanis Avatar

    relax! u’re not the only one!
    It’s real fuggly okkayy! i hate it so much! til now.. tak hilang punn! 🙁

    Rasa kulit tu boleh di tarik2..

    Kan best boleh buat plastic sugery?? 😀 mcm dlm channel 77.

    Now, tgh pantang.. org tukang urut tu gi sapu kapur+ air limau. makin hudus okkk! kapur actually burn ur skin. so bila pegang kat tummy area tu, rasa mcm kertas pasir je (according to my hubby :P)

    Tp nak wat camne.. kene redha je laa..

  10. mummytobe Avatar

    tula pengorbanan jadi mummy ek? 🙂

    anyway i read that all this creams/baby oil etc DOESN’T REALLY HELP with preventing stretchmarks. they only reduce the itching.what would help is drinking lots and lots of water to keep ur skin mosturised and gradual/steady weightgain (skin ada time to stretch slowly without breaking).Anyway, stretch marks ni genetic jugak…kalau ur mom ada, chances are u’ll have it too…

  11. PuteriSatu Avatar

    strech mark ni act tengok kulit gak dik…cam akak…mang tak dak langsung strech mark kat perut…tapi akak mang every night sapu losyen baby jonhson kat perut…klu akak lupa…hubby tolong sapukan..sssshhhh… huhuuhuuu…kena cramp kaki akak kena 3 kali je sepanjang hamil 9 bulan…cuma elakkan dari mengeliat tuhla…nak ngeliat boleh..tapi jangan ngeliat tak henggat…ngeliat ala kadar jekla…

  12. hOtMaMa Avatar

    sangat indah okeh bila pregnant… nak2 lg bila baby dah makin aktif kat dlm perut kita…

  13. 13may Avatar

    tatau nak komen apa…:)

  14. mommyA Avatar

    hi kak jazz. hehe. ada 2 bulan je lg nak rasa kicking2 ni. huhu. i’m gonna miss this moment!

    i think kapur+limau utk pecahkan lemak. strecth mark nkwat cane lg selen plastik sugery/laser kan.. huhu. i can imagine my epidermis is torn & dh xbole nk tampal balek dah! ayakk!!!

    ntahla aida… rasanya dh byk minum & weight pn xdela naik byk. maybe pasal perut tiba2 membesar kot. huhu. how to controlllll…!!! i even x increase apetite pun! coklat Brunei tu pn dh bekulat dlm peti ais. hahaha.

    tak igt pulak my mom ada ke tak. tp rasanya mcm xde je dia. cun je kulit dia tgk tuhari

    apa nk buat, sudah rezeki saya…

    mungkin la atas kulit orang.. my kulit tak elastik kot even if stiap pagi + malam sapu baby oil & cocoa butter cream! huhu.

    sy kalo tido kat sofa je mesti kene cramp. dia nk tido katil je kot. haha.

    hehe. btul2. kalo dia tido tu rasa rinduuu sgt nk suh dia gerak2 😀

    terima kasih atas usaha anda 😀

  15. achik Avatar

    saya suka tgk orang mengandung.. tapi bila perut dah besar sgt.. huhu.. serun gak.. ;p

  16. izawani Avatar

    Akak ni nak kata best baby lam perut tak tau la… tapi sakit badan now, jalan pun tak berapa betul… sakit kangkang… baby turun agaknya. Rasa lambat benor 38 minggu tu… Hai… perut akak lom ada lagi strech mark tu… dok lawo lagi… ekekeke… perut kecik jerk… dah berapa kali ngandung pun masih ok la… tapi tak berani cakap besar…

    Akak pakai minyak yang busuk tu.. minyak apa tah yang iklan sapu kat kaki bagi hilang merekah tu… tak selalu… ikut suka hati rajin jer…

  17. ~LoVeLyZz CoRnErZz~ Avatar
    ~LoVeLyZz CoRnErZz~

    oo..tgh hitung hari la ni erkkk

  18. mommyA Avatar


    wah bestnya… xde strecth mark! perut akak kecik ek. perut saya besar tau.. xtau la tp kawan2 sme ckp dah xleh imegin kalo nak membesar lg huhu.

    akak pakai ellgy h20 ke?

    lovelyzz cornerss:
    menghitung hari nak balik kampung lg banyak dr menghitung hari nk jumpe baby. ekekeke.

  19. Sayuti Avatar

    kak erynn tak risau pasal stretch mark sebab abg uti pon ada stretch mark jugak.


  20. mommyA Avatar

    wah. kamu boleh bersama2 membuat koleksi stretch mark begitu.


  21. kasutVincci Avatar

    siti, kak kv pun tension dgn jalur2 hitam kat perut. Huhu

  22. dinoor Avatar

    Siti and Anuar,

    first let me call myself bgdin, and my wife kak min, when talking to you both. That’s better.

    kak min pun ada that ugly marks. No worry, majority mak2 budak ada laa tanda camtu. But sabor la yee… itu tanda pengorbanan seorang ibu.

    dulu masa kak min pregnant i’m the one who tiap2 malam apply lotion and minyak to her belly. abg dan adik’s weight semua exceed 3kg something masa bersalin, sedangkan kalu ikut doktor, they must weigh less then 2.8kg since kakmin kecik dan comel orangnya…

    sampai sekarang ada lagi the stretch marks. bgdin cakap kat kakmin nanti lepas anak 5 baru antar dia ke marie france, hahaha…

    congrats on your anniversary. lawak la baca kisah u all berdua masa mula kawin. insyaAllah kekal ke akhir hayat dan ke syurgaNya. It reminds me of our marriage ceremony and merged life soon after. Ours’ 5 years already and still counting… doa la kat kitorang

    weekend depan kitorang nak pi jalan2 penang lawat kak oren dan celebrate our engagement anniversary ke 6. Our engagement day was on Aug 31 2001. Jgn taktau, engagement pun celebrate gak…

  23. mommyA Avatar

    huhu. bertuahlah mereka yg tidak mempunyai nya… huhuhu.

    bgdin & kak min,

    hehe. hmm.. asben sy xpenah komen apa2 tp sy je yg worry lebih2. huhu. nati nk mtk dia anta merie france jgk la 😛

    tima kasih ucapan bgdin ek. hehe, 5thn kejap je rasa kan?

    anyway selamat engagement aniversary 😀 kitorang nk celebrate jgk tp xtau itu kira engage ke ek? 😛


  24. lovelyummi Avatar

    i got a lil bit of shock to see how big ur tummy is..=p and i come to think, am i going to be that expand later?? hehehehe.

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