It's The 5ive Things…..

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I got tag from Ealyie. (Kata nak buat tag every 5/6 haribulan… tapi buat jugak this time untuk mengelakkan diri sendiri menjadi takbur dan ujub of something :D)

5 things found in my bag:

Handbag ke bag apa? I assume handbag la..

  1. Angpow milik Fahry&Hafiy
  2. A pen
  3. Tissue
  4. Some money for emegency purpose (20-30 cent for toilet :P)
  5. A piece of paper

5 things found in my wallet

  1. Cards including my IC & kad nikah
  2. Credit card receipt
  3. Books purchase receipt
  4. Pictures of my family, Hafiy & Abiy.
  5. Money? Yillek. Tak payah rom.pak saya. Saya tadak duit. Wallet ni pun rega 2ohengget je, tak layak nak gadai pun.

5 favourite things in my room

  1. My lappy
  2. My lappy’s table
  3. Bed
  4. Pillow
  5. Blanket

5 things I’ve always wanted to do

  1. Sleep
  2. Sleep in a 5 star hotel room
  3. Sleep in a 5 star hotel room with Abiy
  4. Sleep in a 5 star hotel room with Abiy & kids
  5. Sleep in a 5 star hotel room with Abiy & kids somewhere in UK (why UK? cos i never be there)

5 things I’m currently into

  1. Mommy Finance
  2. Trying to produce a consistent daily-balance-timetable. Wallaaaaa!
  3. Updating SusuSihat (dont worry everybody will get the updated version)
  4. Developing MSK Forum
  5. Watching Ninja Boy, Hagemaru, Detektif Conan & Spongebob Squarepants (it’s me, not the kids. Kids are watching Animal Planet :D)

5 people to tag

  1. My sister, Si Bijak Kadok
  2. Salwa Ibukauthar
  3. Yaya
  4. Noor (aku mmg suka tag kamu)
  5. Anasfadilah
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9 responses to “It's The 5ive Things…..”

  1. Mel Avatar

    wah high 5 lah mommylyna. sy pn ske layan hagemaru, detective conan (dl baca comic dia) n spongebob hehe 😉

    i like the katun2 yg tak payah piki lagi sengal, hehehe.

  2. yaya Avatar

    Nasib baik tag ni mudah, akan ku laksanakan tugas! ngeheheheh….

    tulah. 5 mini tje bole siap kan hiihii

  3. mamaDhea Avatar

    haha.. akak pon tgk Hagemaru, Ninja Boy ke? btw, anak sulung sya sgt minat dgn kartun2 tu sume..

    suka sebab diorang ada ciri2 kesengalan + tak payah piki apa kesudahan dia hehehe.

  4. amlynyx Avatar

    nOOr itu sayakah?? tp saya mau mengaku jugak!
    tungguuu, sy pon akan mengetag kamu….tengtengteng

  5. anasfadilah Avatar

    wah kene tag…nanti saya buat ye mak encik…hehehahah

  6. fidieyaaa Avatar

    Sorry2, i’m the bz laa.. byk u da tagged me, x dan nak reply. sabau2 la yer. i’m downloading conan-kun now, sampai 500++. nk tgk same2? hehe

  7. Salwa Avatar

    ala baru notice my name listed laa..
    sampau ati mu Lya men tag ku…
    nasib mu tak tag ku dgn soap opera…huh ngeri tu..btw ape jadi dgn sambungan tu…leen cepat sanbung ok..kami menanti..

  8. salzahari Avatar

    huu…selamat.tapi best tag nih, simple !

  9. Salwa Avatar

    da jawab dah..
    tq 🙂

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