Etiquette and Respect

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I dont know should write bout this or not.

It was one fine day in the office. Suddenly I lost my appetite, but my tummy was empty. I had headache. And fatigue. Wandered around to find something that can fill my tummy as well as reduce the fatigueness.

I found a kiosk selling something nice, and probably nice to eat.

The food displayed was sooo tempting and it has little description on each type. But my head was so numb to think more.

"I would like to have this one"
"How many you want?"

Then I terperasan pulak another object yang menarik.

"Cop, this one…"
"HOW MANY DO YOU WANT HA???" with the voice that really shook my heart. Rasa sakit kepala terus hilang tang2 tu.

If I wasn’t that tired and fatigue, and nak cepat2 balik to take a quick nap, I would say to her "COuld you be a little bit polite? I am your customer!".

Macamla i takde duit nak bayar. She treated me like i am a peminta sedekah yang terjejer2 air liur bila tengok makanan sedap2 di restoran mahal. Please lah. I can even buy all your stuffs by cash. Or maybe your stall pun. Geram haku! Tapi i tak marah sebab i was too tired to layan.

I don’t know why our salesgirls and cashiers, most, MOST of them are very… you know lah. Kita pun hilang mood nak bayar bila muka masam mencuka. Tolonglah, I know you’re also makan gaji like me, and you’re not paid to smile to the customers or treat customers like kings, but being human, what’s wrong if you just SMILE?

It was a day when I am in the queue, a guy asked the cashier, "Dik boleh minta tolong tak?" the salesgirl with muka stone "tolong senyum sikit bleh?".

Yes we (the seller) have right to bengang if the customer banyak songeh, or when you’re busy. But it was only me and, is buying additional items considered as banyak songeh?

Talking about etiquette, as a lady in business, facing many types of customer is my bread and butter. Being me, I don’t mind accepting any kind of etiquette, but I think I should share about this, since out there are many types of persons those have different kind of ‘fussiness’.

Email Etiquette, try to not sending:

1. Email without any introduction. Tak ada apa-apa, tiba-tiba je .. "BERAPA RINGGIT NI?". What ringgit? What ‘ni’? Please be precise on what you want, because I am not a mind-reader.

2. Using ‘Kindly please…’. Maybe you’re trying to be kind, but the word KINDLY is not appropriate to be used in the first email. KINDLY is to send a message such ‘tak paham-paham ke?’, as in the second email to remind the person. Many of us use this word incorrectly. Some people might piss off with the word ‘kindly’, as if  lembab sangat diorang tu.

3. Email with no greeting. Being me, I don’t mind if you don’t greet me, ‘Dear Puan’, ‘Dear Lyna’ ke apa-apa ke. But there are people who take this very seriously. Greet with a simple ‘Hai’ or ‘Assalamualaikum’ is enough to send a warm message to the receipient. They are human too, not robots.

Don’t you aware that our society is lacking of respect? How many time you apologize when tersenggol others masa berjalan2? Paling banyak ialah kedengaran bunyi decitan tak puas hati. Susah sangat ke nak cakap ‘sorry’?

Yesterday when I was driving it was a car driver pulling down the window and showed his middle finger to another driver.

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13 responses to “Etiquette and Respect”

  1. sya Avatar

    hmm, pernah juga beberapa kali saya jumpa salesgirl/cashier macam ni dan terus bagitau kat bos diorang.. dah geram sangat dengan diorang kut… sian juga kan.. apa la bos diorang buat nanti…
    .-= sya´s last blog ..separuh sudah berlalu =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      agaknye kerja yg berurusan dengan customer ni mmg stress kot. kesian jgk derang kan. tp nk buat cane skop kejenya begitu dong.

  2. Ina Avatar

    bila blk cuti ke mesia rasa mcm kena culture shocked sbb dh terbiasa dgn budaya kt sini. pelik juga sbb sepatutnya kiter org islam ni lah yg patut lbh beradab sopan. tp suka xsuka soon akan blk for good jugak. terpaksala terima hakikat hidup dlm masyarakat begitu. tp i akan pastikan myself n anak2 keturunan i supaya beradab sopan.

  3. bai Avatar

    masalah rumahtangga di bawa ke kerja kot. hehehehe
    .-= bai´s last blog ..Kisah seorang pemain bola sepak terlampau =-.

  4. fid Avatar

    ohhhhhh i pun ada cerita gini.dan peniaga looser pun ada bg emel promi biz gaya biadab.nnt me share
    .-= fid´s last blog ..update mengenai penggunaan CP dan sapu tangan buatan sendiri =-.

  5. knv Avatar

    etika satu hal. tapi jugak mereka2 ini tidak diajar untuk berbangga dengan kerja masing2. no pride whatsoever in doing their job. tak da rasa tanggungjawab nak tunaikan amanah. bila muka pun masam kelat macam tu, dalam hati toksah cakap la kan? harus la menyumpah2 kita pasal buang masa dia. GTH la woi! aku lempang kang padan muka.

    err.. dulu akak pernah gaduh besarrrr ngan sorang SA kedai dobi. silap la nak perkotak-katikkan kita macam kita pulak kerja dengan dia. bengong!
    .-= knv´s last blog ..kek voks ku =-.

  6. aidie Avatar

    our service sector is getting worst day by day in general. No more warmth that we are expecting when we enter to a shop. Same goes to online shopping. Some seller pun dah takde etika utk berurusniaga. Buyer pun lebih kurang sama. But in business, seller kena la tebal muka and jaga customer. But there are always limitations. cuma jangan sampai customer larik and menjaja nama buruk kita kat org lain kann.. Susah mau business ini macam.
    Tapi i have to agree, our etika makin lama makin deteriorate. ppl dah makin lama jadik mcm robot. It is due to lack of human communucations nowadays. Asyik2 ckp kat computer/mobile devices kannn…
    .-= aidie´s last blog ..Mothercare Sale =-.

  7. Ibu Emir Avatar
    Ibu Emir

    Tapi kadang2 mira rase, orang kite ni kalau mat salleh datang, tetibe muke masam mencuke terus jadi senyum sampai ke telinga..

    1. aidie Avatar

      saya sangat agree!!! i pernah kena discrimate in a coffee shop by orang Melayu kita sendiri. pergghh..time tu hangin satu badan terus jumpa manager.
      .-= aidie´s last blog ..Mothercare Sale =-.

  8. temp. housewife Avatar

    salah siapa ni? mmg kita tak cukup ajar anak2 kita pasal etika dan perasaan hormat ke? teringat pula masa kat Hamilton,NZ dulu bila Fathini(my eldest daughter) kena tegur sbb tak cakap “please” dgn ‘thank you” kat public library. Tapi masa tu dia baru 3 1/2 dan tak biasa lg guna “English”. So, in this case, kita kena malu dgn Mat Salleh la sbb diaorg mmg pantang kalau tak cakap “please” & “thank you”.

  9. kakyong Avatar

    Penah juga dpt email customer yg rude..
    x de salam, terus main order.. pastu bila kita reconfirm.. tup2 tak jd beli pulak… rela tak jual brg kat org cam ni…

  10. laila Avatar

    ouh lynna, kitorang baru je terrrkena minggu lepas kat paso tani… terus i banned kedai tu…. tu br i pilih2 durian yg nk dibeli, tp mukanya punyeeelaaahh “mase’ cettung”(masam)…. i suruh bukakkan bertambah2 muncung dia… ingat nk tinggalkan je gerai tu.. tp i yg tak sampai hati pulak… adeihh… susah betul kalo nk meniaga takde etika nih…
    .-= laila´s last blog ..Pencarian – part time maid-cleaner -amp tukang urut selepas bersalin Sticky entry =-.

  11. suna Avatar

    huhu….selalu rasa semacam bila nak usha/pilih brg2 kat supermarket besar…rasa mcm peminta sedekah jek bila tgk salesgirl kat bhgn handbag,parfume etc tgk kita sebelah mata jek atau tak layan langsung…..selekeh sgt kah diri ini…..mentang2 lah tak make up tebal skirt pendek mcm derang…..padahal salegirk je kot….ehh, emo lak saya…haha

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