Fahry had a very thin hair. Halus sangat, tak macam rambut orang. Like bulu anak ayam masa masih kaler kuning.
Agak rumit washing his hair sebab terlalu halus. Macam cuci bulu anak ayam (Yes I did wash bulu anak ayam. Maklumlah budak kampung. We didn’t have toy, so we play with nature).
I saw Fahry macam ‘suram’ je. His eyebrows were like ‘something’. I applied baby oil for sensitive skin on his forehead and eyebrows… Later, after half an hour, segala mak-nenek daki, kerak semua timbul. Oh kesian Fahry, selama almost 2 weeks Mommy tak perasan pun itu.
Mendalami kulit kepala Fahry, memang berdaki-kerak dah. Pakai shampoo ke, tak hilang cos of the rambut.
I told Abiy that we have to shave his hair.
Dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Abiy did it, for the very first time.
Alhamdulillah. Even tho we were very not confident to do it, now Fahry has a very ‘smooth’ head. Lalu Mommy sental semua daki-daki yang bertapak sejak hampir sebulan lamanya. Nampak berseri sikitlah.
Fahry lahir di sini, & spent the early days dalam wad, banyak perkara tak dapat dibuat dengan semourna. Insya-Allah bila balik Semenanjung nanti kita setelkan satu-satu.
Alhamdulillah, Fahry is very healthy and active.
His ROP last Friday showed he has no ROP. Normal eyes. Another 6 months, he has to see the ophthalmology for follow up.
He suckles very frequently cos he prone to tersedak. I think the milk flow a bit heavier for him to take. Everytime tersedak, he’ll stop suckling and ask for it again in another 5-10 minutes. To finish a session makan masa dekat sejam…
Even if i sleep at 12am, but still have to wake up for 4-5 times everynight. Or sometimes more. But it is so sweet because the more the suckling on me, the healthier he’ll be, and perhaps chubbier. So never mind lah, afterall my UPL application has been approved! I got the letter oredy, yeay yeay!
But,… oh he’s so normal until I often forgot that he’s a preemie.
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