
  • Hafiy 11 Month & Adik 16 Week


    how fast time flies. Hafiy is 11 month old and Adik is 4 month in my womb. we still can’t notice any obvious movement from Adik (though he/she is…

  • TN & Orang Tua


    dulu kami di Miri, hidup berdua (bertiga) saja. tak ada orang kecoh2 suruh buat itu ini. itulah satu bonus hidup berjauhan dengan keluarga (cons-nya banyak la pula). alhamdulillah, sejak…

  • Separation Anxiety


    Hafiy developed separation anxiety since dia ‘kenal orang’. normally babies dalam around 7-18 months will have this. mereka cuma nak dengan orang yang biasa je, especially mak nye lah….

  • Aznil


    I.Mami : siapa nama Hafiy Al-Fateh angkat tangan! SAYA!Hafiy : (angkat tangan sambil goyang2 ala-ala Macam-Macam Aznil) II.Abiy : bye bye Hafiy~Hafiy : (lambai tangan gaya Macam-Macam Aznil) III.Bibik…

  • Series of Good News


    hoodwinked dvd gimme 5, Mommy! should i call these.. good news? 1. my 5-month attachment at KL started next Monday. yeay!it’s not about going to KL (with Hafiy, Adik…

  • About Adik


    walaupun Adik belum lahir lagi, tapi Mami suka2 hati je meletakkan takhta Mother of 2 utk diri sendiri. hehe. memang betul lain pengalaman dengan babies, even if anak sendiri….

  • My Big Boy


    it happened in a day! last week, he was still under my armpit. still nangis2 mintak Mami dokong. still majuk2 taknak makan kalo Mami taknak suap mamam. still malas…

  • Tandem Nursing : A Choice


    thank you for all the CONGRATS wishes! i need more than a day to accept the truth that i’m expecting, again 🙂 oh i planned to be in pregnant…

  • Happy Birthday Mommy!


    alhamdulillah. Mommy diberi kesempatan utk bernafas lagi hari ni. dah lebih suku abad dah. aduh dah tua! alhamdulillah Mommy diberi rezeki yang cukup, kesihatan yg baik, keluarga yg best,…

  • when the lights go out


    last nite during blackout, all of us gathered in the living room, with Bibik (there was only one torch light available & Bibik was afraid of darkness :D). this…

  • 7 Wonderful Months


    oh dear my baby is 7 month old today! how fast time flies… you have only 5 month to go to your first birthday! i reminisce back… what have…

  • this week…


    1. Abiy xde.. dia pegi Kuantan seminggu… wooooo~~~~~ 2. kite ada Bibik. namanya Bibik Nufus. atas gendong Bibik kt ofis ms antar Abiy. Mami nk holding hands ngan Abiylah…