Why Don't We Buy A House…

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the FAQ i get after getting my job, marriage, and a son – all about buying a house.

no. we don’t.

at least for these-early-10-years, we may not have our own space called – house – of our own. i have many friends, who already own -at least one- houses of theirs. i don’t know their objectives, but for us, not yet. if i could list down the WHY…

1. we stay in Sarawak – & we’re not Sarawakians!
2. we don’t have much $$$$$.
3. we have very limited knowledge real estate/properties.

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reason no 1 is very easy. there’s no reason for us to buy a house in Miri, coz we’re not going to settle down here! -please let us go back to Peninsular after a maximum 6 years.. – and we’re not comfortable with the idea of renting out… it’s too far. even Tok Pa -has several houses in Johor-, gets many problems with the tenants. and he gets negative cashflow! uh-oh, we’re not that rich to watch our money goes negative.

and, the idea about buying house in Peninsular also doesn’t work for us. it’s because of reason no. 2, we don’t have much money. even combining both our salary never makes RM10,000 in our bank account. if we buy a house in KL, let say, we still have to pay for the house we stay in now! double expenses! and we have to commit to the mortgage for 20-30 years.. while have to pay for our current living. else, the RMs could be safely & lucratively invested. and about renting it out, we have reason#1 to say, no.

and, the idea of “buying is better than renting bcoz the amount of money a renter spends on rent can be about the same as or less than the amount a homeowner spends on a mortgage. by buying, you get the house. by renting, the house will always belong to the owner” doesn’t work for us. the answer is reason #1.

for us, since we may not staying at certain place forever [we might be here for another 5 years?..], we probably won’t break even on the closing expenses incurred while buying it. futhermore, since we’re renting company’s house, we don’t have to pay for the maintenance. yeay! just call the office if our anything break down, and there’s a fortnightly grass-cutter!

even if the financial expert, David Bach said, “if you rent, you’ll always be poor”, but it’s not necessarily suit everyone. unless, we master the no 3, the real estate part. it’s true that we can buy and rent it out. but it’s not that easy, and it doesn’t work to most of our family members, who own houses, even if in KL! so, how about a small part in Sarawak, where the development is keep on coming! will anyone attracts to buy a ‘used house’ for a high price? we’re not gonna sell our house for lower price than we paid! ]and we’re not donald trump, renovating a house to be sold for double price! – too good to be true]

when we go back to KL, we’ll think about buying a house. for now, it is more interesting to watch the money grows somewhere rather than gambling our luck in a world we are not familiar with. yes, housing price will be increase year by year. but it’s just like other market, it has ups and down. it’s just the matter of- when?

as for now, just rent. save money, and wait for the right opportunity to come along. yeeha!

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16 responses to “Why Don't We Buy A House…”

  1. LILY SAFIYYA Avatar

    i bought a house in Kota Bharu but renting in KL…dont know why, but maybe i’ll settle down in KB when i get old..

    looking at your situation, dont rush to buy a house.. grow money first yee

  2. LILY SAFIYYA Avatar

    i meant the situation where u are outstation now. wait til u come back here, dont buy and rent out…sayang la rumah org duduk kalau tk jaga..i pun dlm dilemma nak sewakan atau tidak…(?)..kalau tk sewakan sakit la sikit nk bayar bank

  3. ayueayang Avatar

    hehe. kita belajar ekonomi hari ni..

  4. kasutVincci Avatar

    lina, tak payah beli dulu kat miri. Spend your money dlm asb ke apa. Dah balik dok kl nnti, beli la. Mcm kak kv senang. Dah dok kampung halaman. Tanah tak yah beli. Just buat loan rumah je. Eii..tak sabar nak tunggu rumah siap!

  5. cyberdad Avatar

    i agree with you. for a time being takyah la beli rumah. when the time comes (i.e. balik KL for good) then buy one.

    alternatively, perhaps you can scout for land price (dekat mana nak buat rumah). beli tanah dulu, umah kendian.

    my 2 cents worth. and congratulations for the newborn. lambat 3 bulan ek 🙂

  6. Dandelion Avatar

    yup betul tu. takyah rush la. as we get older, our plan pn mebbe boleh berubah. like my parents, rumah tetap kitorg is in alor setar. diorg bli masa we all kecik2 lg. mmg plan after pencen nk dok situ blk. tp since anak2 sumer kt selangor+kl, end up skrg diorg bli rmh baru kt selangor. rmh kt alor setar tu sewakan je. but yela susah juga nk monitor apatah lg bila jauh2. like my PIL yg rmh sewa dkt2 aje pun still susah nk jaga.

  7. Kak Nik Ha Avatar
    Kak Nik Ha

    Kita geng eh! Mmg cedih bila kwn2 dah ramai beli umah sendiri tp hubby ttp berpegang teguh dgn decision dia. Atr faktornya mcm yg yg Siti tulih tu. Jom pakat2 let the money grow sampai ratus ribu juta juta..he..he..(nak sdpkan ati la ni)Pahtu kita wat banglo kat kelate deh…he..he..Kami ni masih menaruh hrpn nok balik kijo kelate, pahtu fulus meme la ckp mkn jah. Kalu beli umah mmg kena sapu bersih saving/kwsp gamaknya. Rugi lak kan. Kena ada ilmu btl2 psl property ni kalau tak kita yg sakit, bank yg untung

  8. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    mama lily,
    ya la.. kalo ada rumah tp xde tenant lagi la -ve cashflow kan. beli rumah awal2 tp kene tinggal… rugila kene bayar bank jgk huhu.


    kak KV,
    bertuaaaahnyyyyeeeee bleh idup kt kg laman sdr. huhu. senang xyh piki2 dooohhhhh…

    best gk tu bli tanah. tp kalo tanah yg ada hasil mesti lg best kn. ekekeke.

    neway thnks 4 d wish!

    itulah, kami plan nk settle down kt bandaraya besar, nt ank2 sme keje kt situ. hehe. senang.

    kak nik,
    jolo doh tu kak nik! biar lambat asal selamat… hehe. mokcik sy ado huk beli rumoh byk2 tp location xkeno… loni suffer nokk tanggung 2-3 butir rumoh. huhu.

  9. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    salam kak lina.

    i just second the above ideas from ur fellow frens. dont rush. just not yet. real estate is kind of a good investment. if 1 day u seem to hv enuf money, buy 2, 1 for u n 1 to rent it out. after svral yrs, sell the 1 that u rent it out. house’s price is always increasing if u GET it from a good developing area. like what my ayah did. bought 1 in rawang around 340K 5yrs back n resold it around 450K. yummy. but u need a good close fren who knows this field well. ngeehee 🙂 u will gain profit as good as owning 1 house at the same time. so, sekarang masa utk saving!! (adeh.. sy ni budak kecik lg dh cakap psl real estate. apa da sy ni:p ) hugs n kisses to hafiy.

  10. ~wan hidayat~ Avatar
    ~wan hidayat~

    Salam kak lina yang masih dalam mode cuti…yo lah kita bukan serawakian kan….usul pertama sememangnya boleh diguna pakai…lagi pun ‘kita’ takleh beli umah tanah kat cni….tapi nak gak umah…..tengok lah selepas 3 tahun bekerja…sy dambakan umah kat bukit istana kuantan…..dan sebijik kat kuala terengganu, negeri tercinta…cheeeewahhhh…..bila nak pi umah jumpe anak sedara yang makin cute nih….huhuhuhuhu

  11. mOmmy of Triplets Avatar
    mOmmy of Triplets

    lyna, pedulikn ape org nak kate. we know better wat’s our priority like kan. with the saving u hv, let it grow in asb (contoh lar), then duit byk, can pay up d/payment tinggi…bleh amiq loan kurang skit nanti.

  12. cikdinz Avatar

    rwent a house at miri. at the same time buy house in peninsular.
    kat hometown ke….

  13. kakLuna Avatar

    kalo akak setuju mcm cikdinz ckp ok ker?

    bab tak de ilmu psl property tu, dont worry..sama cam beranak dan jaga anak jugak.bila sampai masa nya, mmg automatik tau lah kita bab2 beli umah nih.

  14. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    wow terer tu real estate 😀 as for now both of us tertarik kt tpt2 yg well-develop je. sal tgk makcik pakcik ramai yg beli rumah byk2 then terbiar w/o tenant.. kene tanggung byk rumah plaks. -ve cashflow ma~

    akak mendambakan sebuah banglo di.. ehhe. lokasinya rahsia. hua hua hua.

    meh la bila2 nanga hafiy tok… sik kisah la open house ka sik. mun kitak mau datang sitok bgtau yar..

    munirah MOT,
    that’s what we’ve been thinking..

    ada gak piki nk camtu.. tp tunggu la jumpa rumah idaman & ada $$$ lebih2 sket. hehe. ckp2 makan je skg ni. huhuh.

    okay okay… no problem kak, hehe.

    tu lah.. maybe btol jgk akak ckp, tp x ready lg nak street smart skg. hehe. byk komitmen lg nih. kang yg dikejor xdpt yg dikondung berciciran. huhu.

  15. mrozaidi Avatar

    Rumah Kecik Ke Besar Tak Kisah..Yang Penting Kebahagiaan..

  16. Mama Risyiariana Avatar
    Mama Risyiariana

    Kak Nonie setuju ngan pendapat Cyberdad…

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