Welcome to The 3rd Trimester

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mommy puasa yesterday. i set the clock at 4am to wake up for sahur. abi just wanted me to fry the chickburger but i had an urge to makan nasik. i cook the rice with ommelette plus the burger. but abi just want burger alone, he said he was sleepy.

initially, i was a bit unsure about the puasa. cos usually in the morning i need a cup of hot milo to energize myself.

but everything was very OK the whole day. and you were actively kicking and i felt energetic as usual. suprised me, you became more active than ever. maybe you had more space and don’t have to compete with the food i took 😛

yesterday was a great one, in office and at home. i didn’t know where does such that ‘power’ came until i can talk to my boss like… well it was a bit rude but full of satisfaction. at least i could let go the feeling i kept for this long. and i could speak to him loudly than ever. wow, never imagined i can do it in front of my boss (sometimes stress & pressure taught us to be tougher). and at home, i managed to make a fruity jelly (agar2 buah?) for buka puasa. but time constraint (reached home @5.30, maghrib @6.43pm), so the jelly was only ready to be eaten this morning.

after buka puasa, then i started to feel drowsy. i slept on the couch at our living room for 2hours huhu. and, you didn’t stop moving, kicking, punching, etc. until i told myself “doesn’t this boy feel tired?” (till this moment you still don’t stop). oo, i know maybe you are very excited cos auntie naza** delivered a baby girl yesterday. another candidate ah?

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or, you are welcoming mommy to the 3rd trimester? erk.. mommy don’t know what is available in this trimester for us. i heard that people say this trimester is a ‘home stretch’ and we’ll be in a great emotional spectrum-excited and panic. i heard about water retention, stretch mark, aches, rashes, varicose vein, headache, backache, heartburn, leg cramp, swelling foot, braxton hicks etc. become more significant in this very trimester!

and you’ll rapidly growing, thus you need more iron, calcium and protein. hm, i think i should be very attentive to these nutrients and have some light exercise (in fact sometimes i use stairs instead of lift & walk quickly). i did not have any complaint during the 2nd trimester (honeymoon what?) except the SoB, and hopefully this 3rd trimester also doesn’t give me much discomfort.

keep up the good works honey. we make a very good team!

**congrates to naza&idzuari on their 1st baby girl delivered 2.30pm 12/07/07.

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10 responses to “Welcome to The 3rd Trimester”

  1. AbiyA Avatar

    By taking milk, you must be even more energetic honey~

  2. ms ayue Avatar
    ms ayue

    about the symptoms, yes, sblm ni x pnah kena cramp. baru masuk this week (31st week), everynight nak cramp je rasa. tp b4 cramp tuh “mengganas” saya stretchkan balik kaki2 ni. nasib baik la sempat control.. tu pun still rasa sakit.. xtau la kalau x smpt control, mesti sakit lg nak tahan.

    baby plak asyik duk hiccup-ing je. hehe..

    strech marks? makin menggerunkan. hehehe. kadang2 malas nak sapu krim. sapu baby oil je, leh tahan rasa nak garu2.

    lain2 tu, saya ada experience carpal tunnel syndrome, mmg sakit abis jari2 ni. maklum la kat opis asyik duk taip coding. kalo xde keja pun asyik duk baca blog. ahahaha.. mmg guna byk jari smpi jd sakit.

    jgn lupa lebihkan minum susu (hehe, pesanan kat diri sendiri jugak nih sbb malas kekadang nak minum susu..) hehehe..

  3. mommyA Avatar

    alaaa…. amik pil calcium tu kira dah susu la tu kan? kan abi kan?

    ms ayue:
    wah… akak jarang cramp ni. kalo sesekali kene tu mmg… arghh…!

    baby tertelan byk sgt amnion kot?

    aduu…. really xmo ada stretch mark!

    isk, CTS is samting do to dgn nerve kan? wah, horror gak tuh!

    susu? hahahahahahahahahaha. sejak2 masuk 2nd trimester dh jarang bnor minum unless fresh milk. kalo anmum tu.. yuck! huhu. nape ntah.

  4. Mama Adam Mukhriz Avatar
    Mama Adam Mukhriz

    x lama dah lina dah msk 3rd trimister ..semoga mommy n baby selamat .. excited nak nunggu deliver tp ada rasa nervous jgk kan …

  5. mommyA Avatar

    diana mama adam,

    hehe. tu la. skg ni terasa2 pulak nevesnya. tuhari xde rasa apa2 pn lagi 😛

  6. nonie Avatar

    nonie pun dari seblum preknen sampai sekarang fully bf baby, minum freshmilk je.. susu tepung mmg rijek.. tapi ok gak, tambah energy & tambah susu badan gak.. nway goodluck with ur 3rd trimester 🙂

  7. mommyA Avatar


    hehe tu la. dulu suka sgt minum susu tepung. skg dah xbole dah r. nape xtau la.

    thank you!

  8. ms ayue Avatar
    ms ayue

    susu tepung ni mmg akan rasa muak je sejak masuk trimester ke-3 terutamanya. mmg x brp suka anmum, muak je. tukar anlene, perut jadi berangin plak (tak ngam), sama gak dgn omega, smua jd cam nak terPOOP je.. hehe.

    suka sgt minum fresh milk skrg ni, baby ni kalo dpt fresh milk cam melompat2 je dlm perut. hehe..

    CTS tu, mmg ada kaitan dgn nerve. tp agak normal utk org tgh pregnant dan byk guna jari & tgn utk buat keja.

    mommyA jgn nerveous2 ok. ada kes yg deliver at 30weeks. so kena prepare smua dah skrg, mental + fizikal. hehe… but i hope that kita smua deliver pada masa yg betul (36weeks and above), semoga smua perkara dipermudahkan.. aminnn…

  9. sitilina Avatar

    ms ayue:
    hehe. tu la tu. skg xleh minum susu, sumber kalsium dari pil jerk. hahaha.

    alamak, jgnla kuar awal! tiket fligt skg xleh open2 dah!

  10. MummyHanis Avatar

    welcome to the third trimester!

    As for me, i get extremely tired.. rasa letih mcm 1st trimester dulu,sakit2 pinggang tu lg kuat, braxton hicks contraction, heart burn,stretch mark, and pimples. huhuh.. and my weight pulak naik sikit je third trimester ni. i dunno why. i lost appetite. only gained 0.4kg last month. huhu.. but GP said ok. so ok lah kot. 😀

    Swelling foot baru kena skali tu pun pasal beratur lama. hehe.. the rest is ok. U might need to do some antenatal exercises it helps u during ur labor.

    Good luck!

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