Sibling Rivalry

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Sibling rivalry is not new. Even, the first humans had it. At the end of the story, Habil died in Qabil’s hands because of jealousy. Nabi Yaakob’s sons sent their brother Yusuf into a nowhere well, for their jealousy toward him.

Usually, sibling rivalry stalk out from their perceiving of losing parental love. Even if a parents may claim that their love is abundance, but most of the time the children can’t see it. Thus makes sibling rivalry is inevitable.

Actually sibling rivalry is normal and natural. It is a phase of children’s development. And it is a bit tricky for parents in facing this situation. Example, when 2 children quarrel, usually the parents would ask the elder to ‘beralah’ for the reason that the other one is still young. But for some kids, this will leave a feeling of ‘mommy loves my brother more and don’t love me anymore’ for the ‘biasness’ shown by the parents.

I am yet to face this. Yes, Hafiy showed his jealousy towards Fahry, but I took it as an introductory remark. So we showed him that ‘Fahry is your little brother, you have to take care of him, befriend with him, love him, protect him, etc.

A little boy like Hafiy sometimes can’t stop himself from hitting his brother. But I don’t take it as threatening. He is just a small child after all. He even has to be reminded over and over again to take care of his belongings, and I don’t expect he’ll take a good care of Fahry at such tender age.

To avoid hitting, biting, spanking, or anything that might injure Little Fahry, I never leave both of them alone. Even if I put Fahry in his cot and Hafiy is doing any business of his in the same room, I’ll make sure that either me or Bibik is there to observe. Its not that Hafiy is jealous, or hate, or doesn’t like his brother, but he just doesn’t know ‘who’ and ‘what’ Fahry is.

Usually when we are together, I put Fahry on Hafiy’s lap and show him how to hold Adik, how to pat Adik, how to kiss Adik, the right ways. But I don’t expect anything on him. So far so good. He even tried to ‘breastfeed’ Fahry!

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When Fahry cries, he’ll let me know if I’m away from the room. If we are in the same room, Fahry is crying while Hafiy is breastfeeding, I’ll say “Fy, Adik nangis, jom2 kita tengok kenapa dia nangis!” dengan suara cemas. Usually Hafiy will stop suckling and rushes to see what’s going on with Fahry. He’ll unremarkably pat Fahry’s leg (and sometimes Fahry’s head!) to make the lil’ fella stop crying.

At Fahry’s side, I see that he loves his brother soooo much. If Hafiy did anything on him, hit, spank, etc. he won’t cry. And when Hafiy wants to be fed at the same time he is suckling, he wants to share with Hafiy. So I have to breastfeed both at the same time. If I refuse, usually Fahry will cry. Bagus kan? Tak pening kepala nak layan mana satu.

But I know that sibling rivalry is not sequential. They might not having it today, but in future, we have to prepare. Small quarrel is good, as they might learn to tolerate with others and stick to their stands. Hopefully they won’t go beyond the line, as what has been said about what had happened to Nabi Yaakob’s sons. They saw Nabi Yaakob gave more attention towards Yusuf, and make them jealous. In fact, Nabi Yaakob did that because Yusuf had no mother, so he needed more attention. But they didn’t see it, did they?

Yes, of course I hope Hafiy and my future children will not have jealousy toward each other, especially when they grow up. For kids, it is one of their nature, but sibling rivalry between adults is really really bad and sangat keji. 

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7 responses to “Sibling Rivalry”

  1. mama emma Avatar

    my dad luvs my sis more… seriously… even aunties i pun penah mention..

    dulu masa kecik2 (la nie pun kecik lg :P), selalu bengang bila tgk ayah akak lebihkan adik pompuan akak.. jeles giler!!!

    smp la nie pun, mmg nampak la dia syg kat adik akak lebih.. tp la nie dah x koser nak jeles2… sbb akak ada ryan..

    muahhhhkakaka (gelak evil!!!)

  2. izawani Avatar

    Tak tau la nak kata keji atau tidak. Tapi, rasanya perasaan jeles tu ada yang bawa sampai ke besar. Cuma, akak tak ada dah jeles bila tahu apa yang baik dan buruk pada mereka yang disayang tu. Kehidupan kita lebih dari kasih sayang mak dan ayah… Banyak lagi dugaan lain yang menanti yang kita perlu tempuh… kan ?

  3. mommy lyna Avatar
    mommy lyna

    k emma,

    Sy takde jeles kat sape2 tp adik saya jeles kat saya. Tah pape ntah dia tu.

    K iza,

    Jeles2 minor tu biasala kan. Yg kejinya kalo sampai musuh2 adik beradik, putus sedara ke macam 3 abdul kes rebut harta. Tak ke keji tu.

  4. kakyong Avatar


    jeles & gaduh2 kecik, normal for anis & fikri.. la ni depa 2 org dah pandai gomoi Aliya pulak.. tu yg lagi kelam-kalut, kdg2 tak jadi kerja sbb nak kena ‘tgk’ depa.. tp selalunya ok.. On & Off la, kdg2 nampak dia cium2 aliya, tp aliya pun jenis kuat mjerit.. dah 3-3 masih kecik lagi, jadi kena alert.. kalo setakat rebut2 mainan tu, kakyong biarkan ajer.. yg selalu cakap kat depa “abang, kakak, cuba main sama-sama..”

    actually, sama2 jeles, they learn from each other.. dulu fikri suka rebut mainan di tgn anis, skrg ni anis pulak yg suka rebut apa yg fikri main.. kdg2 pensel abg pun dia rebut.. mcm tu lah budak2 kan, cuma kita sbg ibubapa kena lah awasi.. kena bgtahu kenapa tak boleh ‘buat’ adik..

  5. awesz Avatar

    mcm saya…
    bila si adik (10mths) kacau abgnye(3thn +ADHD) tgh main, saya kan slow talk kat abangnyer, main la sama2 dengan adik…..
    Bila saya marah si Abang kacau adiknyer tgh main sampai jari adiknya tersepit, si abang akan guna ayat saya balik…”Sama-sama”…(maknanya main sama-sama)..
    camna tuuu??

  6. qay6382 Avatar

    saya tak penanh jeles kata adik2 sb mak sllu lbih kan anak sulung….agaknya ngan zaffran nnti pun cmtu kot..hehehe…

  7. bAiTi Avatar

    I have half elder brothers + sisters plus my own 2 younger brothers + a sister. Derang bleh nampak if the father terlebih2kan salah seorang [err.. in this case, it is me, huhuhu..]

    But, it’s hard maybe bila cakap bab kasih sayang. Susah rasanya nak bahagi sama rata. Of course, every parent will love their children, but somehow mesti ada yang jadi favourite i guess, huhuhu.. Cumanya, sebagai anak atau adik beradik, ambil tu sbg satu jealousy yg positif utk jadi someone yg much2 better. Jealousy yg x positif, sgt bahaya kan?

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