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i should be ready for your arrival, in term of your thingies + mine in case you decide to put in an early appearance. but, because of many constraints, i unfortunately can’t make it. we will only fly back to my hometown in the next 2 weeks, and i don’t have anything with me right now. it’s just 2-3 thingies those will not be enough to welcome a baby!

this is what we ONLY have here. CW: napkins, nasal aspirator, baby wipe, booties & mittens, blanket, cot sheet, cornstarch powder and head-to-toe wash.

worst case (if you’re still stubborn), we’re gonna stay in Colombia Asia until our supposed-to-fly-day comes. lucky the company pays! actually, i should be worry about it. i have many friends gave birth at 36 weeks. but still… be positive!

in this almost final stage of pregnancy, i have to deal with discomfort that i never experience before. my backache becomes frequent. and the Braxton Hicks too. and aches around my pubic area and groin. lucky me, it just happens over the weekend. changing position, not much help. but i feel released when my back is massaged by Abi, with full of his love and care 🙂 but not all the time. usually i have to do self-massage. Abi is very busy lately, get many things to do before taking a week leave to send us to my hometown.

and i can feel my uterus is just below my breast. no wonder your legs are always hitting my ribcage. i have to sit straight, and it’s quite disturbing especially during meal time. with the lower-than-my-chest-table, i can’t bend my back to enjoy the food, or you’ll give me a great kick on my ribs. and my mouth start to bising2, asking you to stop. and usually, you listen!

i start to perform perineal massage, even if i’m very confident that episiotomy is very common in most hospital in Malaysia, huhu. i don’t think can avoid it, plus, you’re big! and i started to chart your movement. however, i can’t commit most of the time. haha. but since you’re always moving, Mommy don’t feel worry.

our preparation is more towards this coming Ramadhan. hopefully i would be able to fast, for the one whole month. last weekend, we went to Boulevard, bought 2 packets of dates, just a-week stock, before going home. one pack for RM2.20 and another one for RM13.60, for 7 bijik only!

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this kind of date priced RM75 for 2kgs.

Abi is very confident that i wouldn’t have any problem with regard to fasting since i showed a good record when performing my qadha’. plus, your weight gain is very progressive recently (even Abi can see my tummy is getting bigger day by day), so Abi says there’s no problem for me to fast. insya-Allah.
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last weekend, we planned to go to Sibu. however we just able to arrive at Bekenu & Niah only. i think you didn’t allow us to go to Sibu before you come, you wanna see Sibu as well ah? Bekenu is a small town, about half an hour from Miri. we didn’t take any picture coz it was raining, cat & dog. it was just a ‘jalan-jalan kenal Bekenu‘ only.

i asked Abi to extend the journey to Niah, despite the heavy rain. however, we hadn’t go into the cave, just around the head quarter office’s yard. maybe some other time, when our family from Peninsular comes, then we’ll make an adventure journey to Niah Cave.

Mommy at Niah. so poyo.

on the way home, we dropped by Luak Esplanade Beach. my first time ever! not many people there, it was very midday 🙂

i like beaches. especially Miri, can see platforms from onshore.

and we bought this. i dont know its name, but since the shape is similar to Shell logo, we call it shell. so yummy… buat sambal tumis.

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25 responses to “Preparation?”

  1. NadiahKhair Avatar

    selamat menempuh alam baru..
    just be prepare je..starting from now..u same mcm nad dulu..selalu kene braxton hicks..smpi xperasan dah start contraction.. huuhuu..
    take care k?

  2. ummi yang montel.... Avatar
    ummi yang montel….

    peyut kecik jer.. doesnt look like 8months..
    time ni msti selalu rasa susah nk nafas n smput kan…
    org kata bykkan berjalan n berdiri.. supaya senang bersalin..
    mudahan2 everything’s gonna be ok.

  3. mommyA Avatar

    hehe. itu la. kadang rasa risau jgk.. kang contraction betul2 xperasan plak 😛
    u take care too!

    ummi yang montel:
    wah! 1st time ni org ckp perut kita kecik. biasa sme ckp bessaaarrr.. even doktor pun suh stop makan manis2 huhu.
    itula kadang semput2 jgk.
    nk bediri/jalan lama2 tu yg xlarat tu. hehe.

  4. Babe Avatar

    lina, suspen la bc entri ni. Serious tak sabar. Eh nanti deliver kat mana?

    Let me know, Aunty Babe hantar kasu bola sepasang 😉

  5. mommyA Avatar

    hehe. tak larat dah sbnrnya nk ngusung nih.

    insyaAllah nk deliver kat KB. kami tunggu la kasut bola Aunty Babe nati 😛

  6. Kak Elle Avatar
    Kak Elle

    Lina all the best to motherhood semoga selamat semua nya….
    selamat menyambut ramadan.

  7. Kaklong Avatar


    Mommya boleh tidur nyenyak tak? akak takat ni boleh lagi. alhamdulillah. tp tulah, lately ni mmg rajin kena mild contraction, mengah gak (tgh menaip ni pu ada kena ni hihi) la ni pun jalan dah tegak semacam hehe.sbb rasa baby dah kat bawahkan.

    la ni, at least kena ada sepasang dua baju mana tau kot2 tercepat keluar. sbb biasanya masuk labour room tu kena bagi nurse baju baby siap2 sbb nanti lepas dibersihkan nak pakaikan baby baju dah. yg penting skrg kena ada baju baby, booties n mittens, dan diaper saiz s (ikutlah list yg diberi oleh tpt bersalin tu). sbb la ni baby kat spital pakai diaper, cumanya kena hati2 supaya diaper tu x kena pada tali pusat yg masih belum tanggal tu.

    akak ni, dek krn dah rajin kena mild contraction dah siap beg kecil baby: baju 2 psng, booties, mittens, topi, selimut. yg diapers tu nanti, time masuk klinik baru ada, kekdg tu tpt bersalin bagi satu pek kecil diapers dan tuala ibu, tp masuk bil rasanya hehe.

    la ni episiotomi mmg x leh elak, sbb doktor nak bagi koyak cantik, n jahitnya nanti cantik.

    nnti meneran, jgn kat muka ya, tp kat bawah tu. maknanya, bila time baby nak keluar, automatik rasa nak meneran. sbb ada few of my frens kesian tak pandai teran biarpun diajar dokt. sblmnya, dok. kata teran lebih kat muka, tp kat bawah x de apa2. tp pastikan punggung x terangkat naik tinggi2 masa meneran ya, tu yg boleh terkoyak sampai ke punggung, takut kena berbelas or berpuluh jahitan aje. lagi renyah nak dijaga time pantang nanti.

    just my 2 cents.

    baguihlah banyak berjalan time ni, nnti dlm pantang berkurung dlm rumah huhu.

  8. mommyA Avatar

    kak elle:
    Thanks Kak Elle. selamat ramadhan juga 🙂

    skg ni… tido mmg nyenyak tp besa terjaga tgh2 mlm sakit2. huhu.

    ni xrisau sgt sal pakaian sal spital kasik nanti (in case teberanak sini). hahaha.

    kat sini, doktor x ajar lagi cara2 nk deliver, meneran apa sumer. huhuh. arap2 pandai la nanti. takut jugak kalo2 xreti. huhu.

    neway TQ kak LONG!

    /me dah 2 hari MC 😛

  9. aidura sofiee Avatar
    aidura sofiee

    sitilina, tahun ni akak sekeluarga balik beraya kat sandakan plak, insya-Allah. rindu dah kat mak ayah kat kampung.

    dah 5 tahun berturut2 (without fail) akak beraya kat pasir mas 🙂

  10. iman Avatar

    wah..awalnye beli nasal aspirator. kiteorg baby dah sebulan lebih baru ada. hahha. talking abt preparation. mine awal 2 lah. hehe

  11. cikdinz Avatar

    selamat lah yeik. wife sy pun tengah menunggu…

  12. Dandelion Avatar

    Huhu semoga selamat la ye papepun. Nak ckp byk2 pun xreti sbb xde experience. Nway selamat berpuasa! 🙂

  13. Aku Bukan Bidadari Avatar
    Aku Bukan Bidadari

    wah wah wah ,,to much money to spend heh!.. anyway semoga semuanya selamat ya!

  14. kasutVincci Avatar

    shell? Kita org kat kampung pun panggil shell jgk sbb sama ngan logo shell tu. Hehe..masak apa pun sodap.
    Sementara berdua ni, penuh kan lah masa berdua. Nanti dah ada super child dah tak berpeluang lg. Hehe.. tp keseronokan dia lain pulak. Mesti semua benda ingat kat baby jer.;)

  15. mommyA Avatar

    aidura sofiee:
    wah w/o fail tu kat pasir mas. caya la kak!

    have to beli awal2 sumer benda. nanti pantang duk sorang2 je. apa2 xde susah plak nk kene kuar. huhu.

    sama2 la kita menanti kehadiran mereka.. 🙂

    hehe. sama la, selamat berpuasa to ina & hubby!

    aku bukan bidadari:
    anak 1st biasa la. hehe. start from zero org kata. huhu.

    ada ek menatang shell ni kat sane kak KV? ni 1st time jupo, igtkan sini je ada hihi.

    hehe. tu la. skg ni kene puas2kan masa dua orang. huhu.

  16. mummytobe Avatar

    comelnye blanket baby tu..

    larat lagi jalan2 ye..
    for me jalan kat ofis dari satu blok ke blok lain pun rase nak patah pinggang..hehe

  17. mommyA Avatar

    haha. tu main belasah je amik apa yg ada kat kedai tu.

    jalan2 sambil naik keta, bole la. hehe. kalo jalan kaki… xlarat jugak unless ada makanan. hihihi. termotivasi ket.

  18. blackpurple @ jowopinter Avatar
    blackpurple @ jowopinter

    Selamat ber’posing’ lagi. Tahniah!

    Jaga diri ekk.

  19. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    kak lina..

    take care ok.

    mengidam laksa kelantan lg x? huhu. misti ur baby pn akn suka laksa kelantan jgk nnti. heheh

  20. Ibu Emir Avatar
    Ibu Emir

    nak meletup tu.. take care.. paling penting actually, kemaskan pakaian untuk ke hospital, mane tau emergency kan, i bet laki die tak paham sangat ape kene bubuh..

  21. Mommy of Triplets Avatar
    Mommy of Triplets

    wah dh nk dekat ni. harapnye sempat tunggu beranak kat hometown, senang skit ade org tua tlg jaga time pantang. btw, bile last u r allowed to naik flt?

  22. mommyA Avatar

    hehe. tima kasih. posing2 sebelum dh xbole posing.

    hehe. skg tgh gila makan ayam goreng kunyit. sampai muak pakcik tu dibuatnye. saba aje la…

    ibu emir:
    itu mmg. in fact sme brg2 yg kecik2 ni pon dia no idea apa kene ada.
    tp nk siap2 pakaian tu payah sket. xde apa2 pon kt sini. huhu. hanya kuharapkan pada baju hospital je la 😛

    mommy of triplets:
    amiin. arap2 baby sanggup la tunggu sampai blk kg 🙂
    last allowed to fly at 36weeks. hehe. ujung minggu depan balik ah. yahuuu!

    tak saba nk mkn kuih kelantan sebenarnya.

  23. Mommy of Triplets Avatar
    Mommy of Triplets

    chop, dlm entry u, u kate “this is what we ONLY hv here”….sane mmg takde diapers ke mmg u nk pakai napkins?

    i read few comment above, yg part teran tu pun i tak sempat blaja. tapi mase tgh labour tu doctor guide. but i hv a fren, doctor guide gak but die still tak reti, so she wasted lots of energy and ended up anak die kena vacumm.

    yg my doctor guide me die kate bile teran ensure dagu u towards ur chest jan lak nk teran kepala dongak ke atas. n what i did was pegang/genggam handle tepi katil tu kuat2 and push…insya-Allah

    don’t worry dear, it is no as bad as it sounds =). n ingat tau, even rase mild contraction, and kalau rase uncertain what is it pun, trus gi ke doctor. (after what i went tru, i ended telling ppl this whenever i nmpak org pregnant)

  24. mommyA Avatar

    mommy of triplets:
    hehe. no la. sbb kami nk balik kampung, so xbeli diapers kat sini. nanti byk pulak barang nak kene angkut. those thingies yg bole beli kat kedai runcit depan rumah tu, kita beli kat sana je 🙂

    hmm itu la. i still have no idea how the pushing is. 🙂 harap2 cepat la belaja besok dgn doktor tu 😀

  25. cikdinz Avatar

    semoga selamat semuanya….

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