KL Tour

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we stayed at boulevard hotel, midvalley for 3 days & 3 nite. it was a great pleasure, staying with abi but a bit exhausting for all of us. abi had to travel to bangi while i had to travel to klcc. however, on the top of everything it was still great cos we could spend our evening in midvalley complex.

this time, no more shopping. everything is ready for you. we just did some survey on babycot+playpen, but none of them attracted our eyes. we went to sogo as well, but still none of the cots impressed us.

when we had a leisure walk in carrefour, accidentally i found something that had been sought for this long. watch charade in divx

this mini fridge will be used to store your milk later. it was 2 types available but another one was a bit small, and i planned to dump everything in one storage (bottles, pump, etc). so, i decided to take this one. it’s a bit bulky but big & convenience.

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now, in our list just left the cot and titsies-bitsies those could be bought anytime soon like diapers and kain lampin. and yes, some apparatus for confinement like your barut, my bengkung and the massage oil, i plan to order them online.

my friends said, it’s no use to buy everything before you come, cos u might not using all those things e.g. stroller, cot, pump, etc. i told them, it’s better i have them now, and later if you’re not using, we still can keep them for you siblings, rather than later, we find out you need any of those and kalut2 go for shopping and main beli je. at least now, we bought them at discount price 🙂

phew, kl tour exhausted us. i had braxton hicks almost everynite, but suprisingly i could sleep soundly! no more sob, and no more 3-4a.m. sleep. maybe.. you just wanna sleep with abi?

however, this time i had a very meaningful moment. meeting some friends, spending our time talking without abi’s present. like the old days where all of us were single!

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4 responses to “KL Tour”

  1. kakLuna Avatar

    glad to learn that u come back safely and happy from the journey.

    as for baby things, just buy when you think you wanna buy. its very normal for 1st mommy for being excited, no matter what people says that we are spending for something which may be useless after baby grows up.

    hope the time quickly flies that u might reunite with ur loving Abi 🙂

  2. sitilina Avatar

    hehe alhamdulillah. dh selamat sampai umah ngan Abi sekalik.

    itula, kalo xpakai pun nanti bole let go kot. nanti emsti ada orang nak pakai kan?

  3. mummytobe Avatar

    what’s the bag for eh?masa u beli avent uno takde set sekali dgn bag ke? or this bag utk travelling?ke bwk ofis?

    braxton hicks ni ape?isn’t it some sort of contraction?

  4. along Avatar


    bag tu utk simpan susu lepas kita pam dia i.e. kt ofis or mana2. kita beli uno, dia xde beg, seketul pam je. beli yg jenis ni sal dia mmg jenis fridge, so xpayah letak cooler dah. & besar, bole dump botol + pam sekali. biasa kalo bli avent manual, ada yg set dgn bag dia sekalik.
    so nt utk bawak ofis or pegi mana2. senang. hehe.

    braxton hicks tu.. kan ada kadang2 kita notice perut kita mengeras, konon mcm baby mengeras tp sbnrnya bukan baby yg mengeras, tp otot uterus tu tgh berlatih utk deliver nt. skg ni rasa mild2 je lg & xmengganggu pn. bila dah dekat2 tu makin sengal plak (org xp ckpla). kalo skg dh rasa sengal2 & disturbing, minum air banyak2.

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