Have you ever heard an old folk story, about Mat Jenin? The boy who liked to daydream? Until ada peribahasa says ‘angan-angan Mat Jenin’ for something yang unreachable.
He was a coconut picker, who had great ambitions. The final destination was to marry the princess. But he died while picking coconuts, when he fell down from a coconut tree. Jadinya, angan-angan Mat Jenin, berangan tak sudah sampai petik kelapa pun duk berangan lagi.
Was Mat Jenin a daydreamer?
He seems not to me. Because he had a plan.
Petik kelapa banyak-banyak –> jual kelapa –> beli ayam –> bela ayam –> buka ladang ayam –> jadi usahawan berjaya –> kahwin puteri raja.
What a good plan kan? He saw what people didn’t see. He saw his destiny, bukan kais pagi makan pagi jer. He had a vision! For short, medium and long term.
But when the story goes like that, lesson leaves for us is “Jangan panjang angan-angan nanti jadi Jenin”. Jadinya, kita takut nak bercita-cita tinggi sangat, takut jadi macam Jenin. Cita-cita tah ke mana, dia pulak yang meninggal.
Mat Jenin wasn’t daydream alone. He had effort. Dia memang merancang dengan apa yang dia ada ~ muzik latar lagu NowSeeHeart ~ Rancang dengan apa yang ada di tangan… ~
Dia bukan tiba-tiba je muncul hasrat “Nak kahwin puteri”. He had a plan! He had a very clear plan. Mungkin dia cuma tak ada target ‘bila’ but the framework semua dia dah ada.
I he was daydreamt, he wouldn’t work. Baik dia tidur sepanjang hari & berangan. Itula yang dikatakan angan-angan.
He wasn’t dead because of falling down from coconut tree, but had been killed by those who were jaki with him. Ataupun dihalau keluar daerah & diberi identiti baru (tinggi sungguh imaginasiku). Biasa la orang-orang ada PHD ni sanggup buat apa saja kan.
Jadi, tinggal lah kita yang takut nak berwawasan. What do you wanna be in 20 years time? Itu pun tak boleh nak jawab. “Tengoklah rezeki jadi apa…”.
What do you want you kids to be in 30 years time? Ni pun susah juge. “Terpulanglah pada takdir…”, “Semuanya di tangan Tuhan..”, “Kita tak mampu tentukan semua tu..”.
Muhammad Al-Fateh, when he learned about a hadis from Rasulullah said “Constantinople would be conquered by Muslim army”, he piled it in his heart that he wanted to be the one, and he did it. Tak pulak dia kata “Siapa lah aku..” or “Takdir siapakah akan menjadi manusia itu?”. Ain’t that story of Muhammad Al-Fateh proved that our destiny is our choice, not chance?
It’s a good example for us, to have a vision and mission in our life. Mat Jenin had his choice of what he wanted to be, how about you?
Tolong jawab soalan saya, kalau tak saya marah. Saya garang tau! – Fahry
**—————–NOTA KAKI————————**
* We are in the midst of settling down. I am so sorry for not being able to reply all emails, SMSes and even posted comments! Thank you so much for all those!
**I went to your blog (especially Hanz & farah) but so sorry I didn’t leave any words. I’m reading from my N95 and my jari dah sakit2 sebab banyak sangat chatting dengan handphone :P.
Oh I almost forget about this. Some clarification on MSK-Chantek-Chantek, sebab nampak macam susah je HuHu:
You don’t have to be ‘a designer’ to participate. Ia cuma satu so-called contest suka-suka je… Cos I knew some BF moms (and non BF pun) are very concern about nursing wear, but very hard to find. So you might have some idea of you dream nursing wear. Sambil2 tulis pasal nursing wear, you can participate, mana tau dapat hadiah kan. Hehe.
Can be just as simple as ..” Nursing wear idaman saya ialah yang mempunyai ropol besar di bahagian dada supaya ia boleh menutupi bahagian tertentu semasa anak saya menyusu:
Or as complex as ..”—beberapa lakaran tentang nursing wear itu –“
And if you da pernah tulis about it, you still can join! Just tell me & give me the link. If tulis 5 tahun lepas pun OK 🙂
[This is a very busy week. Tomorrow we’re going to PCMC. Kalo sesapa terserempak janganla terkejut tengok keserebehan saya 😉 – bajet femes hokeh! – takpe la sesekali nak perasan]
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