2 Month Check Up & Mommy's Regret

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at 2 month old you…
weighted 6.3kg. [last month 5kg]
height 58 cm. [last month 56 cm]

we went to the paed for your 2nd month injection. the hospital followed new schedule for injection. it was catdog rain since 1-2 days and you looked unwell. i dont know why you can’t tolerate with heavy rain, your voice become harsh in a sudden.you was in a windy mood the whole day. at dr mazidah’s clinic, you didn’t behave well. menangis merengek even before the jab. ms timbang pun merengek2. when the dr put you on tummy time, you didn’t even move your head. the dr said “eh, tak bole angkat kepala lagi ke? takpelah, baru 2 bulan” huhu. she should know my son is already merayap. time jab lagilah… apela.. tak macho sungguh.

Dr Mazidah tgh check Hafiy. big thigh, kata dia.

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tak kene cucuk lg dah melalak.

tempat kene jab…

wajah2 ceria anak Mommy lepas kena jab.

the dr didn’t provide us any ubat demam, Mami pun lupa nak tanya. at home, i told my dad that i want to tuam tempat inject so that you won’t demam. but my dad said no. he asked me to let you demam2 dulu. he said “inject tu mmg purpose ia nak suh demam, jgn wat apa2, nanti antibodi tu tak jalan pulak” your body warm, but i’m not sure because of the jab or because of the wheather. i just put koolfever on your forehead, nak lap badan dgn air Mommy takut sejuk sgt pulak hujan2.

alhamdulillah the light fever was only for a night. however the following day you looked very weak. letih ek anak Mommy…. shian dia…

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shian anak Mommy… tak bermaya je.

today? heh, like nothing has happened.

Lip lap lip lap… anok Mami!

Mommy’s regret
[i promied myself that this will never happen again]

our life sailed very smooth, even if with a fussy you but Mommy still can manage . however, everything has changed when a makcik came to our place. she gave me a so-called advice and i was a total fool for accepting it just because she is a makcik, older, terrer & breastfeeding her children (not sure until when)! oh my God… i was shocked then, when she critize hat i’ve done, this and that. and told me ‘the right thing’ to do. as a new mom, i cringed. suddenly i changed my schedule and plans on you.

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it was so awkward on me, but didn’t want to be called ‘bodoh sombong’ or ‘degil xmo dgr ckp org tua yg expert’ i took it as ‘a familiarization phase’. but yesterday, i came to my limit. for the first time, i called Abiy to tell him that i am depress. enough of it.

now my regret, for letting someone else decided for me but i really couldn’t follow. how fool…. i should not give away my stand then. now when i get back to her, telling that i’m facing big problem with her advice, she was like “soo…?” or “i have nothing to do with this”. grrrr!!!!!

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it wasn’t simple on me. i took a week to think before i followed her advice (a critic actually, she critic everything i did, it was like i wanted to kill my son, like i didn’t love my son, etc.). that particular time, i felt guilty coz what i did that while ‘distressing my son’ (according to that soo terrer makcik). so i decided to follow. now????? even i am MORE DISTRESS than him! grrr!!!

that makcik may not read this blog, and i have no courage to say this to her:
“terima kasih atas kritikan makcik yg tak membina langsung tu. sekarang hidup saya makin sengsara sebab idea teruk makcik tu. kot ye pun nak tegur/marah saya, tengok la dulu, anak saya tak macam anak makcik. anak makcik tak fussy, tak baran, tak 10km, etc. skg ni, dah nak lepas tangan pulak. saya pun tak macam makcik. saya kerja, & saya ada byk benda nak dibuat. kalo makcik terer sangat, makcik jadila motivator ke, tulis buku ke, jadi pensyarah ke. geram saya ngan makcik ni tau. skg ni mak saya plak yg marahkan saya sbb anak saya jadi macam ni (samting yg saya tak hingin dia jadi sblum ni). geramnya geramnya! blah la makcik!”


benci la! now i have to start over, all over again. bodohnye bodohnye!

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29 responses to “2 Month Check Up & Mommy's Regret”

  1. Aku Bukan Bidadari Avatar
    Aku Bukan Bidadari

    wahh apa yang terjadi? sabar ya..cuter ler yr son

  2. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    dear kak lina, just be the way u like it to be. just stand on ur stands. just smile for critics that u get. in return, there are some satisfactions u’ll get for raising hafiy the way u want it. tak lama dh akak nk balik miri kn? selamat menghabiskn cuti di kelantan ye.

  3. nannoor Avatar

    haah, what happened?? ape yg makcik tu ckp. share lah…mana tahu, pengajaran utk org lain ke..

  4. ummi Avatar

    these old folks have their own school of thoughts. biasalah diorang ni, if we don’t do like they did, macam besar sangatlah salah tu. i still don’t understand why we are not allowed minum air banyak masa pantang or why we should not sit close to our husband during confinement. it’s not like we will jump into bed and you know, do it. they say, nanti urat kembang he he.

    but like nannoor said, apa sebenarnya yang dia cakap?

  5. Dandelion Avatar

    yela really nak tau apa dia ckp. mana tau kan kot2 jd kt kiter ke nnt. sabar ye mami hafiy. hope u can find the best solution nnt. xpela ni 1st time experience kan. nnt dah tau.

    bulatnyerrr hafiyyy. kalau i dukung mesti dah lenguh2 tangan hihihi 😀

  6. Iman Avatar

    heyy comell la sgtkan hafiy itu..sehat mehat nampaknye..ish

    eit..ape makcik tu suruh buat. keji sungguh. org tua2 mmg cmtu..ehehe..

  7. http://siti-noraini.fotopages.com Avatar

    hi siti lina..
    lama tak update.. tetibe je ada sound of upsetting.. what went wrong?

  8. Mama asyraaf Avatar
    Mama asyraaf

    Isy berat hafiy sama cam asyraaf dulu…nanti kan mesti berat giller mcm asyraaf…letihnya dukung….

    err…ape yg makcik tu cakap..?nak gak tau…k ina pun ade dulu geram dgn org tua2, cakap mcm terer…sebok jek…hehe…

  9. kakLuna Avatar

    harap MommyA dh lega dpt lepaskan smua tekanan..

    org bersalin takleh tensen2..nnt bentan.. <-- ni org tua lagi sorg nak pesan..hihihi

  10. Babe Avatar

    tatau apa telah terjadi. baik2 lina kang meroyan kang heheh

    wei aku dah dapat sms ko sorry hp yg tu tak leh nak reply. Ada rezeki bulan 5 aku turun sarawak backpakers ke sana plak ok hehehehe:D

  11. wan Avatar

    Kena cucuk pun tunjuk muka comel lagi. Baik sungguh la Hafiyy nih. 🙂

  12. Lily Safiyya Avatar
    Lily Safiyya

    Ya ampunn…semangatnye Hafiy ni…dah 6kg! So cute !…Lily kecik je baru 4kg…baby boy cepat membesarkan Mama Hafiy?

  13. mama ranggie Avatar
    mama ranggie

    tembamnye die skrg…bulat muka die…comeinyer!

  14. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    i’m not ready to share it with public but if you wanna know can pm me : sauberlina@gmail.com or YM sauberlina@yahoo.com
    small matter je, seganla nak share ramai2. 😛

    aku bukan bidadari
    hehe. alhamdulillah, smg akhlak dia pun secute orangnye 😀

    insya-Allah balik Miri 31hb ni, hwvr 21hb ni fly to KL & Johor. huhu. what a long journey for this lil’ Hafiy 🙂

    bole, bole, pm me hehe.

    hehe. true true. 🙂 xbole nk ckp ape dah,

    tau x, evermorning i wake up, kene urut2 jap tangan ni. hahaha. ni baru kecik ni je, besar sket lg xtau la..

    alhamdulillah. semoga dia sihat2 hendaknye hehe.

    hehe, dah lepas geram tu legaaa rasanya 🙂

    mama asyraaf,
    wow wow wow.. skg pun dh sakit tgn dah dukung dia. hohoho.

    alhamdulillah lega dah. tq akak. hehe.

    takpa.. tu pesan 🙂

    patutla. aku igt ko dah gi US ke mana2 ke. mehla weh meh la… aku dah xjadi g KL br ni 🙁 kali ni xtau smpt ke tak…

    hehe. tu lom tgk muka dia b4 kene cucuk 😛

    lily safiyya,
    ye kot la. cepat sungguh dia besar. igtkan minum sikit, badan pun kurus je. hehe.

  15. ummibatrisya Avatar


    chubby nye. just be on your own or get the advice from someone who you really can trust 🙂

    learn from mistake!

  16. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    nak bulat lagiiii

    nak tembam lagiiii


  17. NZNM Avatar

    Kak Nik & mak dulu pun ramai sungguh pakar2 tak bertauliah. Datang sorang ckop gitu, dtg yg lain ckp gini sampai mak naik serabut. Maklumla cucu sulung, diapun tak pernah bersalin (makcik jaga akak dr baby lg), so ramaila yg bg ‘nasihat’nya. Sib baik tak strict sgt dlm pantang. Wat2 masuk tinge kanan tubik tinge kiri..heh..heh. Nak ym gak boleh?Mcm nak tau je apa kisahnya

  18. nonie Avatar

    memang masa kita lepas bersalin sangat sensitif kalau org dok komen itu ini pasal cara kita jaga baby… taula new mommy kan, tapi definitely kita takkanla nak harm our own baby… nonie pun pernah je dulu ada akak ni dtg bebel2.. depan dia sengih kelat je dengar & biar je dulu apa dia nak buat… tapi dia kuar je umah, terus nonie undo apa yg dia dah buat… tapi hati panas gile… stress tau! effect dia sampai sekarang jumpa akak tu terasa tak baper nak friendly ngan dia macam before bersalin.. huhu

  19. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    uik.. ngape xnak share ape yg makcik tu ckp?? bdebor nak tau jugak..

    nak ym tu boleh.. tp segan la pulak..

    i nie next week kot bwk lil ryan p 2nd check up.. hadus, sure kene jab time tu. xtau la leh tahan ke x ayaq mata nie… masa dlm pantang, kucing melompat over lil ryan pun i dah bgenang ayaq mata, nie kan pulak nak kene inject..

    ya allah, kuatkan lah semangatku… amin……..

  20. bAiTi Avatar


    org tua2 mmg camtu. Masuk telinga kiri, kuar telinga kanan..

    Kita terima jer apa yg dia kata. But, lastly.. kita sendiri yg kena decide what’s the best 4 our baby. Org nk kata apa, biarlah derang.

    Pengalaman 1st mommy mmg cmni kut.. 😉


  21. mOmmy of Triplets Avatar
    mOmmy of Triplets

    dr start baca ur post ni i was waiting for u to share what actually makcik tu suruh u buat..tot kt hujung2 post ade citer, tgk2 dh abis entry pun takde cite. share lar wiz us, at least we can learn from it too.

    hope things are getting better for u and ur baby

  22. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    salam kak 😉

    itulah dia… ms tu maybe tgh pantang so mmg very2 the sensitive & sgt tidak kuat utk menghadapinya seorang diri.

    takpala… pengajaran.

    bereh2, add dah Kak Nik. nanti kita ym2 yer hehe.

    tu la.. naper la tak bole je nak ignorekan dulu. hehe. tgh postpartum depression sama kot. (adeh, tak abis2 salahkan hormon :P)

    mama ryan,
    huhu, apa nak disegankan.. bukannya nampak pun hehe. jom ar YM 🙂

    amboi mama ni.. ryan selamba je kang kene jab, sket je mcm kene geget semut je haha.

    K Baiti,

    tuhla… maybe jgk tu adelah ujian utk menguji sekuat mana pendirian kita kot. 🙂

    munirah MOT,
    hihi. very the soon after melepaskan geram tu,alhamdulillah dah x stress dah ahaha.

    jom YM2 😉

    *segan nak share sini la.. very small matter je… just me yg terlalu cpt kecik ati agaknya.

  23. MommyAdam Avatar

    i’m very sorry this happened to you..hopefully it gets better..mmg susah kan, nak raise anak our way when other ppl dok membebel soh kita buat their way. kadang nak je ckp, u nak buat mcm tu, buat kat anak u sendiri. ini anak i, i yg mengandungkan dia, biar i yg decide how to raise him..

    at the same time i feel relieved to know that you are fussy/obsessed about your baby sama mcm i! i think we should be! afterall, sape nak protect our child kalau bukan us, the mother??

    as u know, i tgh risau gak about my baby..tq for listening when i called u..it’s great to have another mom to talk to in situation like this..

  24. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    hehe. mestila kene fussy2. bkn senang nk dpt anak sorang tu. huhu. biar fussy skg, jgn terantuk baru tergadah.

    &… apa gunanya kawan.. kan? hihi.

  25. MummyHanis Avatar

    wats up with the bloody makcik??! opps ter-emo pulak. hihih.. anyway.. i pun nak share.. org2 disekeliling i yg tua2 esp suka kasik advise. sama lah dgn my grandma. mcm2 lah pasal anak n pantang larang. i didn’t follow or listen to what they said! becoz i was so stubborn! thank god for that. i just follow my heart. mmg gi bolayan sama dorg. as a result i tade masalah with my son sgt. i just consult doctor kalau ade ape2 hal. i know how u feel. mesti tension kan. i dulu siap gado2 with my mom lg. 😛 hahah.. nak buat mcm ne. dah emotional roller coaster time tuh. sib baik hubby ade! hihihi..

    sometimes org tua2 ni bukan nye btul sgt.He’s your baby. not hers. so do what ever u feel comfortable without feeling guilty.

    geram btul hakuu!! 😛 (sorri lah tepjg plakk)

  26. Diyanazman Avatar

    hi Lina,
    I am a new reader here…i understand u must be really stressed out over there…

    My baby is due in January and i am so itching to know what your aunt criticized and what was her ideas…
    is it ok if i mail you? 🙁

  27. YaNie Avatar

    Hi sitilina.. i think ramai yg experience the same thing ngan u.. so dun be too emotional k.. i pon sama jugak.. lagi laa pantang umah mertua kan.. can u imagine that.. with mertua and the granny… haaaaaaaaaa… tanak laa citer kan.. but was so depressed too..

    so the point here.. U R NOT ALONE.. heheheheh.. muahh to hafiy!

  28. Lan0stZz Avatar

    ala sitilina,,, sedangkan doktor pun takde pantang2. buat bodo jelaa ape makcik2 pakcik2 x bertauliah tu cakap. masuk tlinge kiri kluar tlinge kanan. janji anak kita sehat, and kita pun selesa. for me, when this thing happen i keep reminding myself that everything they say is NOT clinically proven 🙂 so don’t worry, be happy 🙂

    p/s: still musykil ape laaa makcik tu ckp 😛

  29. ma Avatar

    itulah… dunno why i was such that fool. huahuahua. takpala… lessorn to learnt.

    owh january baby soooo close! just ermail me kay 🙂 sauberlina@gmail.com

    hahaha itu lah dia. sungguh depress. tp skg xde masa dh nak pikir. too busy with my baby 🙂

    hehe. itulah. buat apa yg sesuai dgn kita la kan 🙂

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