The Cost of Doing Nothing & Its Impact to Your Children

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Petronas Twin-Tower (PeTT) construction took 7 years (1992-98) to be completed and it costs USD1.2 billion or about MYR 3.1 billion (if I can remember correctly, that time USD1 = MYR2.60).

If you’ve been living ‘long enough’, you must still remember how it’s been criticised for its super-whopping cost that time. Asian financial crisis 97/98 & Anwar Ibrahim been fired for his opposition to government’s “bail-out” program can only spiced up the issue.

Ten years down the road after PeTT was officially launched in 1999, have we ever thought what KL or Malaysia would be without KLCC? Probably Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jln Pudu or Dataran Merdeka (and maybe Lorong Hj Taib?) will be the only icon you can be proud of to your overseas colleague; esp. if you were studying or living in other countries.

Ever since Malaysia (country of nowhere in 80’s) conquer the first spot in the title of “The Highest Building on the Planet” from 1998-2004, the world start to acknowledge our existence.

Since then, there are various projects surrounding KLCC worth at least RM2-3 billion currently took place with more are coming; which include condominiums, hotels & office buildings. Even we consider all the condominiums are so expensive, the prices were relatively cheap compared to other region with the same ‘kind of environment’.

These developments are enough to keep our local developers busy, cement & steel producers to keep on running and other related companies to profit from such golden opportunity. If you worked or invested in one of these companies, you must understand what I mean.

If these projects are all completed, I guess more foreigners will fly to Malaysia enjoying our facility & culture. which I believe had already been tripled for the past 10 years (excluding foreign labours that came in for jobs, students that came in to study in our private/ local universities & some corporate visits to seal their business deal because even without KLCC they’ll still come over).

More importantly, Petronas, being the owner of the whole idea, has been known as one of the preferred partner in venturing new oil & gas resources despite the fact that it’s still ‘young’ in this business.

Imagine this, Petronas gets more profits from overseas projects, government gets higher dividends & taxes for domestic expenditures & civil servants then able to bank in better annual increment!

In case this sounds not good enough, our next generation set to benefit from the opportunity  to work with our ‘own’ company in many years to come (even if all of our resources depleted).

All of these, not even 10% of the known benefits if we consider the spill over effect too!

Going back to the initial questions, we probably don’t get all those benefits if our ancestors decided to do nothing in the first place; which is normal considering being rejected by ‘significant numbers’ of Malaysians. And mind you, these “rejecters” are not regular people like us, but academician, engineers, economist & even historian!

I guess the decision maker that time had enough courage & determination after accumulating required knowledge & skill.

And these quality traits that we plan to instil in our children right from beginning.

We don’t have Stair Safety Gates like most houses with children do. In fact, we encouraged Hafiy to climb up stairs as soon as he can crawl. For safety reason, we sit behind him instead.

And we don’t pick him up or easily say “Alahai, siannya anak Mommy, dan jangan main situ lagi nanti jatuh lagi” to Hafiy whenever he falls down. Nor have a feeling “I am a bad Mommy” after such incidents. Instead, we just ask him to stand up fast and continue running.

We prefer to teach them how the pain ‘look like’ if they fail than avoiding them from making mistake and also make them think how to reduce/ avoid such pain after feeling it several times themselves than keep on asking us for solution (dokong la, ape lagi).

Teaching someone how to fail is much easier than teaching the same people how to succeed.

Don’t you think so?

Human tend to develop enough courage & determination not to die than to live. Then only we’ll learn new knowledge & skills along the way.

The last thing we want from our kids are for them do nothing only because they don’t know “enough” for something they should but expect someone doing “that thing” for them forever & for free.

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18 responses to “The Cost of Doing Nothing & Its Impact to Your Children”

  1. zuhaini Avatar

    ur absolutely right la.. 🙂

    (dah.. x tau nak komen apa dah..) 🙂

    **besides KLCC kan, saya juga bangga dengan F1 kita.. time mula2 Tun M proposed, semua bantah, kata buang duit la apa la.. tapi, alhamdulillah, bila F1 buat di Malaysia, secara x langsung ia adalah satu cara promosi malaysia! kita tak payah dah terhegeh-hegeh beli airtime / iklan di negara orang.. (yang costnya berganda2 dari buat satu litar F1) 🙂 betul tak..? 🙂

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      yes, u r rite. at least we can get back some of the advertising cost from overseas. tp tu pun currency kita still jatuh compared to us. naper yer? huhu

  2. suealeen Avatar

    Tangga kat rumah akak ni pun tak de safety gate. Few times Adam jatuh bukan lagi terguling tapi terbang. Jatuh secara terbang ni oklah. Tak bahayakan kepala dia. Banyak jatuh atas badan. Tapi sekarang dia dah ok dah.. lagi pun umur pun dah nak masuk 4 tahun.

    Sebenarnya memang betul. Kena biar dia rasa apa itu sakit. Biar dia sendiri yang justify bila dia jatuh tu apa dia bakal buat in future. Biarkan sel otak dia tu terus berhubung antara satu sama lain.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      haha, mcm iklan FM la pulak.

      tp kan, i pernah je nk bli safety gate tu masa hafiy kecik2. tak beli sbb mahal gk la

  3. mama emma Avatar

    akak dah x larat nak halang ryan bila dok ronggeng2 atas kerusi.. kekadang akak saje je tgk dia jatuh… tp, jgn la ryan buat mcm tu depan ayahnye, or tokdaddy/tokmama or atuk/nenda.. mau bkejar depa…

    akak nak ryan rasa sakit tu mcm mana, so next time dia beringat.. tp lg kita larang, lg galak dia buat… lalala…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      budak zaman moden. ke ryan tgk mak dia buat cmtuh? hehe

  4. farah Avatar

    saya mmg salute Dr M. sbb decision die yg dulunye byk gile org dok skang ni byk jd kebanggaan…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      u remind me, betul ke kita boley capai wawasan 2020? and how?

  5. farah Avatar

    errr..komen kuar dr topik..hehe mommy lyna bile nak kuar result nursing wear tu?? *muka tak malu*

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      aha. insyaAllah lepas compile dengan Chantek2 nanti. ihihi.

  6. Hanz Avatar

    Mommy Lyna, talking about failure, have you read ‘Dare to Fail’ book? I’ve read the Comic version one coz pendek & nipis…he,he..but well, not bad!

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      kt rumah ni ader sume koleksi dare to fail but the comics. my hubby first get it as present time besdei skolah menengah. sbb sonok sgt baca, dia beli sume version dare2fail tu, termasuklah yg psl ‘kiasu ekonomi’ tu. i baca buku tu kelabu gk mata, sbb takdak byk gambo!

  7. sya Avatar

    yaaa.. betul.. biar dia belajar dari kesakitan.. err, betul ke nih?

    hmm, memang patut pun.. biar dia tahu benda tu sakit, dan dengan sendiri tahu benda tu tak boleh di buat, sebab sakit.. daripada kita bagitau, tak boleh buat, nanti sakit.. nanti sampai bila2 dia tak tau nak buat sebab dia takut sakit… err, berapa banyak ‘sakit’ dalam komen ni? 😛

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      mcm puisi & syair la. hehe. having said that, ‘kesakitan’ tu jgn la bahaya sgt. mcm kena balance gk nk bg dia rasa and not so much harm both at the same time. sbb tu la ader org tua mcm kita ni, ye tak?

      eh, kita tua ke? tak kot. kn?

  8. Watie Avatar

    betul lah Lyna, mee too sumtimes sengaja nak tgk sejauh mana Q boleh pergi masa dia ralit naik tangga rumah ..hambek ko…sampai ke atas dia naik…siap buat lawatan ke every room…tergelak i bila dgr dia ngeluh2 penat masa daki tangga tuh..tapi dia tetap teruskan ..

    i dah beli tangga nak pasang tapi lum pasang2 lagi..hehehe..macam saja jer takmo bg pasang ..sabau jer lah ….

    citer pasal mahathir ..heheh..jgn jeles yer ..masa gi Ikano baru2 nih, ada bird park kat sana ..i terserempak ngan Dr M tau! Siap amik gambar lagik..heheh..tapi gambar yg diambil dlm kamera my sis..nanti i nak upload dalam blog..eheheh..yg i dah masuk dalam blog, gambar curi2 Dr M jer ..hahahah9sebab tuh kamera lagi satu ..) ahaks!

  9. UmmiKhayra Avatar

    Yes… saya sokong pasal biarkan anak kita merasa sendiri sakit tuh. baru dia tau and mungkin tak buat lagi. 🙂 Kat rumah sampai la ni, memang takde safety gate untuk tangga tuh. Mula-mula memang nak beli, lama-lama sampai sekarang tak terbeli. =P Kalau Khayra naik tangga, memang biarkan je dia. And first time naik, tinggal 3 anak tangga je lagi, dia dah penat and nangis sesikit konon tak larat. Kitorang support her untuk terus habiskan 3 tangga tu. Bila sampai je kat atas, terus nak susu… Hahhahha Next time, no more.. Mungkin dia dah tau penat kot. Tak tau la lepas ni macam mana kan? 🙂

  10. kakyong Avatar

    rumah kakyong xde tangga.. tp berhajat sgt nak psg gate kat dapur.. aliya dah dpt kaki tu yg rasa tak larat nak kepung dia.. nak buat koje kat dapur pun susah.. sorg belek sini, sorg belek sana.. end up, cam tongkang karam dapur dibuatnya.. tu pun belum ambil kira gadget2 yg bhy kat dapur tu….

    anak2ku, kalo jatuh ke sakit selepas 1 warning…jawapn ibu yg kurang kasihan… ‘takper.. buat lah lagi… best kan…”

  11. […] I knew that most of my friends who are doing online business, like to find the cheapest, if not freeware to start up their business online. One of them ever said to me “Poor you..” or “Orang yang sangat kasihan..” after knowing that I have spent thousands bucks on things he got for free! (I guess you can see it if you know that I paid for this Thesis wordpress theme). However, to me who is a risk taker, I rather pay for something I measured as ‘berbaloi’, even if it is just ‘balik modal’ only. Of course after doing some researches, studies and calculation to avoid doing stupid things. But since out there are lots of non-risk takers, not only to avoid doing stupid things, they’d avoid to do things at all including researches, studies and risk calculation and fianally they have to bear the cost of doing nothing. […]

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