cinderella ii dreams come true

  • Short of Breath


    actually i’d face this problem long ago. since i was a school kid, i had problem with my breath. shortness of breath. sometimes, especially when the climate was cold,…

  • Backpain!


    i would consider myself lucky for not having severe backpain throughout this journey (at least so far) carrying you. but i had it once after 8-hours bus ride from…

  • Eating for Two?


    one of the biggest myths i always heard for peggy woman is “you have to eat for two”. since before i got married i always wonder about the fact….

  • Why I am Writing


    my boy [m0mmy harap u’ll become a BOY], actually mommy xde tepikir pun nak tulis apa2 about my pregnancy but bila mommy fikir, this is the only thing mommy…