
  • Hafiy and Solat


    I’ve been practicing carrying him in solat since Hafiy was small. He was (and still is) a very clingy baby and wanted to be carried all the time. I…

  • Tok Pa' Demise. Al-Faatihah


    21st September 2008, beginning of 10th last night of Ramadhan & the autumnal equinox at about 11.30pm, Tok Pa was breathless (SoB). Tok Hawa (who is also a specialist…

  • Let Kids Be Kids


    i cannot stand (kecik hatiku) with statement like these… “kenapa anak kau ni ‘buas’ sangat? anak aku 5 orang semuanya OK je duduk diam2 time kita solat. baik je…

  • Tragedi Mei Tai


    the how: L: in standing position for takbiratul ihram & al-Fatihah. one hand holds baby, one hand to takbir & put below chest (if possible).R: ruku’. hold (hug) the…