My Bibik & Me

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sebenarnya Mami tak ready nk cakap pasal Bibik tp macam nak cerita je lah.

actually i never-never ada bibik sebelum ni. when i was a little girl, our Moyang looked after us. and when the Lady Moyang passed away, we were key-latched kids and my Mom was a very incredible woman to work, manage household with 5 crazy kids and her hobby-gardening.

our main reason to choose Bibik to take care of our house and our kids is – the cost. Bibik’s cost in Sarawak is the least and far more cheaper than sending to babysitter or nursery. so after think and thought we queued our name for a bibik.

cos we never had bibik at our parents’ places, we were really bibik-blind. we sought infos from our friends who are bibik-experts to guide us on ‘How to Layan Your Bibik so That She Won’t Buat Hal’. and most of them told us to:-

  • jgn bagi muka
  • kene firm
  • suruh dia buat kerja
  • jangan bagi dia henpon
  • etc.
and i really did when the first bibik came. however, the bibik was a very proactive one. i never told ther to do this and that, but she did it in advance. and she was fast. she finished all housework including cuci longkang in afternoon. and she commented she got not enough work at our house. huhu. but unfortunately we had to let her go because of some reasons. sayang kan. i wish i could have a Bibik like her, again.

the second bibik (current bibik) came a month later. she is a bit different than the previous ones. the first bibik was a very work oriented ones. and she pleaded for works. until we had to say “maaflah bibik, rumah kami banyak orang jd xbanyak kerja. bibik rehat ajelah”. and she complaint she was bored for not having much work to do. huhuhuhu! and this one is different lah. she’s not as robotic as the previous wan. this one loves to talk and story everything. and she does works when i ask because ‘takut terusik barang2 yg tak boleh sentuh’. hehe.

tp the boundary between us and bibik was still like as the pantang2 above until i read this entry from blog Aunty Iza

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godfather the online , then i asked her about it. after reading her answer, it made me thinking about how did i layan my bibik all this while.

along the week yg kita kat KL, we sent bibik to Ibu AddinNasa’s. and i learned another thing about layan bibik. Aunty N said, our bibik is a very good one, and i have to take a good care of her so that in return, she will take good care of my kid(s). and she bought a henpon to bibik so that bibik can call her kampung. but ustat came last nite and told bibik ‘seharusnya ini tidak perlu.. sebab bazir uwang, nantinya kalo sudah ada, akan selalu2 nelepon. bila usah selalu nelepon, akan selalu rindu2..nanti tidak dpt kerja dgn aman. saya udah rasa itu’ ๐Ÿ˜€ but i still allow her to has the hanpon with condition, “telefon sebulan sekali sudah ya bibik”.

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this week i started to cook (back) even if Abiy said my cooking tak sedap, Bibik lg sedap (huh?). all this while i let bibik to cook because i wanted to spend the precious time with my baby. ya la, we reached home at 6pm, 6.30pm maghrib sudah, and Abiy doesn’t like to has late dinner.

last nite bibik told us that she thought the gaji here was as high as at Saudi. and she asked for raise. wowowow. honestly speaking, we couldn’t attend her request cos the why we opt for bibik pun is to reduce our opex, and now we have to be a bit frugal to buy emergency air tickets. but we’re very good and flexible to allow her doing part time by tidying up other’s houses in this area. so this weekend she’ll start her part-time.

she told us the story about her family and the *along who lent her money and asked 700% return. (*along is ceti haram lah. i am along too, but ‘saya bukan along, saya cuma nak tolong’). but we can’t tolerate more to her problems because we have our problems jugak and hopefully our kindness for allowing her doing part time is OK enough. and she would manage her money wisely so that she can pay the along ASAP rather than buying prepaid or others titbits. plus, we provide her toiletries and biskut as ‘ehsan majikan’.

i layan her like how i layan my friends and she is very free in our house, except i don’t ‘allow’ her to tidy up our bedroom and my toilet. i asked her to cuci the toilet 2 weeks ago but the result was, i had to cuci sendiri lepas tu. fhm2 ajelah.

i don’t expect much la on her. enough for her to take care of my kid(s) and my properties while i’m away to work. and hopefully she’s happy working with us, and don’t run away. huhu. when i want her to do something i say “bibik, tolong buat ni ya”. oh ya, last nite she said she has to do works at night (cos during the day has to gendong Hafiy all the time) but no OT pay. hahaha. kelaka la bibik ni. apa dia igt rumah kita ni kilang kasut ke. buat lawak kot bibik ni. mintak baya sewa bilik baru tau ๐Ÿ˜›

our previous bibik once told me that most bibik2 yg buat hal is not because the bibik jahat alone, but the layanan majikan is macam tak anggap bibik tu orang. even if majikan baik, but sometimes ada layanan2 tertentu yg wat bibik kecil hati, pendam & lama2 jadi geram. she said, if majikan baik “seperti bapak sama embak” no bibik will buat hal or run away. ๐Ÿ™‚ amiin.

i hope i’m a good madam. the bibik requested for jalan2 jauh sikit. we promised her a trip to Brunei and sambut raya di Semenanjung. and whatever she requests, we try to attend, as long as not go beyond the boundary lar. being a madam ni.. tough jugak. i reflect my relationship with my b*ss. i always rebel when i feel something ‘wrong’ with his order. so if i can ‘oppose’ my boss (who gives me rating at the end of the day), why shouldn’t my bibik?

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14 responses to “My Bibik & Me”

  1. Babe Avatar

    email email:P

    anak buah aku nama dia ADELLE ~ girl

  2. zuai Avatar

    oh.. u r rite la mama hafiy. the previous one was sayang terpaksa let go..
    This one pulak demanding sungguh! Siannyer.. i thought people who have bibik they have less prob. ye la, ada org leh buat mcm2, jaga umah, jaga anak dll.. Proves i’m wrong..
    mama hafiy x leh cari org lain ke..? dari agensi tu ke..?

  3. MommyAdam Avatar

    wah bestla first bibik..2nd bibik ni demand pulak ye..tapi asal jgn buat hal pelik2 sudah (mcm lari ke) bagusla u think about it and try your best to jaga her feelings..wish you luck ..

  4. suealeen Avatar

    i still miss my bibik (we call her acik). bibik ni perangai berbeza sebab ikut usia jugak. akak dapati yang older (who already has kis) memang lebih bertanggungjawab.

    akak pernah wat entry pasal acik – Hari Hari Sedih. anak2 akak tak pernah dicubitnya sampai budak2 ni pun sayang padanya, tak suka hang around buat majlis mesyuarat tepi jalan, tak pernah mintak gaji dia dinaikkan.

    pendapat akak satu je, bila kita wat baik dengan orang, kalo orang tu tak balas, mesti Allah yang balas. ntah bila la nak jumpa dia lagi.

  5. Anasfadilah Avatar

    saya juga ada perancangan utk ada bibik dirumah…tapi tulah..masih dalam perancangan…

    Alhamduliilah…awak dapat bibik yang boleh dipercayai dan bolehlah diharap-harapkan…

    bibik dirumah nenek saya,kami dah anggap macam famili sendiri…hehehe

    good for u!

  6. ::zuraimah:: Avatar

    salam…thanks for this entry. it really open my mind on having maid aka bibik at our home. For the moment, i’m struggling myself to attend my 2 lil princesses, hubby n houseworks..erk..hope Allah help me..having a rajin bibik is really helpful, but to have bibik with banyak songeh is something that I really afraid of.. huhu how to overcome that feeling ek…
    anyway…hope ur bibik wont create much prob ya dear….:)

  7. yaya Avatar

    for me dapat bibik ni ikut nasib2. like my maid i can say ok but i still berhati2. yelah baik mcm mana pun rambut same hitam, hati lain2.

    early dis yearkan ade kes kat subang yg maid dia pkl2 baby dia sampai kepala retak dan meninggal, itukan dia layan maid dia bebaik giler… tapi ntah kenape maid dia tu sakit mental gi wat camtu.

    for me dpt maid ni nasib2 plus tetap kene berhati2 dan takbleh taruh kepercayaan 100%. harap dijauhkan lah maid yg tak baik seperti itu.

  8. suealeen Avatar

    tumpang cerita sebab yaya cerita kes kat subang tu.

    yang ni jadi kat x-boss sendiri. kat kelana jaya. satu hari tu dia dapat panggilan dari jiran. nasib la jiran dia ni dah kenal lama. jiran dia cakap seharian dia dengar ada budak menangis. bila lama sangat dia pun cuba check, rupanya anak bos ni tadi ditinggalkan sendirian di rumah sebab maid dia dah lari. masa tu the boy was 3 years old kot. pintu pagar tak kunci, pintu rumah apatah lagi.. alhamdulillah budak tu tak ape2, wallahu’alam… menunjukkan kebesaran Allah. DIA menjaga budak tak bersalah..

    my suggestion… apa kata wat istikharah sebelum nak hire bibik? insyaAllah diberikan petunjuk…

  9. Fid Avatar

    bkn nak hasut tau
    tp cerita2 derang tuh bkn bleh percaya bulat2 tau……

    ada satu bibik ni kan
    cerita macam2 ropa2nya tipu

    lps tu ada satu bibik ni dia balik bawa traveller check tapi dia call cakap ‘sudah hilang’
    bila cek ngan bank dah cashkan pun!!!tipusss…

    mcm mn pun good luck

    semoga bibik hafiy tu baik2 aja

  10. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy


    cepat2 add aku nak tgk muka adelle! (eh cemana nk sebut nama dia?)

    pening kepala berbibik2 ni sbnrnya. huhu.
    dah xmo cari lain dh, bibik ni OK sbnrnya.. cume mende kecik2 tu lah huhu.

    tu la.. kalo dpt 1st bibik lg kn bgs hehe.
    arap2nye bibik berkekalan sampai ke sudah, sbb tu i amik yg ada anak ๐Ÿ™‚

    K SUE,
    alaaa bestnye Acik tu.. i wish my bibik pon camtu amiin (baru lg kan)

    alhamdulillah.. i got remark from kak N tu, ‘ur bibik ni mmg baik & jujur, bertuahla Along’ ๐Ÿ™‚

    bibik2 ni mmg pening. especially kami yg 1st timer ni. nk set boundary pon xtau tang mana. hahahaha.
    carilah bibik yg sudah ada tanggungan huhu.

    ya betul la ikut nasib2.
    ish takutnye.. naudzubillahi min zalik. i hope bibik jaga my baby sepenuh hati la.. tolong la jgn wat anakku cam itu~ wuuu~~~

    K SUE,
    Allah.. sampai ati bibik tinggal baby mcm tu je. bibik atok sdara saya penah lari tp b4 tu dia bersihkan rumah, mandikan atok, siram bunga… hehehe.

    betul tu kak, istikharah & doa tu mmg penting.

    K FID,
    huhu. mcm2 citer bibik ni. arini pon dgr cite bibik lg.
    arap2 bibik ni tergolong dlm golongan ashabul yamin la.

  11. Mummy H&H Avatar
    Mummy H&H

    hi mami sitilina,
    (1st time bg comment nie, selama nie dok reading ajer ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    thanx for this post! an eye-opener for me… saya pon tgh pening camner nak layan bibik nih… takut dier ambil kesempatan atas ke’baik’an kiter… maklum lah 1st timer… mmg harus consult dgn org2 yg dah ader experience handle maid nih… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. mommysarah Avatar

    demand gak 2nd bibik tu kan? kalo saya, mesti lepas dia demand pasal gaji & OT tue dah rasa tak syok. sayanglah..mana pergi 1st bibik tue?

    lina, bibik nie kita bleh suka2 ker mintak tukar?

  13. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    hallo MUMMY H&H,
    i pon xde experience ha… men belasah aje ni. pokoknya doa la byk2 mtk maid tu baik2 je huhu.

    haha. mula2 tu rasa gak xsyok. pastu dh malas nk piki. dh ckp baik dah ni.
    1st bibik balik indonnnn
    tuka xtuka depend pd agent. ada agent mudah, ada agent mmg jgn harapla nk tuka2 huhu./

  14. mama pasha Avatar

    mommy lyna.. banyak cekadak lahbibik baru tu.. boleh hantar balik ajerr tak.. kat jkt klo dah buat banyak hal macam tu tak pakai lagi dah.. *diah tengah rimas pasal bibik.. ish ish ish..
    .-= mama pashaยดs last blog ..Cuppies Cookies for Isabelleโ€™s student =-.

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