Jika anda masih belum ada blog, this article is meant for you, hehe. Kepada yg dah ada blog, I think you know apa yg I tulis much better than me. Apa-apa hal pun, if you have anymore point to share, just tulis kat dalam komen di bawah.
Journal Peribadi
Naturally, almost semua org yg ader blog start for this reason; sama ada journal talking about your own life, your baby development or your view about anything. Saya sendiri start berblog sekadar merakamkan perkembangan anak-anak sejak dalam perut. Biasalah kan young parent yg so eager untuk tahu apa la si kecik ni boleh buat.
Share Pendapat
Bagi sesapa yg folo my blog from those ‘early days’ (hahak, gaya mcm dh lamer giler je), sure you tau yg I really fight for breastfeeding since then. I tak berapa gemar sikap sesetengah org yg ‘me-logik-kan’ isu susuan ibu sampai level yang tak logik langsung! Dari situ I tekad untuk develop my knowledge tentang susu ibu dan bring it to public attention menerusi blog.
Tak sure la consider success or not, but i’m personally satisfied. Somehow, byk jugak org refer to me about susu ibu when I have nothing except from my very own experience. Nak amek LC course tak kesampaian la pulak; membership dh close, huhu.
Dapat Kawan
I don’t have many friends, tapi sejak ader blog I make new friends and collect balik kawan-kawan lama. Normally new readers akan baca blog, kalau they find the content ‘menarik’ enough they’ll folo and lama-lama kalau dah confident sikit nak tegur, it starts with comments before jadi close friends; so jadilah ‘kawan blog’.
Tak ke best tu? More importantly, I can surround my kids dgn kwn-kwn sebaya yg I sendiri kenal mak ayah dia. Who knows I can get menantu from anak ‘kwn blog’ jugak?
Buat Duit
Bila I bgtw abiy tentang hasrat nak buat duit drpd blog ni, he told me ‘better dun waste your time’, huhu. It’s a known fact that anda boley dapat ON AVG 3-figure daily income drpd market overseas (especially US), but 3-figure per month for Malaysian market pun dah consider max oledi. Nak dapat 4-figure income per month untuk pasaran Malaysia, I think you need to be as popular as celebrity Blogger; when you can get 6-figure for the same nature in US market.
Namun begitu, I want to prove abiy is wrong this time. I’ll keep on writing artikel yg berkualiti (that you won’t find anywhere else, HeHe) utk menarik minat pembaca and hopefully advertiser pn aware my existence. Yeah, mmg tugas yg sukar & berat but i berazam to change the landscape of ‘buat duit dengan blog’ di Malaysia. Wish me luck, huhu…
Tulis Buku
Org puteh dah buat benda ni lama, tp org Malaysia belum start secara aggressive lg. Sebelum anda tulis buku sendiri, you can start tulis those “sub-mini-chapter” dalam blog, tengok apa org komen and improve it in the next “sub-mini-chapter”. This way, anda boleh dpt so called ‘editor review’ direct from customer, isn’t that great?
Secret or no secret, itulah proses sebelum idea Susu Sihat, Mommy Finance & Mommy Cash tercetus, huhu…
So, aspire to be a good blogger now?
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