I’m not in the mood of writing about kids because my blog theme mengalami kerusakan & now I am in the midst of tensen teramat. Jalur lebar pulak very the slow these days (Dah IT blind tu salahkan Streamyx plak).
Talking about friendship.. Oh I like! I have lots of friends. I can make friend with anyone who wants to befriend with me. And I like to refer whoever reads my blog as ‘my friend’. What a nice blogging world, I make lots more friends! And I have many bestfriends. OK I’m not sure what makes a friend bestfriend, but as long as she/he can spank my head and I don’t care about it, and I can do the same thing it’s my bestfriend (Jangan pulak pakat mai sepak kepalaku pasnih!). Bahasa kiasan je lah tu, maknanya, tak kisah lagi tak berkira.
I also made clique. Biasala kan during schooling most of us ada clique. At school, biasanya my clique terdiri dari classmates. Especially when I attended schools yang ada gred for the students. Of koss segan nak geng dengan pelajar pintar, kan? At Uni, my first tribe of course para Kelantanese.Then I made new clique of Civil Girls, and Rakan Masjid. Wah boleh tahan.
And that was the last clique I made, the Uni clique. I don’t think I made new clique bila dah kerja. Lebih2 lagi bila dah kawen. Furthermore, my ex-roomate cum clique cum bestfriend (one of them) are working in the same office.
We called ourselves, KGB. Apentah KGB tu kitorang pun tak sure. HaHaHa. Ala-ala macam nama grup perisik Rusia pun ada.
The KGBians : Daya, Che, Nai, Laney, Cheq, Tij, Jatt, Kak Ina, Nomy & Yati. Missing in the pic : Naa & I.
Last month we have Cheq’s wedding and Tij’s engagement.
Saja je i promote event koghang.
Even if all of us have our very own commitments, either family or career, but we still updating about each other, and keep ourselves in touch, via call, sms, or ym, or email, etc. Lucky that we still have stories to share and still can hangout if anyone of us goes ‘outstation’ to the place one of us stay at. Furthermore, 80% of us work with the same company, so it makes the communication closer.
Talking to my childhood friends (friends I made before I become a adult), just refresh my kelenjar keremajaan. Cos most of the time we don’t talk about marriage, husband, kids and so on. Sometimes I need a break from my ‘fulltime-mothering’ job. HeHe. Usually we treasure our friendship journey and talking nonsense about life, like you never have any commitment to think about.
And I really think that, other than my own husband, good friends are also one essential thing in my life. Our religion also teaches us to befriend with others, and there is a term called ‘Muslim brotherhood’.
So far alhamdulillah, I don’t have friends yang backstabber or betrayer.. Time kecik2 dulu biasalah, immature. Now that all of us are mature enough to distinguish between bad and good, sendiri mau ingatlah kan. I myself pun pernah backstab member jugak masa kecik-kecik dulu. Biasalah proses nak membesar.
Hopefully I won’t lose my friend again, especially those bestfriends yang I can spank their heads, LOL. Thanks to the technology, now we can get connected via FaceBook pulak.
I still remember what Ustaz Nuri said masa belajar Islamic dulu, ukhwah (brother/sisterhood) yang paling tinggi ialah bila sesorang member menyeluk tangan ke dalam saku kita dan kita tak rasa nak marah. Wah, kes berat tu kan kalau di zaman ni. Berani kau seluk sakuku! Silap2 ada yang makan tanah.
It’s not easy now to practice the true ukhwah fillah (brother/sisterhood for Allah) cos serendah-rendah ukhwah pun susah nak buat kan – berlapang dada. Can you tahan yourself from having a negative feeling toward something fishy you friends do? Or be happy kalau your friends perli2? Apa lagi to achieve the highest rank of ukhwah – mengutamakan kawan dari diri sendiri. Will you?
Ironically, we can’t run from the feeling of jealousy, etc, kan? Cuma nampak atau tidak jer. Only with ukhwahfillah, then we can understand the true meaning of brother/sisterhood. 1. tasammur (understanding) 2. husnuzzhon (no prejudice) 3. itsar (melebihkan kawan).
Even if I don’t have a big shipping company, but I have a bigger ship to manage, it’s the friendship. Hopefully all our ships will last long…
TQ dear friends for reading my babbling cos I’m not in good mood now. Not until I can revert the old blog theme. Wargghhh!
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