Carry Cot, Pushchair, Carrier, Carseat or Sling?

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we are not-so-rich parents to be,so we find the cheapest solution to buy your goodies, but still in the highest satisfaction. people always mention that buying thing for newborn especially the first child is an investment. yeah, we are strongly agree since invest itself means to give or devote something to achieve something. so we give our $$$ to have a better you and better future for your siblings. that’s why we don’t count for each money flies into the supermarkets’ tokey as long as it is for your good.

we have no experience in choosing your travel set. only when we started our survey by visiting almost all baby stores in KL, then we began to learn. until we found out that the cheapest solution is having a travel system set with push chair and the carrier. buying a separate carry cot is quite costly for us, and we decide to have the carrier as carry cot even if it is curvy, not straightly horizontal like a carry cot. this curvy is not good for baby’s spine development but we hope you’ll just be fine. mommy will not putting you in the carrier for a day!

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for carrier, we sought for something multipurpose, i.e. can be used as carry cot, carseat, bouncer and swing. we went to several stores, looked for travel systems and try the carrier, whether it can swing or not. finally we found something attractive at sogo.this is safety 1st acella LX travel system. it’s a bit bulky but we found it’s very convenience and comfortable. we saw it as a solid performer, and the carseat has 5-points harness. the stroller also has trays for parents and the baby. and, we found the infant car seat clipped easily yet securely into the stroller to use it as a complete travel system. plus, the wheels have absorbers so that it won’t go toing..toing… and most importantly we adore the design.

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but we didn’t buy it at sogo. still sought for another options like graco, chicco, peg-perego, maclaren, recaro, sweet cherry, elego, cosco, maxi cosi, combi, etc. finally we found one at mom’s care 1utama with discount price! same brand, same model. safety 1st acella LX.

considering after your 1st year, you may not using the carrier anymore, we will spend for a toddler carseat later (we didn’t buy a carseat for newborn-toddler bcos its not functioning as carrier or carrycot). long way to go, still have time to save money! 😀 and considering spaces at miri’s shopping complex is very small, we’ll get a sling once we back to semenanjung later.

so many things to consider before buying your thingies. we asked around about the most popular brands and styles, read the reviews, compare prices, etc. and we found out that this is the best choice. the cheapest in its class –after discount.

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12 responses to “Carry Cot, Pushchair, Carrier, Carseat or Sling?”

  1. dilla Avatar

    hi there! selamat berkenalan.. true!! buying expensive goods for a baby is not everything.After all it’s just something that can be used by a baby for a very short period of time.hehe. Like me, I pon not so rich parent to my children.. that’s why lah my anak pakai baju cap PRIMARK (kedai baju paling murah) saje disini dan I cari baju2 di carboot yg second hand yg masih cantik dan buleh digunakan.. hehehe..jimat belanja.. after all I believe duit tu baik simpan utk their future education and etc.. plus how we ‘bentuk’ our children is the most important thing…

    u got nice blog!

  2. mommyA Avatar

    hi dilla!
    it’s very true! yg penting spend utk more important thing mcm saving & insurans for the kids, rite?

    u got nice blog too! still blaja & ada 2 kids. wowowow.

    wah tere masak! mintak resepi cupcake bole x?

  3. Kak Elle Avatar
    Kak Elle

    banyak yg nak di beli kan for first baby? but don’t overspend sometimes the things will not be used at all.

    congrats for getting a house of your own too….$$$ to spend again…takpe take your time afterall its furnished.

    take care:)
    masih di KL ke?

  4. MommyA Avatar

    kak elle,

    itulah. ni pn byk lg xbeli ni. weekend br ni dh blk miri dah. kat sini lagila xbole nak shopping, xde barang hehe. kene tunggu balik KL lagila baru bole angkat sikit2.

    bukan rumah kami pun tu, rumah company huhuhuhu…

    kak elle pn take care jgk 🙂

  5. blackpurple Avatar

    Belum rancang lagi . 😀

  6. MommyA Avatar

    blackpurple bole rancang utk si blackpurple yg belang2 black & purple tu. hehe.

  7. kakLuna Avatar

    akak dulu cuma beli stroller tu je…tu pun tak mau nya dia dok lama2, mesti nak dukung jugak. 🙂

  8. achik Avatar

    x ingat baca atau tgk rancangan, tp kat satu tempat tu infant carrier tu wajib ada sebelum baby dibenarkan balik.. huhu..

    mesti best kan perasaan nak jadi mummy.. hehe.. semuga semuanya selamat.. 🙂

  9. mommyA Avatar

    sal kt situ stroller+carrier dpt diskaun murah, angkat je. hehe.

    kat UK & aussie kan derang wajibkan carrier tme nk bwk blk? hehe. xtau jgk 😛 tp kalo kerajaan mesia wat camtu bangkrap r. bkn murah pn carrier tuh.huhu

    alhamdulillah. lama tunggu hehe.

  10. simah Avatar

    salam perkenalan..

    soon to be mummy ni memang otak berserabut on what to buy eh? reading ur entry brings a smile…it reminds me of my first time……enjoy the experience coz first time pregnancy experience will not be the same as the next n the next n the next n the next.. (12 kali heheheh)

  11. Mummy Rizq Avatar
    Mummy Rizq

    dont spend so much on the baby’s thingy. bukan boleh guna lama pun. rizq punya car seat tak digunakan. he prefers to be on mommy’s lap when travelling….

  12. MommyA Avatar

    hehe itula. tambah2 kita kat miri ni barang2 very limited. tu yg kene plan & beli awal2 everytime balik semenanjung. nk kene brainstorm apa nak beli.. pening kepala.

    mummy rizq:
    itula itu. kalo ikutkan hati semua nk beli tp bila pikir2 beli benda yg ada keperluan. mcm kitorang carseat is a need sbb takut bapak dia outstation kang xde orang plak nak pegang. huhu.

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