My Super Kids – Memoir Delights Giveaway!

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Hi all! Giveaway lagi.

This is a simple giveaway by MSK, and our giveaway partner, Memoire Delight.

What’s Memoire Delight? It’s a site that offered photography and personalized printing… From mug to to recycle bag to bookmark to fridge magnet!


Do they look cute? Comel kan??? Sesuai untuk hadiah birthday

For this giveaway, Memoire Delight is contributing 2 digitized fridge magnets. What is it about? It is digitizing-personlized fridge magnet! Cool kan,having the fridge magnet with your own faces and your own messages? Like the one below…

Contoh fridge magnet yang cool

Is that all? No.. ada lagi 😀

The prizes are,

2x digitized fridge magnets from Memoire Delight

1x Fridge magnet from MSK (London mari)

2x keychain fromm MSK (London mari)

How to get all those?

Sungguhlah easy peasy. Those will go to our 5 top referral blogs (to MSK blog). Takyah buat apa-apa pun, but you’re required to put Memoire Delight’s badge on your blog’s sidebar. Any top contributors yang tak ada badge dikira disqualified secara automatic .

This is the mentioned badge to be out on your blog’s sidebar.

—–start copy—-

<center><a href=””> <img src=””/> </a></center>

—-end copy—-

How to be top referral? Senang je…


1. Put MSK link at your blogroll.

2. Put MSK link in your entry.

3. Write an entry about MSK.

4. Write an entry about this giveaway.

5. Kalau tak buat semua di atas pun takpe, asalkan tempek badge memoire delight, kalo nasib baik, dapatla top referral 🙂

The door will be closed on 31st July. 😉 Hurry!

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5 responses to “My Super Kids – Memoir Delights Giveaway!”

  1. […] saya nak sahut cabaran nih […]

  2. Fid Avatar

    badge pun dah sila pi tgk sekian, thank u
    .-= Fid´s last blog ..nasi lemak tambah lemak tapi masih gamak mak lanyak =-.

  3. YanaNuar Avatar


    Nak join jugak GA nih..dah siapkan n3..terjah la yek =)

    Kalau ada yg tertinggal..gitau ek…daaa
    .-= YanaNuar´s last blog ..My Super Kids – Memoir Delight Giveaway =-.

  4. eliss Avatar

    eh, eliss pun dah join…rasa mcm dah drop komen…tp tepek badge ajer…
    .-= eliss´s last blog ..My hubby Lari Dari Rumah Sebab Dipaksa Kawen =-.

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