
  • Adorable Muslimah Untuk Persiapan Hari Raya Aidilfitri


    Antara perkara sunat hariraya Aidilfitri ialah berpakaian paling bagus, paling cantik, paling indah. Sinonim dengan sifat Muslimah, pasti nak kelihatan cantik dan kemas. Ramai yang dah mula planning untuk…

  • How to Pump Milk?


    answering ‘mama tak reti’s question. i hope i knew MTT’s background. how long has she been nursing? how old is the baby? does she direct feeding all this while?…

  • We Miss Abi


    yesterday at miri airport, i tried to not to cry. and you didn’t kick as what you do when i was in the office. i tried to be calm….