last boy scout

  • Fahry Smiles


       Nampak lesung pipit? Sape tak nampak…. hehehe… tandanya…. watch last boy scout the in divx Eventho Fahry tak adelah sebesar gebebob (he’s only 4kg something at almost-4-month old)…

  • Mommy Finance Pre-Released Copy


    I’ve sent the confirmation email to those 10 selected reviewers. free passenger 57 Congratulations to the selected ones, and if you’re not chosen, don’t worry cos you’ll get a…

  • Day 3


    before feeding jam 3 pagi, Mami pam susu untuk Fahry, tiba-tiba Mami rasa sakit pinggang sangat. biasanya kalau rahim mengecut, rasanya sekejap aje, tapi kali ni lain, sakitnya berpanjangan…

  • Learning Thru Play in Islam


    when some of us think that the West has better ways to educate a child, i beg to differ. yes, we found lots of Western theories & books in…