Finally, I get my new lappy 😀 After 2 months or more (tak kuasa nak mengingat) after my Mac kena siram air. So, for the new one I decided nak angkat yang ringan, mudah dan murah. 😀
So I choose this small notebook from Sony, VAIO W Series Netbook. After comparing to several other brands with the same purpose (light, mobile, small), this Sony VAIO Netbook is rather worth for my money. Furthermore, buying at Sony Style gives me membership card that entitle untuk dapat point yang bole redeem for the next purchase.
Kecik dan comel.
Keyboard dia
Ringan! 1.2kg je.
At Sony Style I got a free Golla lappy bag and engrave tulis ‘Mommy Lyna’s Property’. Hehehe.
But this cute lappy tak boleh beroperasi lagi cos the Streamyx is yet to be installed. (Should I wait for the HSBB? Tambahkan liability bulanan lagi LOL). Tapi takpe, yang penting dah ada lappy now anytime can get back to work, bila Streamyx dah masuk la 🙂
Yeahoo. Syukur alhamdulillah.
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