Aksi Terlampau Seorang Hafiy

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a baby is a good observer and absorber. gosh it’s really true! Hafiy, doesn’t like to eat his baby food, or any food for babies, including the baby biscuit. bubur nasik toksah cakaplah. at first, i tot it was a ‘food phobia’ coz during his illness he vomited just after having some spoons of bubur beras bario. but today i knew it wasn’t that, but he wants to have what we have.

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we went to a dinner, sponsored by psro, (isnt it?) at a hotel. i didn’t bring any of his food coz at home, he said no-no to anything. but during the dinner he was like ‘wow, food!’ to everything. i gave him some fruits, and he mashed it with his gum until i felt scare of him might be choking. Abiy put a japanese beancurd (please dont tell me whether it’s suitable or not suitable for baby, in ‘darurat’ you will do anything) on a fork and he was like “gimme that!” and he grabbed the beancurd with his hand. omg i tried to put him off the dining hall but it didn’t work. so i took a piece of potato and mashed it in a bowl (suggested by TJ) but he refused and still hunting for the ‘beancurd with fork’.

and last nite we went to Bintang Mall’s Mc D. i didnt know where did he learn to drink using straw. until Abiy had to do some mitigation plan by pressing the straw (like in the picture) to hinder the coke from flowing into his mouth.

i knew it’s not unique. everybaby goes through this stage. but we have to do something to make him loves food that suitable for him.

some might say “bagi je la apa dia nak..” but for us, we are parents and our child(ren) is only a baby. he makes decision based on impulse, not values. and we, as parents should teach him the values. a little child has no life experience, and no knowledge, so we can’t expect them to do correct things at the first time. we should guide them to do things correctly.

another example, if a child likes to koyak2 buku. we shouldn’t stop providing him books so that the wont koyak2 anymore, instead, provide him with suitable books for koyak2 like old magazine or supermarket catalogue, and keep on telling him that ‘this book is for us to read, not to koyak2’ or from the perca2, we can work on it together to make a craft or whatever. so the child knows the value and avoid them to label ‘koyaking buku is prohibited, fullstop’, instead ‘buku is to be read not to be koyaked’.

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remember that we are the parents, and the decisions lay on us. even Rasulullah once said, a baby born as a white clothe, and parents paint him to be a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian.

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to have kids is easy, but to be parents, is a little bit tougher. er.. i mean, good parents.

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21 responses to “Aksi Terlampau Seorang Hafiy”

  1. AnasDila Avatar

    baby ni macam sponge kan…cepat belajar tengok keadaan sekekliling…hehehe

  2. MommyAdam Avatar

    wah hafiy so smart! knows how to differentiate between adult food and baby food..

    you know what..you should buy him a shirt that says
    “I’m soo over baby food”


  3. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    ryan suka tgk majalah, mmg tlebih xcited.. tp dia bukan dah koyakkan d pages, tp dia nak masuk mulut…

    mcm mana ek???

    i belikan dia cloth book, tp dia xnak pandang pun… sudahnya tok mama ckp, mbazir je beli.. errr.. mmg mbazir pun………


  4. ct Avatar

    hi lina, quite some time i dah tak masuk ur blog. so fast, dah 7 mths kan ur hafiy. my little girl pun dah 7++.. she is lasak and tak reti dok diam. if i put her down, she will do all sort arobatic styles.. and now, dah start nak duduk la plak..:P
    u’re right on the fud. i am very concern about fud intake. i prefer bangun awal, siapkan bubur nasi, blend it rather then just give nestum, gerber la or any sort of it. sorry for those yg pakai all the kotak fud but i guess it is more motherly touch in fud that we cook. besides breastfeed them..:)

  5. Diana@Mama Adam Mukhriz Avatar
    Diana@Mama Adam Mukhriz

    wah suka theme & layout baru nieh ..ceria seceria hafiy ..wah pandai mintak foods … pandainya 😉

  6. ummi sa'eed Avatar
    ummi sa’eed

    sa’eed was like that sikit. tak suka baby food. so i started to give him adult looking food for babies 🙂 Instead of mashing food, i just masak lama sikit so that dia hard enough to retain its shape but soft enough for babies without teeth to chew.

    also, we always feed him while we are eating. kadang2 letak his food on our plate kalau dia taknak makan. konon2nye makanan ummi abah dia lah yg dia mkn tu.

    Good Luck!

  7. ibu rayyan Avatar
    ibu rayyan

    salam..rayyan also mcm gitu masa mula2 introduce solid food kat dia..dia also nk apa yg org2 dewasa nih mkn. tp i pn very2 concern about his food, tak senang2 nak kasi..takut la..baby perut muda lagik..bnyk yg tak biasa..bila umo stahun, baru la i ajar ckit2 mknn lain..kdg2 rasa geram kat org lain yg selambe jek suapkan rayyan kek la, eskrem la masa dia kecik..huh! angin jek..
    nnti sakit perut, mak bapak jugak yg risau..
    hafiy, sabar2 yek..nnti dh besar boleyla mkn mcm2..hehe
    i pn buat mcm ummi saeed tu, masa kt mkn, letak mknn dia sekali spy dia ingat mknn yg sama la tuh..
    tp skrg dh tak jln dah..dh beso la katakan..
    apepun..gud luck..n afiy still sgt cumillll!!!!

  8. suealeen Avatar

    u should bring along the baby biscuit then.. biskut ni keras tapi cepat cair dalam mulut. selalunya anak akak dulu pun suka makanan keras. tak minat dengan makanan lembik macam mashed potato. it’s good for their gum..

  9. wanza Avatar

    hai mamy hafiy…mamafawwaz here, i intrested ngan tajuk u pasal breastfeeding..fyi,i still breastfeed anak i walaupun dier dah nak sampai setahun..tekad i kalau bleh nak sampai 2 tahun. Yang pentingya niat kita nak menyusukan anak kita kan..you go girl!takyah dengar ape kata orang..biar orang pandang negatif kat kita yang penting sokonglah B.F anak kita..

  10. mommylyssa Avatar


    lyssa skrg suka sgt main dgn suratkhabar n tisu. Ada skali tuu atuk biarkan jer lyssa main ngan suratkhabar tuu…sampai hitam2 tgn pipi sumer…ingat nk masuk mulut rasa skit…tapi tiap kali mesti atuk halang…

    hafiy minum apa tuu??? mcm best jer…nanti nk mintak mommy belilah!!


  11. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    haha. thats why we call him Spongebob Squarepants. huhu.

    mmg smart. even if i makan sama baby biscuit dia pon he knows it’s the baby biscuit!

    mana nak cari baju tulis camtu hek. hehe. beli betul ni kang huhu.

    mama ryan,
    ahah. ryan nak hadam majalah tuuuh. hehe. cloth book xleh telan, dia xnk huhuhuhu.

    hihi tu la cpt kn masa berlalu. rs cam masing2 br preggy je 😛

    yaaa betul la! hehe. tp i dah lama xmasak fud dia since dia xnk tu. huhu. air tgn ibu org kate.. kan.

    ahaks. tenkiu2. xsia2 usahaku 😀
    hafiy mmg gatal. eeei. semua fud kita nk!

    ummi sa’eed,
    wow! shud try these tips!
    tp i salu makan baby biscuit sama2 dia but dia xnk jgk. huwaaa. last2 mak ni haa yg abiskan (tp xpe sbb sedap :P)

    ibu rayyan,
    aaaa itula… ni kadang risau kalo bawak tmpat makan2 org ramai2. kang kene suap2 plak huhu.
    org bukan sensitif pon kn.

    k sue,
    huaaaa dia xnk baby biscuit… huhuhu. even if saya makan sama2 pon baby biscuit tu dia tau jgk tu baby punye. dia tgk pek agaknye huhu.

    mama fawwaz
    ya betul katamu itu! let’s BF! peduli ape kata orang, bukan pinjam dia punye pun 😀

  12. hafiy hensem Avatar
    hafiy hensem

    lyssa yg manis,
    apa tu suratkhabar? kat umah kita xde laaah suratkhabar. huhu. adakah dia surat utk bertanya khabar 😛 [Mami & Abiy sy xbeli suratkhabar sbb mahal huhuhu]. atuk halang tu sbb dia jeles kot dia xleh main 😀

    itu saya minum coke mc donald. tp pelik sebab rasa angin je. macam penuh je cup tu tp isap xmasuk2. xpela janji dapat….

  13. MummyHanis Avatar

    yerp yerp so true! agree with u! hariz kalau suapkan dia bubur dia main2 je dgn his foods. tapi kalau bawak pi mamak. suapkan tosai ke,capati ke.. bkn main pak lahap! :p
    And one more thing im not sure la bole ke tak, since i like to drink icy cold water, hariz mesti nak sikit. terpaksa bagi gak! siap buat2 bunyik tu. kelakar sgt!!

  14. Mommy Hafiy Avatar
    Mommy Hafiy

    omg..so like my hafiy…hehe..my hafiy bole minum pakai straw since his about ur hafiy age..padahal minum botol or spout tak reti..huhu..a good observer i guess…
    psl mkn tu mmg kena buat rupa ala2 mknan kita..decor cantik2 sket..that is why i tak suka buat bubur campur2 tuh..coz my hafiy tak suka..i msk lama bg dia lembut tp still ada rupa paras mknan tuh..hehe..sometimes perdaya dia dgn letak dlm pinggan mkn i konon2 mkn makanan kita la tuh..mmg bole kata selalu la jugak mommy mkn campur makanan hafiy..dah nama sepinggan..hehe

  15. suealeen Avatar

    tapi betul la, lina.. (i guess this is ur name right). dia memang bleh tau though biskut tu kita letak dalam tupperware lain. udah2nye kita yang makan… tapi rasa dia sedap la…

    sometimes kena bagi gak sket macam mummyhanis. tapi yang akak rasa boleh la.. ais tu idak la. so far they’re ok about that. kang nanti kalo bagi straw kosong dia sangka kita tipu dia plak… bebudak ni kan a good observer pastu kepala tu dok program je apa orang tua dok buat.

    bab makan ni kita kena jaga halalan toyyiba je.. tp bab perbuatan tu yang lagi kita kena jaga.

    just my 2 cents.

  16. [YeOp] Avatar

    “until Abiy had to do some mitigation plan by pressing the straw (like in the picture) to hinder the coke from flowing into his mouth.”

    hahaha.. kesian hafiy.. minum angin je la? hehehe.. 😛

  17. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    ahaks. tu lah. babies love to imitate their parents kan. lepas ni mesti dia nak panggil bapak dia ‘Abang’ plak. huhuhu.

    mommy hafiy,
    ahah. hafiy2 ni sama je ek. tu la ckp kat Abiy dia, nmpka gaya kite kene makan bubur gak nih. huhu.

    kak sue,
    hmmm tu lah dia. satgi p mana2 kene prepare apa2 la utk dia nih. budak2 ni bijak at side yg kita xsangka2. tp br ‘berhelah’ bg food konon2 amik dr pinggan kita. sekali dia tau daaa… nk juga benda yg dalam pinggan tuh. bagi jugakla sentuh bibir sikit kasik puas hati hehe.

    apa nak buat… tak sanggup kukasik anakku telan coke! huhu.

  18. fidieyaaa Avatar

    afy, minum air coke buleh mandul laa

  19. [YeOp] Avatar

    hah? minum coke bleh mandul? biar betik?

  20. hafiy hensem Avatar
    hafiy hensem

    biar betiks. abiy saya minum coke apa..

    itulah. ni mesti kata2 nista nk menbangkrupkan kompeni coke ni hehe

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