My Bottle & I

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i remember long ago, Mommy has introduced me to bottle. it was Avent one. i was very small and innocent that time [i was only a week, what would i know by then?], so i simply accept the Avent’s teat. Mommy was very happy tht time, coz she could leave me, whenever she wanted to do other things in house, or went out.

and because of this, she felt relief, and sometimes gave ‘free advice’ to her friends who just about to intro bottles to their babies.

yeah, i was OK then, but without anybody knows, i’m still looking for a good time to reject it. hey, it’s weird if i’m suddenly reject bottle huh. so i wait for suitable time or any incident that can give me a way! yesss, you know wut, it was a time when Mommy was in deep depression. someone sounds ‘mad’ at her & told her that it is TOTALLY UNFAIR to give me bottle while she was around. she should wait until 2-3 days before she gets to work, then give bottle to me. then she stopped giving me bottle for a whole week.

guess what, then my time to say bye-bye to silicon teat! my first winning was when Mommy wanted to take shower while i was sleeping. it was Mak Tok there, few second later i woke up and ask for food. Mak Tok gave me bottle, and i screamed “noooooooooooo!!! i don’t want this! i want my Mommy!!!” then i heard Mak Tok called Mommy [just came out from bathroom] and asked her “what’s wrong with this boy? i think you bottle-train him everyday”. then i heard Mommy answered “i did, Mak. but i stopped it last week because **** told me…”. “why do you like to listen to other people? look at your son, how if you’re not around?” Mak Tok gave Mommy free lecture. then Mommy confidently said “no la, Mak. he knows i’m around. that’s why he refuses. if i’m not home he’ll be OK”.

hehehe. Mommy thought she was smart, but i’m smarter than her.

later, i totally say no to silicon teat. but since my Mommy is a type of ‘setenang air di tasik jgn disangka tiada buaya, and very optimistic, the told everyone that “Hafiy xmo sbb Mami dia ada dekat…”. hehe.. i should teach her some lessons…

one wonderful morning, Mommy wanted to go out to town for some business. she left me with my Nyang, with 3 bottles-of-4oz-each EBM. she said to Paksu, “if the milk is not enough, please call me”.

i knew she has a very great time out.

when she came back in the late afternoon, i celebrated her with loud cry.

Nyang told her that i don’t want to drink any drop. i looked at Mommy, she seemed wants to cry. ah, i don’t care what she wanted to do. i just wanted my meal… yummy~~~

the following days are the most stressful moment in my Mommy’s life. i even didn’t want to ‘look at’ the bottle. and if she forced, i’ll throw all the milk out. padan muke Mami bazir susu dia…. hihihi~

Mommy & Abiy tries everyting to make me fall in love back with expressed milk:,

1. leave me at her Aunty’s house for several days.

FAIL. even the tok aunties became stress to see me yelled ;P

2. change bottles

from this

Mommy bought a set of Avent bottles. now become her pumping gear and to store her milk. hehe.

and this

bought by Mak Tok. she said Avent’s teat is big and this one is better. but both i rejected, haha! [after the incident]

to this

Mommy thought i refused because of Avent’s flow, so she bought this teat, Pigeon Peristaltic which will only flow when i suck. Mommy was so sure that i’d be OK cos my other friends, Faatih & Adam are OK with this teat.

me? ahaks.

and she changed to…

…this one…

… after consultation with Aunt Fid. abang Akif [his son] also declare war to silicon teat & still using this bottle. Auntie Fid said “agaknya all Hafiys don’t like silicon teat :D”

but i don’t like cos Mommy tersilap beli. should be ones that she has to press to get the milk to flow. this one, the milk flows continuously. [but this is the only unit left in the shop] usually it goes into my nose. bahaya wooOoOOoo!

so Mommy decided to wait until i can sit by myself to continue with this bottle.

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so she bought..


actually she wanted to buy Adiri bottle, cos the shape is like breast. but when she went to’s shop, Puan Kamariah, the owner said, she doesn’t recommend this bottle. cos it tips is hard.

then, Aunty Shasuya suggested a cheaper one. Breastflow The 1st Year. it soft, and i like to play with it. but not as my feeding gear 😀

Mommy’s ones is irreplaceable!

then she tried this

what is this? yuck!

and finally..

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Abiy’s office gave this set a gift to me.

but the result is still the same 😛

Mommy’s friend, Auntie Faizah suggestes to try cross-feeding teat. i guess, Mommy would call her to order one. hahaha.

actually, it is not about the flow, or whatever Mommy think is. it is because i don’t want to drink from other source except hers. Mommy keeps on trying and i keep on rejecting. Mommy, a easy-to-melt-hearted one, she cannot tahan to hear my cry. when she gives me bottle and i cry, she stop giving me bottle. when it happen everyday, she gets tired, [tired of warming, washing, strelizing…] but she’s a very positive mother. she convince herself that i’m gonna be OK. every single day she talk to me and say “Mommy’s going to work soon.. you have to drink from bottle OK. Mommy’s gonna be very busy and can’t come back to feed you”. me? how do i care…

since the time is very close for her, Abiy insist Mommy to bottle-train me, with different bottles, intensively. but there goes my Mommy… she’s firm enough, but she can’t help when i cry like ‘nak pecah anak tekak’. and, at my side, i’m very firm too. even if i’m hungry but i just want my Mommy’s, not the bottle.

but yesterday, was a history. Mommy let Abiy to bottle-train me, and she went to God knows where. i screamed, but Abiy kept on pushing the teat into my mouth. i didn’t want to suck, but he pressed the teat so that the milk flowed. i cried, but he didn’t stop. i coughed, but the teat was still in my mouth. and he also babap me. oh my… it was horrible, and i don’t want to imagine if it’s happen again. [lucky Mommy wasn’t there, or else, she might took my picca!]

i got my lesson… don’t cry/scream during bottle-training. if Abiy is there, i’m gonna die! yesterday evening, when Mommy offered me bottle, i grab and put the teat inside my mouth. and today also, i didn’t scream anymore. but only 1/7 goes into my belly. the other portion goes onto my shirt. hehe. okla tu, at least Abiy won’t give me a commando-like training.

hey, don’t call me naughty, it’s my preference OK… hey, if your favourite food id pizza, then someone comes and asks you to change your favourite food to capati, would you do it? i know i have to drink Mommy’s milk from bottle, but since the time is not end yet, couldn’t i utilize it? after all, Aunt Fid said, a baby who has bottle refusal is smart! yeah, that’s ME!

belakon je ni…

…tobat dah saye xmo nangis time bottle-training.

*Mak Ngah saya tak minum botol. beliau menunggu sehinnga Mak Tok saya balik dari kerja pukul 5 baru dia mamam. tabah bukan?

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29 responses to “My Bottle & I”

  1. bAiTi Avatar

    Hafiy comey..

    Tu dia.. berbakul2 agaknya collection botol Hafiy ni, Mami beli, huhuhu..

    Sian Mami.. But Hafiy good boy, kan.. kan.? Baik Hafiy telan jer susu dari botol tu, nanti Abiy babab lagi baru tahu, huhuhu.. 😛

  2. mOmmy of Triplets Avatar
    mOmmy of Triplets

    so kirenye dh berjaya lar ni abiy bottle-train Hafiy ek?

  3. erynn sr. Avatar
    erynn sr.

    sila tubuhkan muzium botol susu. saya mahu pegi melawat..

  4. shsuya Avatar

    YAHOOO!!!!!!!!! Congrats Lina kerana berkat kesabaran you akhirnya Hafiy ok jugak dgn botol. To Hafiy … GOOD BOY!!! Lepas ni jgn tukar fikiran lagi tau!!!!

  5. MommyAdam Avatar

    adoi siannye Mommy dia…
    punyala banyak bottles..
    i paham sure sedih tgk dia nangis2 takmo minum..nak handle ebm tu je bukan senang..

    sabar ye kenit tu dah berakal tu..hehe..

    Hafiy..cian mommy tau..hafiy minum leklok yer…

  6. kombat Avatar

    akhirnya abg hafiy kita minum ebm, guna botol yg mana eh? nak gak tau ni 😉

  7. ct Avatar

    fuh….how to concentrate work like this if our mind keep on thinking whether this fellow drink the milk or not.. sabar la and pray a lot, insyaallah he will be ok…

  8. hafiy hensem Avatar
    hafiy hensem

    aunty baiTi,

    bukan ape auntie, senang adik saya besok2, Mami xpayah dah beli botol susu. hehe.

    eii.. jgn sebut sal Abiy tu.. ngeri!!!

    aunty munirah,

    bole la… kalo xberjaya pun kene cakap berjaya. nanti Abiy buat lagi!!!

    aunty erynn (ibu mertuaku),
    50hinggit sekali masuk!

    aunty suya,
    takut dah saya nak tukar pikiran!

    aunty aida,
    ala aunty bosanla jd bdk zaman skg, asik kne tinggal je mak g keje.. huhuh

  9. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    huhu. any bottle yg teatnya sentiasa flow tanpa perlu hisap. kalo yg kene isap mcm peristaltic & breastflow to sorila dia xisap pun. yg flow laju, janji masuk mulut dia. 85% kuar blk pn ok dahla janji ade gk dia telan. huhuhu.

    tu la dia.. dgn history my sister yg langsung xminum while my mom at work, risau gak ni.

    arap2 dia okla.. ramai doakan dia ni.. amiin 🙂

  10. Nazhan Avatar

    Byknya collection botol awak hafiy. Jeles saya tgk. Jgn la nak nenen Mommy awak ja. Puting yg byk tu nk buat apa. Try la semua, baru meriah hidup. Nak simpan kat adik2 pun, biarlah awak try semua dulu.

  11. Dandelion Avatar

    Comel2 botol Hafiy. Itula Abiy dia train sekejap je dah boleh. Dia tau tu dgn Mami dia nnt sure Mami dia tak sampai hati hihi. Pandai Hafiy ni! 😀

  12. mOmmy of Triplets Avatar
    mOmmy of Triplets

    tu lar, babies ni mmg kena firm. mayb u should let Abiy do they training since his heart doesnr melt easily like urs whenever Hafiy nanges.

    i pun nk tidokn babies at nite mmg kena sgt firm…nanges pun i tak angkat. kalau ikutkn pApa die mmg nk angkat je…but mOmmy says NOO..hehe

  13. lovelyummi Avatar

    hhuiyoohh, mmg byk koleksi botol, siap bley tukar hari2 tu.hoho. moga2 hafiy x reject botol lagi lepas ni kan. jgn nakal2 tau nnt abiy marah..huhu

  14. kombat Avatar

    ok la tu, Hafiy nak jugak minum wpun dlm keadaan terpaksa. huhuhu..

    my dear baby skarang ni pun refused guna botol. selama 7bln dia ok je attach ngan avent. tiba, 8bln ni buat prangai tak mo ebm guna botol. like Mak Ngah Hafiy, tabah menunggu ibunya pulang ke rumah jam 7. 7am-7pm tanpa susu. huhuhu. ibu kat ofis dok risau bukan main.. sib baik dia tak meragam & nasib baik dia dah mula makan.

    la ni, still mencarik solution, camne nak bg dia minum ebm tu 🙂 anyway, thanks Mama Hafiy for the entry 🙂

  15. mokcik Avatar

    wah. hafiy cam nak ikut makngah je ni. besar esok2 nk jadi doktor juga ka?

  16. Leeds Al-Malique Avatar
    Leeds Al-Malique

    pintar anak angkat auntie ni..hehehe

    dtg kl nnt auntie bg adiah botoi syusyu k! 😉

  17. LILY SAFIYYA Avatar

    fuhhh mencabar jgk nak menepati selera anak teruna sowang ni kann…

  18. hafiy hensem Avatar
    hafiy hensem

    saya ni setia pada yg satu. huhu. xpa.. sy akan cuba berpoligami 😛

    aunty ina,
    auntie ckp kat mami, pasni sy nk dia je train sy. huhu. komando betul la abiy tu..

    aunty ummi,
    eh, manade sy nakal auntie. good boy ni. psst.. tasneem pekaba? 😛

    don’t play2, i am dr hafiy al-fateh! surgeon tau haha.

    auntie leeds,
    tanaaaaaaaaaaaaak! tanakkkkkkkkkkkk! tanaaak botol dahhhh MAMA! 😛

  19. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    munirah MOT,
    sungguhla… xthn dgr dia melalak. igtkn lapar2 dia nk jgk, ni sanggup tahan lapar. ble bg nenen je trus ngap! lapar gilak rupanya.

    arap2 nt keja mamat ni sudi la abiskan sebotol. bkn pe kn, sian la dia lapar tp xmo minum. kita keje bkn leh kuar2 salu. huhu. tp dh leh duduk sok bleh ah pkai sudu. tuhari dia ok dgn sudy cuma flow xlh kontrol, sian dia ask masuk idung. skg ni, kita ni nk pegang dia lg (kna pgg ala2 duduk cmtu), nk pegang botol lg, nk kontrol pala dia lg. huhu.

    mybe ur baby nk botol sudu x? hehe.

    mama lily,
    pilih botol mcm nk pilih menantu. huhu.

  20. kombat Avatar

    botol sudu? hehe.. tak pernah try lagi. tapi, susukan dia cara bersudu, dah try. ngak mau jugak. titis kan setitik dua susu kat lidah dia pun, dia buat muka. camana tu? huhuhu

  21. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    hua hua hua. payah sungguh kan melayan karenah baby xreti nk cakap lagi ni. dah tau cakap senang, tanye je nak apa sebenarnya. huhu.

    kot2 dia nk minum pakai straw ke. 😛

  22. mamafiza Avatar

    Dear Miss Sitilina,

    Wish you’re in the pink of health 😉

    Thank you so much for your support & pure friendship. Truly appreciate it!

    Please send my best regards (with hugs n kisses) to your bundle of joy; lil cutie Hafiy ^_- (he’s so photogenic!)

    Do take care. May Allah swt always bless your family. Amin~

  23. Fid Avatar

    ishh mami nih….agaknya mami dok hulur botol kat hafiy tu dia yg takut bknnya hafiy…

    hafiy agak2 laa berapa lama hafiy akan kawan ngan botol ni?

    hafiy ni kuat puasa ke tak?kalau kuat puasa susu mcm abang akif boleh la buat sombong ngan botol….
    kalau tak kuat puasa kawan baik2 ngan botol susu ngan puting tu tapi pastikan mami isi dalam tu susu dia….kihkihkih..mami hafiy jgn marah nooo

  24. cikdinz Avatar

    mak aiii…banyak nya botol. mcm-mcm jenis…

  25. fidieyaaa Avatar

    The last sentence, I take it as a compliment..

  26. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    hi mamafiza. thank you so much for visiting us.

    you too, may Allah swt bless everybody in the family!

    well, it is 😀

  27. kasutVincci Avatar

    alhamdulillah. Akhirnya berjaya gak mami afy. Hik hik. Nasib baik dina ok jer ngan botol. Kalo tak mmg haru biru la akak. Hik hik

  28. chivv Avatar

    gilo ganas abah dia train hafiy minum susu botol…ngeehehehe….seb baik ahfiy cpt paham gak…kiut kiut… ^_^

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